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Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:52 pm
by Hearly
I was sitting here at work, bored out of my mind, and I was trying to figure out Trillane's Motives For doing the Slaving and "worse" things...

I mean Besides some small amount of Money, Is it worth risking the entire house, when they already control all farming coming from Earth and all the profit from it?

Does the Grand Dutchess Know whats going on, or is it some small part of the house doing it..

Also with the Kimidori Knowing whats going on, Would they give Jason the Proof he needs to show them doing it..

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:09 pm
by Metatrone
Well I don't think it's that the money part is true. You know when you think about it - slaving is a criminal act in the whole Imperium making it a risky thing as you said, especially for a noble house, which after all has something to loose. Whoever is buying the slaves must be paying a lot of money. And even if the buyer is from outside the Empire the money should still be good to entice Trilliane.

There is something else though, I'm not so sure it's slaving they are doing. That's just what Jason decided. I mean they may be experimenting with the humans with telepathy or something. Yes there was a talk about money but if I'm not wrong it was the guards talking how much they would be paid.

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:41 pm
by Hearly
Metatrone wrote:Well I don't think it's that the money part is true. You know when you think about it - slaving is a criminal act in the whole Imperium making it a risky thing as you said, especially for a noble house, which after all has something to loose. Whoever is buying the slaves must be paying a lot of money. And even if the buyer is from outside the Empire the money should still be good to entice Trilliane.

There is something else though, I'm not so sure it's slaving they are doing. That's just what Jason decided. I mean they may be experimenting with the humans with telepathy or something. Yes there was a talk about money but if I'm not wrong it was the guards talking how much they would be paid.
I was saying "small Amount of Money" meaning unless they were Taking Millions of people, the amount of money they make off a small amount of people (few thousand/10 thousand) wouldn't be worth the risk to get caught.

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:45 pm
by Sangoma
In a universe where the power of an empire is judged by how mighty your telepaths are, a human slave force that can not rebel would be worth it's weight in Gold. Gold to be used for other purposes, such as to improve your standing within the House maybe?

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:52 pm
by Hearly
Sangoma wrote:In a universe where the power of an empire is judged by how mighty your telepaths are, a human slave force that can not rebel would be worth it's weight in Gold. Gold to be used for other purposes, such as to improve your standing within the House maybe?
Ya Sangoma, I can understand that, But the question still comes to is it worth the Risk of getting caught, I could not see someone in the position of Grand Duchess, Risk her entire house for a few million Credits over a few years, when they are making Trillions from the Farming of Earth..

A good example would be, Would it be worth going to jail for 5-10 years just to steal maybe 100-200 dollars from a convience store, when you make $5,000 a week?

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:00 pm
by Sangoma
Famous people get away with murder all the time. I mean, they are a noble house which know how to hide thier trail as well as any other great criminal, if they were sloppy they may have lost thier charter long ago maybe? They probably even used the Kimdori and that is why they know what was happening.

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:03 pm
by Metatrone
Yep I understood that, but it's only true if you see humans as a physical workforce. Faye don't really need human manpower - they have their superior machinery. From what I gathered they send humans to farm just so they have something to do, and so they are not in the way. I mean how many are we now 7 billion? That's enough to farm the whole Earth surface by hand. And humans are worthless soldier against telepaths, so that's not it. It doesn't seem any practical application for human workforce.
So it's not that number of exported humans that generates the profit.

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:30 pm
by Fiferguy
Except for the fact that the Faey Imperium is the only one that is entirely telepathic. Against other races, the Humans would have a chance as soldiers for the Imperium. The other races have telepaths, but the Faey are the only race that is ENTIRELY telepathic.

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:47 pm
by Metatrone
I guess, but telepaths are much more effective and it doesn't seem like the Faye are desperate for soldiers. Well except if Trillane is preparing to break away from the Imeprium...:D

God, I hope Fel "chapters" us soon, we are starting to really pick our nosies. :roll:

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:52 pm
by Hearly
Metatrone wrote:Yep I understood that, but it's only true if you see humans as a physical workforce. Faye don't really need human manpower - they have their superior machinery. From what I gathered they send humans to farm just so they have something to do, and so they are not in the way. I mean how many are we now 7 billion? That's enough to farm the whole Earth surface by hand. And humans are worthless soldier against telepaths, so that's not it. It doesn't seem any practical application for human workforce.
So it's not that number of exported humans that generates the profit.
Actually as Legion is showing, Humans are very effective against the Faey, as long as they have some Telepaths mixed in to protect them from attack..

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:38 pm
by Metatrone
Yeah you're right, but only in gorilla warfare - surprise attacks, sabotage, ambush - hit-and-run basically. We haven't seen a telapathic fight yet... No open battles.

Do you think Trillane is about to break away? I've been thinking about it for a while... Book 2: Civil War :wink:

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:27 am
by Mizriath
I hypothesize that the humans were being stolen... by Trillane to create mindless (after their mind are re-patterned) assasins... looking like harmless aliens but carrying remote bombs!! This humans are stolen, so what does it matter if they kabooz.

Faey looks too ferocious as assasins so they need something harmless and cuddly. :lol: Faey are not that peace loving creatures. :roll:

The Trillane most probably use this human zombies to control the kizzik nobles... ha. The only intelligent insect looking creatures in Buraba. HAving human assasins as guards increase the Kizzik noble status.

Trillane have a very big important interest in Buraba as they are the main source of military grade neutronium, a rare metal used for the production of armor. Thats is where the money is... Trillane trillions. Humans are peanut money to keep the kizziks happy.

Miz ... the plot always continues :D

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:28 pm
by storyreader2005
Metatrone wrote:Do you think Trillane is about to break away? I've been thinking about it for a while... Book 2: Civil War :wink:
Book 2 would be nice, but... I'm not going to hold my breath. What I really want to comment on is everyone keeps talking about "and worse" being related to Trillane experimenting on humans. I will agree with this basic permise and say that their _might_ be some experimentation.

However, I don't think that goes far enough. Trillane has committed a crime that could have their house charter pulled so fast they'd end up with a third degree burn. If this gets proven, they loose everything! So why wouldn't they be committing other acts that would get their chatter pulled as well... like high treason?

I think that Trillane is trading with the Skaa. Earth might be producing more food than the quotas require and they are quietly diverting the excess to them. This might explain why they are so egger/anxious to crush the legion. They have to meet the quotas or loose Earth, so they've had to cut back on their other shipments, and their trading partner is probably "not happy". And perhaps food isn't the only thing Trillane trading to the Skaa, how about technology. The Skaa out number the Faey, but they are at a technological disadvantage so obviously they would want to narrow that gap.

Why would Trillane trade with the Skaa? Besides the money, imagine if the Skaa supported Trillane in an attempt to seize the throne. If Trillane replaced Merrane as the royal house, I doubt that the Empress would pull her own chatter. And if she had the backing of the Skaa, it might be a bit difficult for the other nobles to dislodge her.

Trading with the Skaa might not seem like "and worse" until you look at the final picture and see a corrupt ruler that no one can defy.

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:32 pm
by Hearly
storyreader2005 wrote:
Metatrone wrote:Do you think Trillane is about to break away? I've been thinking about it for a while... Book 2: Civil War :wink:
Book 2 would be nice, but... I'm not going to hold my breath. What I really want to comment on is everyone keeps talking about "and worse" being related to Trillane experimenting on humans. I will agree with this basic permise and say that their _might_ be some experimentation.

However, I don't think that goes far enough. Trillane has committed a crime that could have their house charter pulled so fast they'd end up with a third degree burn. If this gets proven, they loose everything! So why wouldn't they be committing other acts that would get their chatter pulled as well... like high treason?

I think that Trillane is trading with the Skaa. Earth might be producing more food than the quotas require and they are quietly diverting the excess to them. This might explain why they are so egger/anxious to crush the legion. They have to meet the quotas or loose Earth, so they've had to cut back on their other shipments, and their trading partner is probably "not happy". And perhaps food isn't the only thing Trillane trading to the Skaa, how about technology. The Skaa out number the Faey, but they are at a technological disadvantage so obviously they would want to narrow that gap.

Why would Trillane trade with the Skaa? Besides the money, imagine if the Skaa supported Trillane in an attempt to seize the throne. If Trillane replaced Merrane as the royal house, I doubt that the Empress would pull her own chatter. And if she had the backing of the Skaa, it might be a bit difficult for the other nobles to dislodge her.

Trading with the Skaa might not seem like "and worse" until you look at the final picture and see a corrupt ruler that no one can defy.
Story, thats is an interesting Idea, and it might be what the and Worse is, I and thinking of that, maybe the And worse is the Skaa might find Humans Tasty?

Re: Trillane Motives...

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:19 pm
by Metatrone
I like it too, and Trillane is blood related to the ruling house which, if the Faey feudal systems resembles those from earth's history, makes its bid for the throne a serious one. It would bring a wonderfully profound political perspective.

"2 kilos fresh human - 1 credit" it doesn't get much Worse then that, does it. :)