Silly Withdrawal Moments

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Silly Withdrawal Moments

Post by J-Man5 »

****Silly Withdrawal Moments****

What silly thing can you come up for Tarrin & friends or Jason & Friends to do.  

Come up with some lively ones and maybe we can vote on the best one.

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Re: Silly Withdrawal Moments

Post by J-Man5 »

How about Tarr & Co filling in for SG-1

Jack O'Neil - Tarin of course.
Samantha Carter - Saphire
T'Elc - Binter
Daniel Jackson -   Phandebrass

General Hammond could either be Played by Niami or Trianna
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Re: Silly Withdrawal Moments

Post by Belgarion213 »

I just like the dune Ideea where the barron was Vel. Remember he is incredibly fat and only walks with the aid of the gravity harness. He also likes the company of young unwilling men.
Last edited by Belgarion213 on Fri Mar 18, 2005 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Silly Withdrawal Moments

Post by Forbidder »

Lol, Tarrin and Co, and Jason and Co can do a episoide where they are really themselves stuck in a interdimensional rift where they happen upon a world where they have to become the actors who play their characters...

Or they can to a mind/body swap where the Sennadar chars get swapped with the Subjugation chars.

Tarrin can throw a birthday party for his house.  Jason can throw one for his gun.

Jason can go to some barren area and play sniper with his rail gun trying to hit some rabbits or something... (I wonder how far one of those rail rounds can go before loosing enough velocity to be inaccurate.  Maybe he can play at launching slugs into orbit after he installs a rail gun onto his skimmer.  Practice going high enough to clear all buildings and geographical masses, then launce a horizontal rail and watch it orbit.  Perhaps the slugs would be going too fast, and wind up shooting off into space since gravity isn't that strong.