Your favorite book by Fel?

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Your favorite book by Fel?

Post by Fawks »

I know this is probably already buried in the forum here, somewhere. But, I didn't feel like digging for it.

My favorite is .... well its two books actually. Weavespinner and Subjugation.

Weavespinner is a wonderfully long book that takes Tarrin through the whole of the western world. In that time he grows, matures and fulfills his destiny as a true Weavespinner. He also frees his nemesis and instigates his avenging his lost honor. Oh yeah. He also coordinates the defense of Suld. And, he kicks some butt in the battle of Suld. :D

Subjugation is, wow. Fel just makes this seem so real to me. The anger that Jason shows. His inner turmoil. His ingenuity. And his history. Oh, yeah then there is the Marine who is after him. Anybody would be afraid of a marine who is out to get you. Too bad she is also a occupier from an alien empire. :shock:

Edit by Greymist: You had created two threads with slightly different titles, I presume this was an accident so I deleted the other one. Oh and yes I love Sub, I'd have to read the Sennadar books again though to decide, it has been well over 6 years since I read the first book

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Re: Your favorite book by Fel?

Post by aberia »

for me it is ... Subjugation and in the Tarrin univ .. The quest ot BOOK 2 of the series

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Re: Your favorite book by Fel?

Post by mbeau »

My favourite would have to be the last book of his first series. The part where Tarrin gets turned back human, and has to deal with everyone is absolutely amazing. And to follow that up with him finding out that it was Jasana that then turned him 'were against his express desires, well, that was even more amazing.

I read, a lot, and I have yet two find a story, professional or not, that is written as well.
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Re: Your favorite book by Fel?

Post by Lokis Advisor »

I was dragged into this site by Subjucation and do not regret that for a minute. I have enjoyed all of the books but I am first and foremost a Subjucation fan. I would love Fel to continue on the two other sci-fi works but I know he has said that other things are higher up the list. I read all the other books between chapters of Sub, I think that all of the Fels work is top notch.
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Re: Your favorite book by Fel?

Post by IdiotPaste »

I'm going with Honor and Blood. It's really the turning point in the series. From Tarrin's long treck across the Desert of Swirling Sands, his trials to conquer his own demons about what he has become, crossing over to become a weavespinner, meeting Jasana and learning he's a father, finding the will to do what has to be done, and the incredible battle of Suld. This book is just great! Not to take anything away from the rest of the series, cause it's just as good, but this one is definitely my favorite (with The Sword of Fire a close second).
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Re: Your favorite book by Fel?

Post by Mizriath »

I enjoyed reading all of Fel's stories. Since this is a statement for my favourite story, I will go for Subjugation as I can identify with the character better. To each his own. And I am always eagerly waiting for his next chapter, series, books, snippets, whatever.
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Re: Your favorite book by Fel?

Post by kridengaged »

My fav Fel book... the one I am reading!!! :P

And Sub!
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Re: Your favorite book by Fel?

Post by Tarquinus »

I honestly would have to go with sub as my fav of all time :P and perhaps Honor and Blood as well. I can't really choose one above the other because I kind keep the
Two Genres seperate ^^
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Re: Your favorite book by Fel?

Post by Journeywoman »

Tarquinus wrote:I honestly would have to go with sub as my fav of all time :P and perhaps Honor and Blood as well. I can't really choose one above the other because I kind keep the
Two Genres seperate ^^
I tend to agree. Perhaps a better question would be which is your favorite Tarrin Tale?
Mine would probably be Honor and Blood. I'm always fond of reading about weird and wonderful cultures and customs and you can't beat the Selani, although The Questing Game comes a close second with the Wikinui.
(And of course I also love Subjugation but thats hardly a Tarrin Tale :P.)
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