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Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:45 pm
by Fel
I've been pondering the upcoming new book challenge after I finish Demon's Bane and do more work on Subjugation. I've built a framework of a book, but I'm kinda reluctant to go through building another world, lol. You're talking a heck of a lot of work to build an entire world from the ground up, and I'm debating taking the wuss-out option and simply basing it in Sennadar...yet I don't want any bleedover. I want the new book to be independent.

My current concept is this: isolate the continent of Myradon in such a way that it has absolutely no contact with the "outside" world (which is entirely doable), and do the project as a stand-alone book using an entirely new plotline, but based on Sennadar rules. Myradon would have unique aspects and societies/professions, like the Chuken, but the overall system of Sennadar would still be there, and the hints of Sorcery and Druidic magic would be hidden behind the leaves.

A little feedback would be appreciated. You guys know if it'd wash, and I trust your judgment...despite how insane that would usually be.

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:39 pm
by michaelsuave
The problem with seperation, if you build it in Sennadar, is that the main gods will be the same. You would need to either have different names for the gods, and a different interaction basis, or some sort of seperation, say the God of gods wanted his own bastion on sennadar and so outlawed any interaction with Gods on the seperated continent. OR, if you populate the continent with a variety of creatures, say from creatures who came to sennadar before it was cut off from the other etherial realms, that could give you some more individuality.

Or, :shock: you could have magic be focused around these little balls, that people carry around. When they press a button on the ball and throw it at a creature, it snatches up the creature. Then you train the creature and battle other trainers! Yeah, thats a great idea! and the best creature of all is a were-pikachu... um wait, :shock: I think somebody already did that one. But hey, got'ta catch them all. :wink:
~Michael 8)

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:29 pm
by Hearly
Fel wrote:I've been pondering the upcoming new book challenge after I finish Demon's Bane and do more work on Subjugation. I've built a framework of a book, but I'm kinda reluctant to go through building another world, lol. You're talking a heck of a lot of work to build an entire world from the ground up, and I'm debating taking the wuss-out option and simply basing it in Sennadar...yet I don't want any bleedover. I want the new book to be independent.

My current concept is this: isolate the continent of Myradon in such a way that it has absolutely no contact with the "outside" world (which is entirely doable), and do the project as a stand-alone book using an entirely new plotline, but based on Sennadar rules. Myradon would have unique aspects and societies/professions, like the Chuken, but the overall system of Sennadar would still be there, and the hints of Sorcery and Druidic magic would be hidden behind the leaves.

A little feedback would be appreciated. You guys know if it'd wash, and I trust your judgment...despite how insane that would usually be.

Fel, I'd say use Sennadar, because then later on, if you feel that a cross-over story, and or maybe just a wandering Were-Cat (be it any of them, and not Tarrin) they could be added without much trouble.

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:10 pm
by Metatrone
I agree with Hearly, and would just like to add that it will be much easier if you eventually, after the inevitable success of the book :P, deside to publish the Sennadar series just as additional info.

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:14 pm
by Lochar
Fel wrote:I've been pondering the upcoming new book challenge after I finish Demon's Bane and do more work on Subjugation. I've built a framework of a book, but I'm kinda reluctant to go through building another world, lol. You're talking a heck of a lot of work to build an entire world from the ground up, and I'm debating taking the wuss-out option and simply basing it in Sennadar...yet I don't want any bleedover. I want the new book to be independent.

My current concept is this: isolate the continent of Myradon in such a way that it has absolutely no contact with the "outside" world (which is entirely doable), and do the project as a stand-alone book using an entirely new plotline, but based on Sennadar rules. Myradon would have unique aspects and societies/professions, like the Chuken, but the overall system of Sennadar would still be there, and the hints of Sorcery and Druidic magic would be hidden behind the leaves.

A little feedback would be appreciated. You guys know if it'd wash, and I trust your judgment...despite how insane that would usually be.
Considering they didn't stumble upon Sha'Kari for 5,000 years minus the Sorcerers who originally knew about it, it's very possible.

I don't think you've ever listed the whole sect of gods, and you could take a small tribe of humans that were being hunted to death by the Goblins/goblinoids who prayed to their deity to take them away. Deity did so, and further more seperated the very large island/small continent from the rest of the world with the permission of Aiyse, as long as he has followers.

Thus, you have a group of people who's basic worship includes the deity but not everyone is devout to him.

And then you have the world of Sennadar to base it in, but unless Aiyse allows it, no one even knows. It's even one of those things burned out of the Weave so that the Priests of whatever were chasing them can't auger it out.

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:19 am
by Were_Fan
Fel wrote:I've been pondering the upcoming new book challenge after I finish Demon's Bane and do more work on Subjugation. I've built a framework of a book, but I'm kinda reluctant to go through building another world, lol. You're talking a heck of a lot of work to build an entire world from the ground up, and I'm debating taking the wuss-out option and simply basing it in Sennadar...yet I don't want any bleedover. I want the new book to be independent.

My current concept is this: isolate the continent of Myradon in such a way that it has absolutely no contact with the "outside" world (which is entirely doable), and do the project as a stand-alone book using an entirely new plotline, but based on Sennadar rules. Myradon would have unique aspects and societies/professions, like the Chuken, but the overall system of Sennadar would still be there, and the hints of Sorcery and Druidic magic would be hidden behind the leaves.

A little feedback would be appreciated. You guys know if it'd wash, and I trust your judgment...despite how insane that would usually be.
How about basing it on Pyrosia where you have virtually an entire world and history to play with? With Sennadar, you have all the gods, elder and otherwise so at least some overlap will be necessary. The story could be anytime after Tarrin gets the Demon Lord evicted or killed. Or you could start way back when the Dwarves came to Pyrosia ... but perhaps that is another tale that remains to be told. <grin>

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:27 am
by Spec8472
Were_Fan wrote:The story could be anytime after Tarrin gets the Demon Lord evicted or killed.
Who says he's going to succeed?
This is the last Tarrin story, after all.

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:55 am
by michaelsuave
Spec8472 wrote:
Were_Fan wrote:The story could be anytime after Tarrin gets the Demon Lord evicted or killed.
Who says he's going to succeed?
This is the last Tarrin story, after all.
Um, not even funny to joke that way. you evil evil man! don't give fel ideas! :evil: I HATE stories with bad endings. :x :x
and Tarrin not living in the end would be the worst ending ever! Especially after all that he's gone through.

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:47 am
by Fel
Actually, I have come up with a way to use the Sennadar universe, put all the races in it I want, and STILL isolate it from the rest of the world.

You see...Myradon is the Lost Continent...and I mean LOST. It exists as a pocket dimension INSIDE the material plane of Sennadar...a world within a world. Within a world. ;)

It's actually 2 small sub-continents side by side.

There's going to be halflings, elves, dwarves, all the basic races in this one, as well as a couple of unique ones. All of them are long-lost survivors of the Blood War, trapped on Myradon when the earth-shattering magicks that were thrown around during the Blood War ripped the double continent out of reality and shunted it into a pocket dimension.

When the Elder Gods closed all the gates, they also sealed the only passage between Sennadar and Myradon, isolating it from the rest of Sennadar. Myradon has been completely cut off from its parent universe for five thousand years, and it has developed its own culture, its own unique races, and its own history.

But some have managed to cross into Myradon...and then they discover that it's a one way trip. Grand Master Chu is one such crossover, who brought the arts of the Chuken to Myradon.

And of course, some of the book will explore that isolated nature, as the main character learns the truth of the world he always thought was, but turns out was never.

There will be some cameos as well. It seems for the last couple of centuries, this ghostly figure of a tawny-haired woman that's twice as tall as any woman and with FUR on her arms and legs has been seen all over Myradon, walking or jogging or running, but immaterial, nothing but a phantom that appears for only a moment, then vanishes. This of course would be Triana, passing close to Myradon as she travels between dimensions.

And I can always reunite Myradon with Sennadar some time in the future...which could always be another story. ;)

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:17 am
by michaelsuave
Cool. Yep, that sounds like it would work out great. Can't wait to buy it... but please don't drop subjugation and demons bane. pretty please with a Lochar on top :wink: ... :shock: um, sorry, guess that isn't very appetizing. :P Guess I will have to go back to the cherry on top. :) mmm, cherries...
~Michael 8)

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:44 pm
by Edengrave
Definitely use Sennadar. 5 reasons

1- Its already there: An amazing detailed and coherent universe. Why waste it on only one story? Saving your creative fluids for the plot and character buildings

2- The amazing background that is available for free to all future readers with the Tarrin's series. This is something that you can even market to your editor. they will immediately see the marketing potential as well as your already established reader base.

3- Future tie-ins. (we are alredy salivating at the possibilities) as well as further building of this already impressive universe.

4- Speed. You don't have to change anything. not the name of the gods. or anything else major. There's nothing in the tarrin's series that say we know everything about those gods and their aspects.

5- Personal pleasure. Your own inspiration seems to run strong in this universe. Subjugation is just as great, but your writing is more impressive in the Sennadar Universe, and you seem to find more pleasure in writing in it.

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:29 am
by Starstryker
Yes...Yes... all good ideas, looking forward to whatever Fel decides to write.....

meanwhile....lurking in the depths of Starstrykers mind....
BOOK !!!!....GIMME !!! GIMME !!!... ME WANT BOOK NOW !!!!

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:32 am
by michaelsuave
Starstryker wrote:Yes...Yes... all good ideas, looking forward to whatever Fel decides to write.....

meanwhile....lurking in the depths of Starstrykers mind....
BOOK !!!!....GIMME !!! GIMME !!!... ME WANT BOOK NOW !!!!
Preach it brother starstryker! preach it! :D

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:11 am
by Journeywoman
That sounds good Fel. When you put up the first post I was a wee bit on the scheptical side, agreeing with the others that changes would be needed but with that expliantion you blew all my scheptisism out of the water. Great explination and it sounds like its going to be a good story. Can't wait to sink my teeth into it :D!

Re: Ponderment.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:14 am
by Fawks
How 'bout telling the story of the Empress of the Urzani? The one who became Spyder?