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Re: Kharke

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:38 am
by riduan
borsic wrote:Oh, one more thing, but I'm sure that it is not really legal...

Goodness! I never know the above link exist! Muahahahahah....thanks borsic

Re: Kharke

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 10:13 am
by Spec8472
<asshole-mode-on />
borsic wrote:Oh, one more thing, but I'm sure that it is not really legal...

I didn't notice this at first glance... but uhm, be aware:

(1) This forum is hosted in Australia
(2) It's probably indexed by search engines
(3) Anti-Piracy people (and lawyers too) have access to things like google, etc (and more advanced means).

I think we can all join the dots... I don't know if posting a link to a site with some rather interesting not-so-legal-to-copy books on there is grounds for a lawsuit or jail-time... But I'd rather not risk it in this litigious society.  Sorry folks.

If anyone wants to host this board on a server that's out of reach of AU/US/etc feds, or that doesn't mind risking it... let me know. Else, I apologise...

<asshole-mode-off />

Re: Kharke

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 10:19 am
by riduan
lol! I guess we better remove that link. But to know it even exist was something... ;D

Re: Kharke

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 2:35 pm
by MommyDoom
Would someone mind sending me a message with the above-referenced illegal link?  I'd like to add it to my list of readings, if at all possible...


Re: Kharke

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 2:37 pm
by Saethiel
spec8472 wrote: (Oh, and when they say it's like CS Lewis's Hornblower series -- They're dead on, I watched every episode of the excellent TV series that the BBC produced from that series of books.)
CS Lewis' Hornblower.  I love it. :)

CS Lewis wrote Narnia (The Magician's Nephew, The Horse and his Boy, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawntreader, The Silver Chair, The Last Battle).

CS Forester wrote Horatio Hornblower (Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, Lieutenant Hornblower, Hornblower and the Hotspur, Hornblower and the Atropos, The Happy Return, A Ship of the Line, Flying Colours, The Commodore, Lord Hornblower, Hornblower in the West Indies).

I only saw part of the second series that BBC produced (because the TV died) and I thought it was a good rendition of the books; which are still better, if only because there are ten of them and they describe most of his life.  (Including charging about on a horse at the siege of Riga.)

Baen has also produced the "Posleen Disk" that was bound with the HC edition of "Hell's Faire":

There is another planned with John Ringo's next book "There Will Be Dragons" and David Drake's "Far Side of the Stars" (which is book 3 in another series attempting to have heroes buckling swashes on spacecraft -- the first, "With the Lightnings" is part of the Baen Library).

Fair warning:  John Ringo seems to like puns:
"This is the sort of shit I wrangled my way into the Regiment to avoid," Julian snarled, wiggling deeper into the enveloping memory plastic of his cocoon as the shuttle hit another bump. "If I wanted to make lousy drops on hostile planets under insane commanders I could've stayed with Sixth Fleet."
Despreaux laughed.  "Oh, Zeus, that's rich! You were in the Sixth?"
"Yep, under Admiral Helmut, Dark Lord of the Sixth." He shook his head in memory. "Now there was a character.  Kill you as soon as look at you."
John Ringo, 'March Upcountry'

Re: Kharke

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 3:50 pm
by riduan
CS lewis...duh! first author who "introduced" me to fantasy stories. Well amongst the others...

I think it was in the order of:

1. CS lewis (Narnia series) - from 9yrs to 10yrs old

2. JRR Tolkien (what else!) - from 10yrs (reread again when I was 20yrs and again at the age of 30!)

3. Ursula K Leguin (Earthsea series) - from 12yrs (reread again when I was 16yrs or so and again at 25yrs I think)

4. Roger Zelazny (Amber series) - from 14yrs onwards

5. Pierce Anthony (Xanth series) - from 15yrs onwards

And also was introduced to the following authors when I was 20yrs to 30yrs old:

- Tad Williams
- David Eddings (**)
- Raymond E Feist (**)
- Robin Hobb (assasin series)
- Robert Jordan (**)
- George R.R. Martin
- Katherine Kurtz
- Anne McCaffrey
- Robert Asprin (this guy remind me of Pierce Anthony)
- Rick Cook (wizbiz series)
- C Dale Brittain (*** another guy that writes like Pierce Anthony)
- JV Jones

And from 30yrs onwards
- LE Modesitt Jr (***** a five star rating for his recluse series)
- Steven Erikson (***** another five star)
- Harry Potter!!! (keep forgetting the author name - lol)
- John Gallaway (a five star rating candidate if only he decides to be a published author!)

I think thats all...might miss some though. But one thing in common in all novels I had read - the main character is always a guy (hero). I have tried to read those which have female as main character but it seems I always not able to "appreciate" the story lines and normally  stops half-way. Could be why I liked "Hardy boys" and not "Nancy Drew" when I was 8yrs - 10yrs. One logical reason - I always try to put myself "into the stories" which I read (thus the word "fantasize"!) and obviously being a male, it is easier to do that if the main character is a guy!

Re: Kharke

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 4:00 pm
by riduan
riduan wrote:2. JRR Tolkien (what else!) - from 10yrs (reread again when I was 20yrs and again at the age of 30!)
Well, I made a point to read this guy novels every 10yrs. You know, you guys should do that to see the difference. What I meant is that, when I was 10, I read his novels but don't really understand much ("high english" literature style). Then when I was 20yrs, I read his novels again and found new refreshing views - enough to really appreciate his writing and rate him highly. And recently, I finished reading his novels for the third time - due largely to the hypes generated from the movies. One thing for sure, I decided that I'm going to  read his novels again when I reach 40 and again when I'm 50 (with grandkids) just to see whether my understanding will improve as I grow older  ;D

Re: Kharke

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:57 pm
by Weresmilodon
mommydoom wrote:Would someone mind sending me a message with the above-referenced illegal link? I'd like to add it to my list of readings, if at all possible...


Yeah, me too. I got curious about that now... ;)

Re: Kharke

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:22 am
by Spec8472
saethiel wrote: CS Lewis wrote Narnia

Yeah, whoops...   my bad. :)

Re: Kharke

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:12 pm
by qhitch
Posted chapter 2, links in the first post.

Re: Kharke

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:10 pm
by canisd
you got the wrong extension on the rtf file link

Re: Kharke

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:27 am
by borsic
woha - sorry, never thought about consequences for GreyLib or this Webboard, sorry!

Thanks for removing the link from the board, if anyone wants to have it, just send me a private message


Re: Kharke

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:55 am
by qhitch
canisd wrote:you got the wrong extension on the rtf file link

Thanks CanisD, corrected.

Re: Kharke

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 5:22 pm
by qhitch
Posted Chapter 3, links in the first post.

Re: Kharke

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:32 am
by Greymist
You know you're addicted when you finished a chapter 30 minutes before you have to be at a university exam ;)

I must say thanks for the chapters qhitch and I'll be looking forward to any more you put up.

*hi ho hi ho, its off to exams I go*