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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:30 pm
by Fel
I've only got a few more pages to write in Demon 5, but I also have a Calculus and Physics test this week, so I'm aiming at having it completed on Friday.

This might change, but that's the goal.

Re: Friday.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:09 pm
by Lochar
Woo! Can't wait!

Thanks for the update, and good luck on the tests.

Re: Friday.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:16 pm
by Texfire
Oh man, now you've done it. You had to name a specific date didn't you. Now we're going to be anxiously awaiting it, and cringing at the first "entitlement" post if it gets delayed.

I'm looking forward to it, but if it takes longer it will be that much sweeter when it comes. :)


Re: Friday.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:36 pm
by metalchk04
OMG! *circles date on calendar*

YES! new chapter!

Oh and Fel... good luck on your exams

Re: Friday.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:06 pm
by TStyle
* trembles with excitement *

Best news I’ve heard all month, good luck with your tests Fel!

Re: Friday.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:24 pm
by Spec8472
Fel, when you post the new story, can you please please please use the 'Attachment' option on the post here? :)

BTW: How goes the new PC? :)

Re: Friday.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:14 pm
by Fel
I never got a chance to buy one. I came up short in the money department.

But I did buy a new monitor and upgraded my existing computer's RAM. So now it runs a bit faster and I have a pretty picture. It's almost like having a new one, and I didn't have to spend 5 hours breaking in a new box.

btw, I've never really noticed the attachment option. When I'm done I'll try that out, but I'll probably still pop on IRC and distribute it via the old method. I'll just give you guys a warning of exactly when I'll come on IRC, so you can meet me there instead of waiting around for me. ;)

Re: Friday.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:54 pm
by Lochar
There's actually quite a number of us that hang around in IRC now. I think we'd all jump at the opportunity. You may find we don't let you leave quietly. LOL

Re: Friday.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:19 am
by Spec8472
Fel wrote:I never got a chance to buy one. I came up short in the money department.

Bummer :(
Fel wrote:But I did buy a new monitor and upgraded my existing computer's RAM. So now it runs a bit faster and I have a pretty picture. It's almost like having a new one, and I didn't have to spend 5 hours breaking in a new box.

Ah, new monitors are great. More RAM is always good too.
Fel wrote:btw, I've never really noticed the attachment option. When I'm done I'll try that out, but I'll probably still pop on IRC and distribute it via the old method. I'll just give you guys a warning of exactly when I'll come on IRC, so you can meet me there instead of waiting around for me. ;)
Cool, you'll probably send it out while I'm asleep/at work anyway though :P

Re: Friday.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:16 am
by Journeywoman
Yay!!! ~Does a little dance~ Can't wait till Friday! Can't wait till Friday!
One more reason to love Fridays :D :wink: !

BTW: Good luck with those exams :!:

Re: Friday.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:48 am
by Greymist
Giving people times/dates is bad.

I know that in the World of Warcraft priest forums when Emonix posted that he would release our changes on Friday everyone was constantly posting "Is it Friday yet" :P

Re: Friday.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:44 pm
by Lochar
Is it Friday yet?

Re: Friday.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:45 pm
by metalchk04
are we there yet? is it friday yet? huh huh huh huh????

Re: Friday.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:58 pm
by Were_Fan
Lochar wrote:Is it Friday yet?
Ummmm ... no .... Friday was 4 days ago.
Where is the latest chapter?
Fel said it would be out by Friday.
Head aches.
Need coffee! ;-)

Re: Friday.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:42 pm
by Were_Fan
Fel wrote:I've only got a few more pages to write in Demon 5, but I also have a Calculus and Physics test this week, so I'm aiming at having it completed on Friday.

This might change, but that's the goal.

I need your current email address for a free Baen Books Webscription.

You can email me at

Anyone else reading this, please pass message along if you see Fel in ICQ, IM, etc. Thanks.