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Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 5:12 am
by furry_wolf2001b
2 more swedes in this tread besides me! :o :D 8)

Hej, hej p er. :)

Its amazing...

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 6:07 am
by Journeywoman
weresmilodon wrote: But you're right. Leaving people ignorant just because they can't read or speak a civilized language isn't really fair... ;) :D ;D
Just because I don't speak Sweedish doesn't mean I don't understand what your saying. There is such a thing as an online Sweedish-English dictionary ;).
And what do you class as a civilized language? Because I bet if you ask anyone, they will say that their language is civilized.

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 6:34 am
by Spec8472
journeywoman wrote:And what do you class as a civilized language? Because I bet if you ask anyone, they will say that their language is civilized.
Not according to Greymist:
greymist wrote:what a bastardized mis-match of languages that english is

And personally I have to agree.
English certainly isn't civilised. (damn Americans with their "-ized" and other whacky spelling -- and getting everyone else to spell incorrectly)

English isn't civilised, elegant, etc. It's just a heck of a lot more convenient for me if everyone else speaks it (because I don't really know much of any other language, though I'm willing to learn other languages if someone wanted to teach me)

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:56 pm
by Weresmilodon
Well, I count Swedish as a civilised language. Because Im Swedish. It's my language. But, Ill readily admit that Swedish is a bit too stiff to read comfortably, at least to me. I prefer English when I read.

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 3:33 pm
by negativecow
well they do say that swedish is soposed tp be the 3 hardest language to lurn, and aqording to me their is no sutch thing as a civilized language. language has noting to do with being civiliced imho.

sewdish has to much englich in it to count as a civilized language if english dosent ;P

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 3:44 pm
by Weresmilodon
Blame the 'tough' teenagers for the English. They somehow think that it makes them more tough to mix in English words when they speak... But it sounds pretty stupid.

The more civilised Swedish people know better then that.

Besides, other languages keep massacring Swedish words, like Smrgsbord; Smorgasbord, it's just awful to hear...

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 5:48 pm
by rick
acording to my father 'english is the bastard offspring of Norman men at arms  trying  to make dates with saxon barmaids" sound like a goood discription myelf .

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 6:41 pm
by Taltos
weresmilodon wrote: Det r inte rttvist att prata Svenska hr!
yes, i kinda thought that that would have been right, afterwards, but then the rhyme would have been destroyed...  ;D

@ negativecow: at least valid for the german-speaking amongst us: i don't think that swedish is the 3rd hardest language to learn.. for me it reads like a mix of english and german with a lot of misspellings.. when a was in sweden some years ago (didn't know swedish by then), we were able to decipher the meanings of most texts/ads/manuals quite easily..
speaking swedish is another matter..


Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 7:39 pm
by Weresmilodon
Most people trying to learn Swedish seams to have problems with , and , both spoken and written. As for other languages around here, I believe they are all related. Swedish, Danish and Norwegian is almost like different dialects more then languages. Not that I would be surprised about that, what with them having been a part of Sweden in the past...

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:31 am
by negativecow
taltos wrote:
@ negativecow: at least valid for the german-speaking amongst us: i don't think that swedish is the 3rd hardest language to learn.. for me it reads like a mix of english and german with a lot of misspellings.. when a was in sweden some years ago (didn't know swedish by then), we were able to decipher the meanings of most texts/ads/manuals quite easily..
speaking swedish is another matter..

its all about the grammer and all the exeptions to the rules as far a i have hurd eny way what i have hurd its soposed to go

1 finish
2 kantonise
3 swedish

and as for german we swedish think that its is allsow very esey to lurn but that has to do with were our languages are derived from

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 9:35 am
by Mateo
weresmilodon wrote:...Not that I would be surprised about that, what with them having been a part of Sweden in the past...
That should be "..having been a part of DENMARK in the past..."   I believe we (the Danes that is) ruled in the Kalmar union  ;)
I must say I'm pleasantly surprised at the number of Scandinavians on this board  :)

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 10:27 am
by Journeywoman
negativecow wrote: what i have hurd its soposed to go
1 finish
2 kantonise
3 swedish
I think English and Mandarin must be up there though. English is difficult enough and I'm a native speaker. Mandarin (my latest challenge) is easy in some ways but the pronounciation and characters :o :o!
One thing I can say is Kantonese has an advantage/disadvantage in only being an oral language.

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:36 pm
by Taltos
i think that german definitely ranks somewhere between 4 and 10., where i put most languages with symbols instead of "alphabet" like japanese etc right on top of the list..

as many english-native speakers confirmed the grammar and articles (der/die/das, similar to swedish den/det) and writing so long sticked-together nouns gave them hell of a time when learning..

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 5:05 pm
by negativecow
well if you count it that way i think every civilized language is prabably hard to lurn depending on who you are i mean is mandarin or japansie hard for a chinise persen to lurn probably not comepared to english or eny other westen language

i relly dont know were i hurd what i sayed before but you cant relly compare who hard a language is to lurn with how hard it would be for you there are 6 billion other people out ther to

there is no sutch thing as a esey language to lurn there are just mor or les complex languages

Re: Galloway Sucks, Edit:  impatient reader, post=jest

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 6:06 pm
by Shadowhawk
It is always easier to learn the language from the same language group, or at least the same group of groups ;-). For example if you are German, you might find it easier to learn language from germanic (?) group of languages, like e.g. English, than for example one of slavic ones like Polish or Russian, or even harder baltic one like Lithuanian.

Besides, one might have trouble with languages which needs good ear (like Mandarin) when one doesn't have one...

Hmm... this topic is quite far from the one that started this thread.