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Question about Tarrin

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:48 pm
by J-Man5
I was re-reading Tower of Sorcery (starting the whole series over) for the umpteenth time. In chapter 1 of ToS Tarrin is described as handling more weapons and combat techniques than most villages or many fighters. This was due to his parents influence. So what kind of farmer was Eron and would Tarrin ever be much of a farmer?

Can you just picture this:

An elderly looking Were-Cat wereing a white suit and white hat (like Col. Sanders from KFC fame) looking out over his plantation. The workers in the fields are mephits summoned by his Druid magic. He says: "I do believe there be a storm named Jesmind brewing. Best git everyone inside for shelter.


Just a random Kael chronicles thought from an insane mind.


Re: Question about Tarrin

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:54 pm
by Fel
As a farmer, he was "good enough."

Eron really only farmed hops and barley, to use in brewing.

Fletching and Eron's pension were the Kael household's primary source of income, though they didn't really spend all that much money.

Re: Question about Tarrin

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:45 am
by J-Man5
So how good a farmer would Tarrin be? Without depending on any of his Magics?


Re: Question about Tarrin

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:22 am
by Lochar
J-Man5 wrote:So how good a farmer would Tarrin be? Without depending on any of his Magics?

Probably not very good. I can't see his Were mentality allowing him to do the day in, day out menial chores that a full on farm would bring.