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Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:10 pm
by Hearly
Wow, what a great chapter..

Once Jason starts hitting them, they'll know for a fact he's alive, But my concern from a "tactical" perspective, shouldn't he hit the dropships and sticks somewhere other than N. America? I mean that is where his Base of operations will be located, but wouldn't it make more sense for him to do his hits in like lets say Africa, or Europe? Then at least they'd maybe think he moved there and not stayed in N.A., I mean if the dropships and stuff start dropping like flies over N.A. won't they think his base is in N.A.?

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:24 pm
by phractal
Great chapter...brings things together...and should set the stage nicely for what is to come....hopefully soon :)

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:36 pm
by J-Man5
I guess we just need to haveTrust in our friend Fel. I also wonder if we'll see more expressing of latent telepathic abilities since there is an increased Faey presence.

Especially if the twins get their hands on Luke. And Mika and Mike start sharing thoughts.


Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:45 pm
by Spec8472
Hearly wrote:shouldn't he hit the dropships and sticks somewhere other than N. America?
From memory, N. America had the greatest density of farms in the Subjugation universe.

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:07 pm
by codewarrior
There deninatly is a corilation between non-telepaths and telepaths so... would it not be in Jason's best intrest to expose people (those that constent to the experiment of course) to tons of sending untill thier minds react and adpat and also become telepathic. Yes this will kind of happen any was slowly with those that have affairs with telepaths (aka jason) but do this in sort of an acelorated way. I dont know shove everyone in a room and just send at them 24 /7 till they get it?

okay i have put in my 2 cent now i must get back to school work :(

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:40 am
by zedd
would it not be in Jason's best intrest to expose people (those that constent to the experiment of course) to tons of sending untill thier minds react and adpat and also become telepathic.
mmm i seems to remember an hint from Fel (i think) saying that all telepathic humans could be traced back to a single location through their ancesters. If that's the case this experiment wouldn't work unless for some reason more of Jason's people have ancesters from that place, which would be a GREAT coincidense

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:19 am
by Fiferguy
I really like the idea of using mines. Especially with Jason's new "stealth" tech, he could hide them till it's too late. I wonder though, is there anything he could think of to go after the actual docking/landing facilities? I mean, if there aren't any warehouses for the ships to dock at, wouldn't that serve the same purpose? And though it'd be harder to take those out, they would also be non-moving targets.

Just an idea. But if we've seen anything with Fel, it's that we're usually wrong. :wink:

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:10 pm
by Javna
Hearly wrote:Wow, what a great chapter..

Once Jason starts hitting them, they'll know for a fact he's alive, But my concern from a "tactical" perspective, shouldn't he hit the dropships and sticks somewhere other than N. America? I mean that is where his Base of operations will be located, but wouldn't it make more sense for him to do his hits in like lets say Africa, or Europe? Then at least they'd maybe think he moved there and not stayed in N.A., I mean if the dropships and stuff start dropping like flies over N.A. won't they think his base is in N.A.?

And just attack in America. He nead to have simultaneously attacks all over to do more damge. Not to stop it complete but to make Trillane hurt a bit more and to confuse her to were, who and why.
Just to attack in one continent is to beg that that part off the plante, to be over rund with trigger-happy Aliens with guns :D

Finished 38 page and thought I WANT MORE... But I have to wait till next time
I really like the story it gets 9.9 phasers out of 10
I Really relly like the story

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:11 pm
by Journeywoman
Hearly wrote:Wow, what a great chapter..

Once Jason starts hitting them, they'll know for a fact he's alive, But my concern from a "tactical" perspective, shouldn't he hit the dropships and sticks somewhere other than N. America? I mean that is where his Base of operations will be located, but wouldn't it make more sense for him to do his hits in like lets say Africa, or Europe? Then at least they'd maybe think he moved there and not stayed in N.A., I mean if the dropships and stuff start dropping like flies over N.A. won't they think his base is in N.A.?
I think part of it is shear logistics of attacking another continent. For one they are more versed in N.A. region but also travel time (i foget how long it took Jayce to get to Hawaii) and 'fitting in' could be an issue as white people aren't the norm in other continents, which could be noted and picked up by the Faey.

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:48 pm
by Astardis
I really like the idea of using mines. Especially with Jason's new "stealth" tech, he could hide them till it's too late
He should not use his stealth technology for those mines and 'pidgeons'. As you all remember, Jason uses existing Faey technology just in a very creative way. If the Faey get their hands on one of the mines and such, they basically know all about his stealth, and they will get them sooner or later. If Jason starts using mines in the hundreds or even thousends one will fail, gets capured ... even with self destruct or something. It is the law of probability.

So he should make them cheap, small and like he said, inactive until it attacks. That should make them effective and the chance to loose his stealth advantage would be nil.

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:20 am
by Fel
Fiferguy wrote:I really like the idea of using mines. Especially with Jason's new "stealth" tech, he could hide them till it's too late. I wonder though, is there anything he could think of to go after the actual docking/landing facilities? I mean, if there aren't any warehouses for the ships to dock at, wouldn't that serve the same purpose? And though it'd be harder to take those out, they would also be non-moving targets.

Just an idea. But if we've seen anything with Fel, it's that we're usually wrong. :wink:
This one I just couldn't pass up without commenting.

Going after supply docks wouldn't work as well as you might think, because there aren't true "docking facilities" for Jason to attack. Food is loaded into containers on the farms, then it's shipped to central facilities where the containers are stored in open areas. The food never leaves those containers until it arrives on Draconis.

Now, perhaps you see the problem. There's no cranes, no docking platorms, no buildings to go after...just huge fenced-in fields holding stacks and stacks of containers. True, Jason could attack these storage areas, but all he can really destroy is the fence itself and the containers, but destroying large complements of food would be very dangerous. It could invite the wrath of Empress Dahnai.

The only docking facilities Jason could really hit are the ones in orbit around Earth, on the orbital space station used for loading the freighters. This would be quite difficult, however, because the station is an armed, armored, military facility. To put it in modern terms, it would be like a Special Forces unit trying to infiltrate an aircraft carrier and sabotaging its aircraft elevators. Theoretically possible, but REALLY hard.

There are some facilities that Jason can attack to produce his intended chaos...but I'll leave those as a surprise. ;)

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:41 am
by Fel
Astardis wrote:He should not use his stealth technology for those mines and 'pidgeons'. As you all remember, Jason uses existing Faey technology just in a very creative way.
Ah, someone sees the truth of it. ;)

What Jason thought up isn't anything that some other Faey scientist hasn't thought up some time in the past. The difference is, Jason applies those ideas in ways that the Faey either deemed impractical or discarded for superior technology.

Here's a secret for you...the Faey too have "stealth" technology. It's quite different than Jason's, but it follows similar fundamental aspects of defeating sensors and masking--as much as possible--the effect of the craft on space. Faey stealth is far superior to Jason's concept, but the main issue here is:

1: They never expected him to come up with something so advanced.

2: They may have similar tech out there, but they do not know how his system works. Since they don't know HOW his stealth stops their sensors, they can't effectively counter it.

Faey stealth actually works quite differently than Jason's concept. Their stealth technology creates a weak bubble of curved space around the craft, causing sensor energy to follow the curve of space and literally flow around the ship. Think of it as a stealth shield, an external energy field that bends sensor energy around the craft, causing it to passively avoid sensors, but it doesn't affect certain energy forms, or visible light. It also "fills in" the gravometric impression the craft's mass has on space, allowing it to also defeat passive gravometric sensors, something Jason's system cannot do.

Sound familiar? It should, because Jason actually thought of this approach, but he discarded it because it would be too complicated for him to develop alone.

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:10 am
by Lokis Advisor
This is just a thought based on "the mines" that Jason has thought up.
Jasons "mines" that hack the on board computer could also do something else other than cause "The Sticks" to fall from the sky. Once it hacks the computer they could reprogram the destination of the load or redesignate the cargo as something else other than what is actually inside.
The cost to a huge commercial organisation like Trillane would be small at first but if it were done hundreds or thousands of times would be staggering in cost to fix as well as cause a disintegration of the reputation of Trillane as a supplier of food.
I have seen in human terms what happens to just one mislabelled shipping container which cost 15 times the value of the goods inside to fix the paperwork with customs and importers and everyone up and down the production chain.
Since the cargo containers are just sitting around in big fenced in fields Jasons forces could seed the containers with stealthed re-programmers that would spread this chaos in huge numbers. No body gets killed but the hurt on Trillane could be very large and very very costly after a while.
What would happen if Trillane couldn't pay its troops?

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:10 pm
by thisandthat
Lokis Advisor wrote:This is just a thought based on "the mines" that Jason has thought up. Jasons "mines" that hack the on board computer could ... hack the computer they could reprogram the destination of the load or redesignate the cargo as something else other than what is actually inside.

I have seen in human terms what happens to just one mislabelled shipping container which cost 15 times the value of the goods inside to fix the paperwork with customs and importers and everyone up and down the production chain.
This is true, I have seen it my self. Three people spending the whole day fixing the load list paper work on a box of ten cent parts.

Re: Sub Chap 13... Spoilers.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:47 am
by Sage4Eros
I had an idea for how Jason could easily dig and brace his tunnel in his secret mountain lair.

Jason needs to construct a tunnel in a stone mountain. He just patented a device for Liquefying Fey concrete for construction purposes. Modify the device to work on stone and he has a solution. Something like this:

First- make a braced metal tube big enough for a Stick to fly through by forming a flimsy frame of some material (like plastic) and then spraying it with Titanium until the Titanium is thick enough.

Second- mount one of his acoustic Liquefiers to it that can be tuned to liquefy the stone the Mountain is made of. Make it re-tunable incase he hits a pocket of different mineral.

Third- Make a brace on the interior ceiling of the Tube so that a Stick can lock its roof to the brace from the inside and lift/fly with it.

Fourth- Lift the tube with the Stick and turn on the Liquefier using the Metal of the tube to guide/channel the sound waves and then slowly fly INTO the stone of the mountain at an upward angle. The Tube will push into the stone wall as it liquefies and runs down the bottom of the tube/pipe. When the end of tube/pipe gets to the other side you stop the Stick and wait for the Liquid Stone to finish draining out of the tube, then turn off the Liquefier. You now have a metal pipe/tunnel wide enough for a Stick and the Titanium acts as the bracing.

Just a thought...