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Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:50 am
by Neysan
I don't know about you guys, but Pyrosia always seemed a bit bland to me. How many of you want to go back "Home" to Sennadar?

So, after Demon's Bane, How about a series about Tarrin's son Eron?
We Haven't seen him in a long while, and we still don't know if he has any kind of magic

what do you all think?: The Adventures of Eron and his Deadly...........   Curiosity  ;)

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:19 am
by zedd
That would be great!  Even more so if Eron didn't have great magical powers.  The stories of an "almost" normal werecat wandering Sennadar.

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:03 pm
by Hearly
zedd wrote:That would be great!  Even more so if Eron didn't have great magical powers.  The stories of an "almost" normal werecat wandering Sennadar.
I'm not sure if Eron doesn't have some magic ability, If I remeber right when he learned of Jasana, he remebered the Godess telling him through his Children.. at the time he only had 2, Eron and Jasana... so that would Imply both are sorcerers, Eron might not be very powerfull but he should still be a sorcerer by that statement.

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:32 pm
by Shadowhawk
zedd wrote:That would be great!  Even more so if Eron didn't have great magical powers.  The stories of an "almost" normal werecat wandering Sennadar.
Each Werecat has at least little Druidic ability, if only to detect the kind of magic and maybe detect Druidic presence.

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:51 pm
by Super_C
Or Tarra and Rina. Remember, Gods are omnipotent. :p

Yes, I'm aware only Kikkali can technically look into the future. Just something else to think about.  8)

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:14 pm
by zedd
what i mean is i would like to read a story about a werecat wandering the world, not about another great magician. Eron could have little magic, or a magic very diferent of Tarrin, otherwize the story would be a Tarrin 2 kind of story.

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:27 pm

Back to the original thread context.

I too miss Sennadar. I have made no bones about prefering the Sennadar stories and world. It is a masterpiece of creation on FEL's behalf.  And there is so much more room for story development.

I wonder about Erons inherent magic as well. We know he has some druidic talent inherently. Maybe he will have the ability for 5 or 10 cantrips as a wizzard or maybe he will become a high priest of something and curl Triana's hair.

Maybe he will show up at the tower and smile at his Aunt Jenna, and ask for a free education. After all its good to be related to the keeper and her family. He could spend time with his Sisters and the others etc...

I think as some others do that Eron has a potential place of greatness in the next book. But so many others do as well. The possibilities are endless and i hope Fel's Imagination is not.

May the Muse of Sennadar inspire you all.


Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:40 am
by MechCraft
here is a senerio, i think would have some potential.

a human wakes up half naked in the middle of a forrest on sennadar, not knowing how he got there. there are stone ruins around him. carved on the the ruins are pictures of a human, a cat, a mix of the human and cat.

he travells through the forrest with little knowledge of his life, survival in a ailien environment. a dream of a wish of change.

well my idea need work but doesent everything.

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:54 pm
by Addicted
That would make one hell of a short story.  Make the human from "our" world (ie, magic doesn't exist the way it does on sennadar, lots of tech, no other sentient species).  Maybe if Fel is bored enough and doesn't want to write anything else.....

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:43 pm
by Belgarion213
Hmm if the human was from our world one of the main goals that could lead to adventures could be the gods trying to figure out how he got into Sennadar with all the portals apart from Haven's being closed, and that one guarded.

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:14 pm
by J-Man5
belgarion213 wrote:Hmm if the human was from our world one of the main goals that could lead to adventures could be the gods trying to figure out how he got into Sennadar with all the portals apart from Haven's being closed, and that one guarded.

Quantum Leap anyone???

Sounds like some dumb earth human used some technology to bypass the portals!!!!!


Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:33 pm
by sOmeone
You know what the portals kind of remind me of?

/me pictures a MALP coming through the portal, and spyder destroying it.

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:43 am
by rick
Or the " Prime Creator "" God Of Gods" " The Great Numero Uno" ( aka Fel) Decides to change the rules . An other possiabilty is durring one of the Great magical moments like when the Weave was fully restored. Or when  Val and Tarrin were fighting as Gods.or When the Firestaff was reveled .There was a brief momentary flux in the weave and one of the onw-way gates/portals going out of Sennadar reversed and sucked some body in. or still a different possiabilty is a demon brought them in. Example a wizard watching through a magic viewing portal sees and falls in love with a person in a different dimision and summons a demon to bring them to the wizzard, there by ,bypasing the portals.  
Shoot I wonder if Fel though about that loop hole.
now before anybody (other than Fel) says that can`t happen remember it all ready has.durring the attack on the tower ,they summoned demons from the demonic plane and some of them brought other with them so it is possiable for a demon to bring in items from another plane

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:43 pm
by Lochar
It doesn't work that way with summoning demons.

Remember the projection that Tarrin and everyone does through the Weave?   It's only an image of them.  Their real selves aren't there.

Demons do something like that.  When summoned, their real selves are still in the Abyss, they just send a copy of themselves to whereever they were summoned to.

Re: Back to Sennadar?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:19 pm
by rick
Ok Lochar ,but If I may counter argue.when a Sorrcer summons an Elemental ,They creates a shell and the asks the spirit of the elememtal to fill the shell.leaving their true-body at home. A Wizard Summons an Elemental whole from the plane .As Fel explained that is why an Elemental has little problem working with a sorccer and has to be bribed or forced to work for a wizard because the worse that could happen while workinf for a sorrcer is thei body is destroyed and their sent home .While if the Same happened while working
for a wizard the would die or desrtoyed for real.
As A side note I belive as time goes by more Sorccers will adopt Tarrins attude toward Elementals as Allies more that servents.My Reasoning for this belife is as follows .
First Tarrin is getting more out of his Elemental allies when he summons them .He talks to them and treates them as the thinking creatures they are.
Second he`s trained allmost all Sorccers of a high enough level to use the summoning spell and also taught the his attude  about how to treat them.He shows that he has concerns for them besides what they can do for him.