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Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:45 am
by Dragon63
Whew! After 10 days of solid reading, I've finished Firestaff & Pyrosian, and while I have a bunch of questions, there's one that's kinda buggin' me:

In Axe Ch. 14, when Triana and Sapphire "finish" Tarrin's Druid education, Triana lays TWO tasks upon him... first, to figure out on his own how to do her "dimensional walking", and second, to create a five-layer Druid spell.

In Ch. 21, he creates that 4/3 layer spell for the animal speech, and creates the 9-layer spell of teleportation... but he never does figure out Triana's "dimensional walking" spell. And apparently both Triana and Sapphire are both so flabbergasted by his teleportation spell that they seem to forget about that first part of Tarrin's Druidic "final exam."

Continuity problem, or did I just miss something?

A minor nit, in Axe Ch. 4 (I think), when Tarrin meets Allia's parents, and spars with her father, Allia's mother's name seems to "bounce" back and forth between "Kaila" and "Kaira"... so much so that I couldn't figure out which one is correct.

anxiously awaiting more, and thinking Mother Wynne is an incarnation of Aiyise (sp?), the All-Mother Elder God of Sennadar, and thinking that the "Barmaid" is Fara'Nae, the Selani Holy Mother.

Re: Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:20 am
by Hearly
Dragon63 wrote: Dave
anxiously awaiting more, and thinking Mother Wynne is an incarnation of Aiyise (sp?), the All-Mother Elder God of Sennadar, and thinking that the "Barmaid" is Fara'Nae, the Selani Holy Mother.
No, Mother Wynee is either the GOG (god of Gods) or an agent for him, Ayise(sp?) doesn't have the power to control a Solar in the the manner that Wynne did, also She's against Tarrin coming home..

Re: Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:22 am
by Fel
Yah well, that's the danger of the kind of writing I do.

I release chapters often without editing them...often without even spellchecking them. What you get is the raw material. ;)

The "Kaira" instances are typos. Her name is Kaila. The Kaira instances are because I get stuck in little loops and consistently misspell some words, and like I said I often release chapters with no editing at all. ;)

The dimension walk issue is actually the victim of the evil edit button. That's a known error on my part. The paragraph that references to him working out that spell was cut in one of my purges, where I decide I don't like large blocks of a chapter, axe it all, then start over. And since I wrote about that already, I think it's in the chapter, where actually I've edited it out, and then release the chapter without the material. I've done it before, and I'll do it again. ;)

That's not the first "edit axe" error. The birth of the fifth sui'kun happened during the battle of Suld, which in turn triggered the awakening of the Firestaff, but that too got axed and was left out.

Re: Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:09 am
by Fiferguy
That just means you have no excuse to making us wait longer for a new chapter!!!!! :twisted:

Re: Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:57 am
by michaelsuave
Fiferguy wrote:That just means you have no excuse to making us wait longer for a new chapter!!!!! :twisted:
I second the motion 8)

Re: Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:52 pm
by Dragon63

Thanks for the response. Yeah, typos can be a pain-in-the-butt, especially when you get into those little mental "loops."

From some other posts, I kind of suspected the "dimension walk" thing may have been a victim of the editing axe, as you said, but wasn't sure.


Re: Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:20 pm
by Lochar
Fel wrote: That's not the first "edit axe" error. The birth of the fifth sui'kun happened during the battle of Suld, which in turn triggered the awakening of the Firestaff, but that too got axed and was left out.
I always wondered why it decided to appear all of a sudden like that.

Care to post the axed part for us?

Re: Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:47 pm
by Fiferguy
We'll even take chapters that aren't quite finished yet, too... :wink:

Re: Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:20 pm
by Dragon63
One other little thing... I've seen posts relating to the two different names for Allia's inu pet, most of which say that 'Kedaira" means "talon" in Selani.

However, in Axe Chapter 1:
The problem was, the herd animals upon which the Selani depended were deathly afraid of Allia's little pet, which she had named Kedaira, which meant loyal in Selani.
And how does one get to the "error lists" in the Sennadar wiki? I can't seem to find a navigation link or button for it... or do I have to register separately for that?

Re: Question - Axe of the Dwarven King Ch. 14/21 - SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 10:13 pm
by Fiferguy
If you go here: ... ng_Started

Go to the bottom of the page, and it tells you how you can register and contribute.