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How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:43 pm
by Super C
I was just thinking back to how I stumbled across this website. I wasn't even looking for something to read. I was trying my dangdest to figure out the other name for a Marilith and typed that into the google tool bar. Of course dozens of D&D stats and pictures came up and one small blurb in what looked to be a story of some sort. It turned out to be chapter 35 of Honor and Blood. I finihsed reading out the chapters and realized it was part of a book, started the book from the beginning and realized it was book 3 of a series, then started all the way from the beginning. Been addicted ever since... :)

Oh, and the word that started all of this was Tanar' ri. :D

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:57 pm
by MommyDoom
Super C wrote:I was just thinking back to how I stumbled across this website. I wasn't even looking for something to read. I was trying my dangdest to figure out the other name for a Marilith and typed that into the google tool bar. Of course dozens of D&D stats and pictures came up and one small blurb in what looked to be a story of some sort. It turned out to be chapter 35 of Honor and Blood. I finihsed reading out the chapters and realized it was part of a book, started the book from the beginning and realized it was book 3 of a series, then started all the way from the beginning. Been addicted ever since... :)

Oh, and the word that started all of this was Tanar' ri. :D
Gads, if I remember correctly a buddy of mine (Fester) who has known Fel for ages and used to be on IRC a lot told me about Tarrin and Co. Funny thing is, now Fester doesn't have time to keep up with the story and I'm still hopelessly addicted. :o)


Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:09 am
by Lochar
Hmm, if I remember correctly, it was a link given to me from a fanfic author. Can't remember which one.

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:22 am
by J-Man5
Mine was a link on that was reader contributed.


Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:55 am
by Solarstorm
I was playing EQ when a guy in my guild turned me on to Tarrin. He no longer plays and nor do I but I am still addicted to Fel's work. Lol I am been addicted just as long to his writing was I was to EQ and check the website for updates more then I did looking up stuff to play EQ.

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:08 am
by Shadowhawk
J-Man5 wrote:Mine was a link on that was reader contributed.
Me too (from, to, to EWP). Many thanks to whoever contributed it.

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:57 am
by sOmeone

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:02 pm
by Metatrone
I "StumbleUpon" it. I was using the StumbleUpon plugin for Firefox and someone had posted the site on that bookmark comunity. So I liked the intoduction on the mainpage of - the Ware-cat-Druid-Sorcerer-Kicking-Ass thing - and I started reading...

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:43 pm
by Fiferguy
Seems like Ewpub is a common place.... I too stumbled on here from there. It's funny, I used to work for an IT helpdesk, and I would spend hours just sitting there, and I would read to pass the time. The problem was, I had to be really careful what I read, because Pr0n was frowned upon...but Tarrin and Co. was perfect. :-) Got me hooked...

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:19 pm
by Wildcat
Hm, that was so long ago it's hard to remember, but I was on Elfwood, and someone had posted a link to Fel's stuff in the comments section of one of my favorite authors. Since I was finished with that story, I wanted something new and was hooked almost instantly.

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:30 pm
by Mark_Reed
I came in while the early parts of Axe were being written. The first *reference* to Tarrin Kael was someone posting a link to the Frank Downey yahoo group. (I vaguely recall the linker saying something about, so there ya go.) I didn't actually read it until a week or two later, when a friend recommended it. She'd been reading it before the yahoo group link. As with everyone else, I fell instantly addicted.

Is there *anyone* who reads this board who didn't immediately become addicted to the series? Just curious.

Anywhoo, my friend ended up dropping out during Sword of Fire (the great Dwarf-Demon battle). But I'm still hooked. Odd how many of us were referenced to the story by people who don't read it anymore...

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:51 am
by Journeywoman
Mark_Reed wrote:Anywhoo, my friend ended up dropping out during Sword of Fire (the great Dwarf-Demon battle). But I'm still hooked. Odd how many of us were referenced to the story by people who don't read it anymore...
Yeah I know, my brother introduced me to it and last I checked he had stopped reading.

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:07 am
by Fawks
J-Man5 wrote:Mine was a link on that was reader contributed.

Like J-Man5, I was refered here by EWP. I used to stay on EWP's IRC chatroom while unemployed. While there I heard several references to Sennadar and to Rapina. Yes, I was hooked on my first reading of both.

Fawks JR|away

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:06 am
by matrix
I was give the whole Firestaff series in doc format by a friend at work. So when I finished it I went on the internet and looked for the books and found the sennadar site . Since then I've given the series to three friends and one of them is also still here.

Re: How did eveyone find out about the Firestaff series?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:05 pm
by Edengrave
As for me; I was wandering the net searching for the penultimate time for something new to read. I finaly decided to take a look at the ewpub link page which I had been neglecting, and found the firestaff series. The description immediately hooked me, but I was sceptic. It was just a little bit too good to be true, I was half expecting another short nover hurriedly done and amateurish. I can honestly say that to this day I haven't recovered from the shock. I generaly hate superlative, but in the fantasy genre, this is the best thing that happened to me bar none. The malazan book of the fallen, and the war of light of shadows come in distant second place thanx again Fel