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No, I haven't forgotten...

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:15 am
by Fel
but, I'm now working 50 hour weeks starting last week. I've been pretty much well wiped out when I get home, because I've gone from sitting behind a desk for a living to physical labor, and I've had to adjust.

Once I get accustomed to physical demands of the new job, I'll be finishing up chapter 6 of Demon's Bane, so just bear with me please. Fel's not used to *gasp* manual labor. ;)

Re: No, I haven't forgotten...

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:19 am
by Spec8472
Fel wrote:Fel's not used to *gasp* manual labor. ;)

I suggest downloading one of those botting programs... it'll take all the hard work out of the farming.

Real life? whats that... ?

Re: No, I haven't forgotten...

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:27 pm
by Lochar
Spec8472 wrote:
Fel wrote:Fel's not used to *gasp* manual labor. ;)

I suggest downloading one of those botting programs... it'll take all the hard work out of the farming.

Re: No, I haven't forgotten...

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:05 pm
by kaas
sorry for being nousy, but what do you do now? which kind of physical labour? :arrow:

just my usual curious self

switzer kaas

Re: No, I haven't forgotten...

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:49 pm
by Were_Fan
Fel wrote:but, I'm now working 50 hour weeks starting last week. <snip>
Glad to see you got a job.