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Political Discussions

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:51 pm
by Fiferguy
In the words of our illustrious (read: braindead) president, "Bring it on." :twisted:

Edited by Spec8472 (for new topic):

Since the "Obsession" thread started going way off topic, relieve all your political stresses here.

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:30 pm
by Lochar
Fiferguy wrote:In the words of our illustrious (read: braindead) president, "Bring it on." :twisted:
Huh. I thought his quote was: "Attack first, before they attack us."

Edit --

"And when no one else is left standing, we're all finally safe."

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:53 am
by sOmeone
Fiferguy wrote:In the words of our illustrious (read: braindead) president, "Bring it on." :twisted:
*sigh* I was wondering when somebody would start Bush Bashing. I was actualy amazed that it took this long.

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:45 am
by Lochar
sOmeone wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:In the words of our illustrious (read: braindead) president, "Bring it on." :twisted:
*sigh* I was wondering when somebody would start Bush Bashing. I was actualy amazed that it took this long.
We've gone through religon, so politics had to be next.

After that, maybe it'll be Friday and we'll have something somewhat more on topic to rave over.

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:01 am
by sOmeone
In the words of I don't know who, "Can't we all just get along?"

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:23 am
by Lochar
sOmeone wrote:In the words of I don't know who, "Can't we all just get along?"
We do all get along. We just tend to agree to disagree on top of that.

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:55 am
by Spec8472
sOmeone wrote:In the words of I don't know who, "Can't we all just get along?"
I think puts it quite well, in their "Compromise" poster/card/etc. (their site is broken at the moment for me, should fix itself up soon though)

Let's agree to respect each others views,
no matter how wrong yours may be

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:06 am
by Fiferguy
sOmeone wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:In the words of our illustrious (read: braindead) president, "Bring it on." :twisted:
*sigh* I was wondering when somebody would start Bush Bashing.
I haven't stopped Bashing Bush since he stole the election in 2000.

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:16 am
by sOmeone
Fiferguy wrote:
sOmeone wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:In the words of our illustrious (read: braindead) president, "Bring it on." :twisted:
*sigh* I was wondering when somebody would start Bush Bashing.
I haven't stopped Bashing Bush since he stole the election in 2000.
LMAO, so you would have them keep recounting until gore won, then immediatly stop recounting?

*2 years later*

<sports comentator voice>and bush is still in the lead, in the longest running presidential race in history</sports comentator voice>

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:37 am
by Spec8472
sOmeone wrote:so you would have them keep recounting until gore won, then immediatly stop recounting?
Which is, ofcourse, a really short-sighted and rediculous thing to say.

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:20 pm
by sOmeone
Spec8472 wrote:
sOmeone wrote:so you would have them keep recounting until gore won, then immediatly stop recounting?
Which is, ofcourse, a really short-sighted and rediculous thing to say.
I just wanted to know how many recounts it would of taken before fifer would believe that bush won.

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:26 pm
by J-Man5
Either way in a two party system we all loose. Neither Demo or Repub is right. In fact both are wrong for the country as a whole. Neither seeks the good of the country and it's people first. They seek their own agendas and power before all other things. I think that politics should be a mandatory service. You do it for one or two years then you never do it again. If you seek an office then you are banned and put into prison. If you accept a bribe then you serve life in prison. Only those with a high enough score on a series of psychological tests would be the ones allowed to govern. Then there would be an elimination of the idiots and those who claim responsibility for things they know not.

Just my soap box.


Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:10 pm
by Fiferguy
Personally, I think we should have held the election over again. But I also believe that the human species is headed for a partial extinction, much akin to the fish kills that we see every once in a while. Mother Nature has a way of killing off excess population every now and then.

And recount or not, Bush was, is, and will always be, unfit to lead the nation.

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:16 am
by Were_Fan
Fiferguy wrote:Personally, I think we should have held the election over again. But I also believe that the human species is headed for a partial extinction, much akin to the fish kills that we see every once in a while. Mother Nature has a way of killing off excess population every now and then.

What we realy need to do is abolish the archaic electoral college. Many people do not realize that we do NOT really vote for the president in the USA. We express our desire for candidates to the electoral college. A slim majority in a state can get also all that state's electoral votes. The electoral college can put any candidate in power that they wish.
And recount or not, Bush was, is, and will always be, unfit to lead the nation.
Unfortunately, neither was the opposition. Democrats are for The Party. Republicans are for The Party. Taxpayers are simply for paying taxes to enrich Democrats and Republicans and their respective parties so are given the illusion that they have a choice of presidents. You do realize that campaign money not spent on an election is a "gift" to a candidate, don't you? You don't really need to win an election.

Re: Political Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:44 am
by Fawks
Ummm...... I GUESS talking 'bout poli-tics (many ticks) is an obsession. Maybe. :?
