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What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:51 am
by codewarrior
Okay I know kind of random but meh i am bored and I have been wonder kind of what everyone’s opinion on religion in general. Now please I would like this to not become a crusade for some to convert other to their way of thinking. Or an all out Brawl to see who is "right". And by religion, I am referring to more organized religion, than say some small cult of 30 people that all drink punch at the same time

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:38 am
by Fiferguy
We had this discussion at a festival I went to over the summer... we decided that there was a difference between spirituality and religion. Spirituality, we decided, was something that came from some higher being, be it the Christian God, Allah, the trees, or Niami. And religion was from Man, and therefore corrupt. Because the basic human emotion is greed--greed for power, greed for money, greed for posessions, etc, and since the basic human emotion is greed, religions are greedy. And as such, not something that I want to be a part of. Now spirituality I have in abundance. I've seen too many things in my travels not to believe in some higher being, and in other things that can't be explained by science.

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:46 am
by Metatrone
I quite agree with, Fiferguy, about religion and spirituality. But I don't think greed is the main driving force behind human evolution. When I had that "discussion" with myself :), I arrived at the conclusion that it's conquest in general that makes us push the boundaries of society, economy and whatever. Greed I guess is a important basic motivational force, but so are love, honour, ambition.

I had a literature teacher, in high-school. She was a bit crazy and weird, but then all teachers get that way. She made a rather profound statement about religion once, she said: "Religion was invented to justify the choices people make and to let them cope with the world by relying on the fact that there is a greater driving force. People are lost when they think there's no one nigher then themselves." It wasn't word for word, I've add same things but in general I don't think humanity would have survived without religion.

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:21 pm
by codewarrior
Well originally I was trying to keep the questions away from any specifics because I did not want a flame war to start, I only added endings to they would be a little less confusing. Also I was doing this late last night so the idea of this poll was basically stupid to begin with and also there is that little sadistic part of me that would not mind seeing a nice little flame war. :twisted:

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:40 pm
by Metatrone
We figured, don't worry we are working on it, just waiting for some religious guys. :lol:

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:30 pm
by Fiferguy
For some reason, I doubt we're going to see many über-religious people here... call it a hunch... :twisted:

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:24 pm
by Javna
Fiferguy wrote:For some reason, I doubt we're going to see many über-religious people here... call it a hunch... :twisted:
What!! I'm frenetic watching for new coments in the forum... if that isn't religion I don't know what is :lol: Hmm but the only followers I got are two Big men in white coats , and they always want me to put on a funny white coat that have to long arms..... :twisted:

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:28 pm
by Metatrone
Yep, I guess people who read fantasy aren't the religious sort. I mean running away from reality isn't exactly usual religious behavior, huh.So...No war, relax Spec, sorry cadewarrior :)

Visiting the forum for post isn't a religion, it's an obsession with Fel's every post. :lol:

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:42 pm
by SirVal
I believe there is someone watching over us, he/she just has nothing to do with good/bad, light/dark, black/white and so on..... And for this at least there is ectual proof, just go to :D

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:47 pm
by Sage4Eros
People always fuck up good ideas. Religions are basically a set of moral and ethical beliefs/rules that are designed to promote "right/good" behavior. As long as someone tries to aspire to live up to their own moral code, I am all for it. But people insist on forcing their own beliefs onto others. More people have been killed in the name of religion than I like to think about...

I am a modified "golden rule" kind of guy (and an Atheist):
Treat strangers how I would like to be treated.
Treat those I know how they have treated me.

Since everyone starts as a stranger, I try to be VERY nice (since thats how I want to be treated). Those who have treated me nice, get treated ever nicer until friendship blooms. Those who treat me poorly get shunned. I don't need such people in my life, so they are treated politely but avoided. Those who deliberately hurt me or mine get dealt with...

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:21 pm
by Spec8472
codewarrior wrote:Also I was doing this late last night so the idea of this poll was basically stupid to begin with and also there is that little sadistic part of me that would not mind seeing a nice little flame war. :twisted:
I find it funny that my option - "Think that it's a great way to start a flamewar (admin)" is in the #2 spot atm...

Maybe I should add a candy option.

- See Bush Bashin' thread for all additional flaming re GWB.

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:54 am
by Fel
Spirituality = good.

Organized religion = bad.

Generally speaking.

Reasoning? Because organized religion is run by men, and as mere mortals, the basis for the religion is lost in the sins of the mere mortals trying to run it.

Not all organized religion is bad. Some manage to cling to moral tenets quite admirably. But in the end, the corruption of the human sin stains every organized religion sooner or later, and the message is lost.

The Catholic church is a good example of this. It is filled with many sincere believers who try their best to be good Christians, and this is good. But the INSTUTUTION has become corrupt, more concerned with itself and its image than the tenets it is supposed to be spreading.

When a religious institution finds itself retaining the services of lawyers for something other than routine matters such as land purchases and such, then it has crossed the line.

And mind that I hold no ill will towards my Catholic brethren, or the church itself. The Church has done much good in its history, but the problem is that those good deeds are balanced by its sins. It has just fallen prey to the human sins of greed and pride...and like any person, it has the potential to be saved and become a better institution. But that would take true wisdom from those holding power in the church...who often don't get into that kind of position of power without becoming part of the system itself.

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:01 pm
by Fiferguy
Are you sure you weren't with us in Greece over the summer? That's pretty much the same conclusion that we came up with when we were talking about it. And I agreee whole-heartedly.

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:23 pm
by Wingsolution
I made a cult in high school where it was against my beliefs to exercise, because I am lazy. I even had a follower...

but god was listening, and had some sense of humor, cuz he gave me a legitimate medical reason to skip PE... ah yes that was all kinds of fun...

Re: What is your opinion of religion?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:20 pm
by Sbudda
I'm currently reading a book by Richard Dawkings called The God Delusion. It's a book that tries to describe the various viewpoints on the subject from a scientist's perspective. The whole, does this explanation satisfy Occam's Razor or not.

It's an exceptional book if you're into such a thing. It's does a good job of showing how religion isn't the bastion of morals that many believe it to be. In a brief distillation of his point - how can a system of morality consciously decide which rules to follow and which rules to ignore?

For instance, according to the Bible you're supposed to sacrifice a lamb when you have your firstborn child. No one does it - thankfully, because it is stupid - but by ignoring something that is in the 10 Commandments (the second set that Moses made after he broke the first set) it shows that the morals that they teach are random ad hoc selections and not reliable.

Something that all non-religious moral frameworks are at least honest about. Personally, I've always enjoyed the framework presented in a work of online fiction, John Carter. If it harms none, do it. Protect the weak from the strong.

Also, the spell check feature in Firefox 2.0 is totally awesome.