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MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:57 pm
by dadrago
hey all,
just wanted to get a feeler out there to see how many of the forum here play any mmo games.

I can only play EQ 1 on the current pc i have. as it's not fast enough to play anything newer. i built my pc a year or 2 before eq2, wow, and guild wars came out. and thus the city of hero's/villains games.

when i first started playing eq, i had started a druid. he fell to the wayside at one point, my druid's stuck on an old server and i no longer play him and he's stuck at lvl 41. when i started playing eq again last year on a different server, i started up a ranger (who's now lvl 63 w 60 AA's). i've tinkered with several classes. i had a lvl 28 bard at one time but the admin's or gm's deleted him for some reason (i think it was cause i closed my eq account for over 8 months ). i was able to manually twist 5 songs. but that got really tiring. i have also played with beastlords, shadowknights, and necro's.

at this time i like my ranger most because i had put so much time into him already. but i do like the fact that i can do double damage bow shots on mobs that somebody's tanking for the group (or raid) assuming they aren't rooted. so far, with only archery mastery 1, without trueshot discipline my highest bow critical was 759 damage. and my highest bow crit with trueshot has been a bit over 1400 damage. that really beats my 1.2k spell crits i sometimes get. so on average if someone's tanking and i'm able to use my bow. i hit autofire and also start casting my dot's. and generally inbetween the dot ticks i get roughly 3 or 4 bow hit's. (ever 6 seconds i hit the mob 3 to 4 times with bow). generally with bow i'm hitting between 250 and 500 on average. many of my crits though have been in the 600 to 700 range. it's just that i noticed my highest crit the other day.

sorry if i got to rambling,

ps - if your wondering current bow Composite Treant Laminated Compound Bow link going to allakhazam's website.

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:23 pm
by mbeau
I have played a number of the MMOs out there:

Everquest: about 2 months, but got really turned off by the camping
Anarchy Online: Free, just never really got a hold of me
City of Heroes: Loved it. Burnt out over the last couple of months, so I am letting my subscription lapse after almost 2 1/2 years.
Dungeons and Dragons Online - BETA only. Too twitchy for my tastes.
Vanguard - BETA only. Too new.

I plan on playing the Lord of the Rings Online Beta test this weekend.

I am also eagerly looking forward to Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning for a number of reasons. Some of them include:

1 - Orc-a-pult. (And yes, you can load yourself into an orcapult)
2 - An attack called "Right in the Nuts"


Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:59 pm
by Wicketklown001
I've played EQ, CoH, WoW, SW:G, and DDO.

I've got Guild Wars (couldn't pass up the "no monthly fee") but due to a slight graphics problem (everything looks fine except that the players have giant white boxes for heads) I don't play much.

I played free trials for Planetside, Matrix Online and EQ II but didn't have a strong enough desire to actually buy them though I may end up getting them via a Station Access Pass eventually so I can have multiple online games with only one monthly fee.

I've just bought Vanguard today and am installing it as we speak.

I'm pre-ordering LOTRO but won't get a chance to play in it until march 30 (not counting the stress test that starts tomorrow)since lag and over crowding means very little playing will get done though I'll still log in when I can and get a feel for it) I'll probably end up getting the lifetime membership that they are offering for preorders just so I don't have to worry about the monthly fees.

I suppose I'm a bit of a MMO junkie, I can't stick with one to save my life but can't stay away from them either heh. I usually have just one MMO active at a time but there's no telling when I'll decide to cancel one sub and start another.

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:21 am
by Downdude
I don't play any mmo games since I dont have a lot of time to play games. It seems a big waste to pay subscription fees when I only want to play maybe 5 days a month due to time constraints.

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:25 am
by zedd
I am playing EVE-Online. This one is sci-fi and not fantasy. You pilot space-ships through thousands systems.

You can be a miner, trader, builder, figher (against NPC or other players). The game allow the player to play PvP or stay away from it.

A great game.

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:18 pm
by michaelsuave
I've played lots of mmorpgs, beta for wow, guildwars, planetside... blah blah blah. Right now I just don't have the time to play, and guildwars got boring to me right before the major add-on came up. I really loved eve online and had built up a great character with a billion creds and a bunch of ships, and then I let it die and gave all of my wealth to my corp. I'm thinking that I would like to get back into it, but it is a huge timesink with the skill learning system that makes you get online and switch things out. Maybe I will just buy a character :wink: and start over.

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:16 pm
by Starstryker
Lets see....have played Diablo 2, Earth and Beyond, DDO -beta, LOTRO -beta- now, and EVE Online. Currently playing the LOTRO beta, and EVE. Main game is EVE and has been for over a year now.


P.S. forgot FFXI

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:24 pm
by zedd
then I let it die and gave all of my wealth to my corp. I'm thinking that I would like to get back into it, but it is a huge timesink with the skill learning system that makes you get online and switch things out. Maybe I will just buy a character Wink and start over
If you didn't transfer your char or your account you should be able to reactivate your old account.

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:22 pm
by Balthazar
I've played wow, eve and guild wars.

I got stopped guild wars because my wife threatened to kill me because of all the time I put into it. Then we worked out a compromise but it got boring because of no new content unless you pay for every new expansion then I'd rather pay a monthly fee.

I played eve for a little while but it seems to have a higher learning curve and I didn't know anyone else who played.

As for wow it was seemed fun I was playing a gnome rogue and having a good time but then I found out the people I was going to play with was all horde and I didn't like playing any of the horde so I stopped.

I'm thinking about restarting wow some time in the next couple of months.

They all have good features. The thing I liked best about eve and guild wars is you need not worry about choosing a server. Everyone can play with everyone.

well that is enough of my rambling.

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:22 am
I started with freelancer

progressed to guildwars

and am now currently addicted to Final Fantasy XI

So much so i realised i hadn't checked these forums for 2 months i think. I used to check 2 or 3 times a day... Sigh..........

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:34 am
by Journeywoman
All I can say is WOW. I haven't played anything else. I've ony recently got it (ie within the last 6 months) and have yet to get a 60 but enjoying it.

Re: MMORPG games and characters

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:20 am
by Dvorak
o.0 Thanks to these posts I've started playing eve-online. This game is really fun! And I haven't even scratched the surface of what I can fiddle around w/over in there :) Thanks for the suggestions folks.
o.0 If anyone is selling their account, I'll buy it offa you.