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Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:10 am
by Fel
never came early.

I've started growing a little bored with EQ, though sometimes it comes and goes depending on what kind of day I have. I've been suffering from "been there done that" syndrome, since my guild in EQ has stalled and can no longer progress. Hitting the same 5 raid targets over and over has become the epitomy of old. On good days, when I can find groups for my berserker alt, I have fun. On bad days, when I can't find groups, I start yearning for something new.

Well, last week I had a bad couple of days, to the point where I ran down to the store and bought World of Warcraft.

But I haven't installed it yet. ;)

It's sitting on my bookshelf near my puter desk, patiently waiting for me to get up the courage to try to install it...because I use an older video driver and the "special" version of DirectX 9.0 that EQ seems to be compatible with, and I don't want to upgrade either. My current card/video driver doesn't get the infamous east/west bug that's a LONG known glitch in fact, the card/driver combo I have seems to be remarkably stable when running EQ (which is RARE), so I absolutely refuse to change them, cause even if I do play WoW, I'll still play EQ. And EQ > WoW when it comes to my system setup. No matter what, I'll probably lose interest in WoW when the new EQ expansion comes out in November, and I have something new to do. ;)

So, two questions:

Anyone running WoW on an older Nvidia driver, and if so, does it seem to work well? (old as in I have not upgraded my video driver for like 2 years. It's like a 6.xx driver or something, the original driver that came with my Nvidia 6600 card.)

And I know there are WoWers in here. Which server/faction do you play on? That way i can look for folks if/when I do finally take the plunge.

Cause eventually I'll muster the courage to dare installing WoW on my system and seeing if it works using my older driver.

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:40 am
by Hearly
I play on the Sargeras server, Horde Side.

Toon Name is Palp or Plog

I'm not sure about your drivers as I have a Nvidia 7800gts, and always update the drivers and never have any issues.

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:30 pm
by Finn
I ran WoW fine on my 5400, on my laptop. It wasn't at the highest res or whatever, but it worked well enough

I'm on Alliance side on Argent Dawn =)

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:42 pm
by montie1123
My lap top is about to be 4 years old and as long as i set the settings to low im fine, even durning the big 40 man raids.

I play on Baelgun Horde side and teh char list is long hehe. My mine as my shadow priest Reanimater, have a shaman, lock, and hunter all over 65 and a mage at 63 with a few others in there for low lvl stuff like BGS.

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 2:29 am
by Greymist
I have always played on an ATi card so I couldn't comment on that part but....
So yeah, I'm not telling you which server/faction my character is on because my account is cancelled :P

Btw, I'd try Eve-Online as a more casual MMO.

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:56 am
by Mizriath
A few more years and I can retire and start WoW.

I am still counting the years.

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:27 am
by Blyker
i played wow on my p4 2400 (4g ram) with a ti4600 card and i never had any problems not even in big raids. (i quit before the last expansion though).

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:00 pm
by mbeau
Greymist wrote: Btw, I'd try Eve-Online as a more casual MMO.
Eve-Online and casual MMO should never be in the same sentence, unless there is a "not" in there somewhere.

Personally, I am enjoying City of Heroes ATM, although my enthusiasm is waning after 3+ years.

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:27 pm
by J-Man5
Come over to LOTRO. It is really a good MMO.


Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:16 am
by Greymist
mbeau wrote:
Greymist wrote: Btw, I'd try Eve-Online as a more casual MMO.
Eve-Online and casual MMO should never be in the same sentence, unless there is a "not" in there somewhere.

Personally, I am enjoying City of Heroes ATM, although my enthusiasm is waning after 3+ years.
To be fair I have only played the trial of eve-online (twice >_>) that and my workmate talks about it every single day...but that said the reason I think it could be more casual is if you feel like taking a break you can just set a long skill training and not play for awhile.

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:10 pm
by Weresmilodon
Having played EVE Online for a few years, i can say that it's usually played the way the user wants to. Hardcore PvP, or trademoguls, manufacturers or whatever might need to be on constantly to keep up to date, but that's just if you want to. I personally play casually. I do a few missions now and then, trade and mine now and then, but mostly only when i feel like it. The thing most people have trouble with is the skill training, that occurs in real-time and therefore might need some planning if you want to make the most of it. I use EVEMon for that, it both tell me when a skill is done, and lets me plan far ahead via the planner.

I'd recommend everyone to try EVE at least once. It makes for something of a unique experience, especially the player based economy. And i mean that literally, there are very few items in the game that are not made or found by players. If there is another game like it, i have not found it, but if anyone know of one, feel free to tell me.
Oh, and another good thing is that all the expansions are free. No paying full gameprice for a few extras in EVE, all you'll pay is the monthlies.

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:29 am
by Fiferguy
Ok... had to share this. There's a new MMORPG, that I guess no one's heard of. It's the most realistic RPG I've ever seen, and the graphics are incredible. There are MILLIONS of PC's, and the NPC AI is unbelievable. Enjoy. :twisted:
New MMORPG.jpg

Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:29 am
by J-Man5
Funny. Very funny.


Re: Okay, I know I said never, but...

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:40 am
by Mistra
don't know, i tend to find the outside NPC's rather dumb...

and i couldn't comment on WoW since i play guildwars :D (no monthly fees) and i've got an 8800GTS gfx card, so i wouldn't know about any resolution problems