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How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:05 am
by kal_phoenix
i was just wonering about how long does it take for a new chapter to come out?

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:20 am
by Hearly
kal_phoenix wrote:i was just wonering about how long does it take for a new chapter to come out?

Fel is a college student, so it goes it fast and slow at times, depends on his class load..

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:47 am
by Malcolm
lol - go to the obsession topic to see how others are handling the wait ...

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:30 am
by Spec8472
How long is a piece of string?

(And don't get smart and say something like "Twice the distance from the middle to either end")

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:49 am
by Shadowhawk
kal_phoenix wrote:i was just wonering about how long does it take for a new chapter to come out?
For the present (you can change the title/subject of the thread by editing first post and it's subject line), and the future (to choose more meaningfull subjects for future posts): couldn't you choose "How long does it take for a new chapter to come out?"?

Shadowhawk, sometimes feeling like fighting loosing battle :wink:

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:53 pm
by Halcyon
Spec8472 wrote:How long is a piece of string?

(And don't get smart and say something like "Twice the distance from the middle to either end")
Aww stole my witty comeback... :cry:

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:45 pm
by Lochar
Spec8472 wrote:How long is a piece of string?

(And don't get smart and say something like "Twice the distance from the middle to either end")
Here's what you do to figure it out easily.

Get a tape measure. One of those for doing clothes.

Wrap the string in a circle to save space while you're doing this.

Now, start at one end of the string, and measure until you get to the end.

Then come back and tell us how long it is.

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:58 pm
by metalchk04
Why don't you try counting the stars until the next chapter is released. I'm curious, but way too lazy to do this myself. I'd fall asleep. :lol:

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:23 pm
by J-Man5
How about doing the calculation for Pi in your head or running the Sieve of Erathanes in your head or calculating prime numbers in your head or doing binary conversions to and from base 4 to base 10. Those should keep you busy for a while. Or you could always write in to the writers of Lost and help them find a plotline. They seem to have Lost theirs. Or make up your own story.


Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:19 pm
by Shadowhawk
J-Man5 wrote:Or make up your own story.
Perhaps sharing it with us (here, Sennadar Forum attachement, or Sennadar Wiki, or asking one of the site admins to host your stories).

P.S. For those waiting impatiently for releas of new chapter: there is sticky thread here in General section, titled "Links to good reading...". Some of us posted on-line readings (and not only that) recommendations on Sennadar Wiki user's pages (check those not marked in red).

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:40 pm
by Halcyon
If you need any other "fun" ways to pass the time, try counting the grains of a handful of sand, or try growing a beard (sorry but I don't think many ladies can do this one!). Or you could just sit down and watch a bad movie marathon, at least that way the pain of not reading a new chapter will be overshadowed by something much worse, like Ben Affleck's acting. :P

P.S. Thanks for the suggestion Shadowhawk!

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:49 am
by kal_phoenix
sorry about the subjest line! and thank you for the replys! and to fel if you are reading this i feel your pain i as well work 50 plus hours a week and go to school full time i couldnt do that and write several books at the samr time! they are wonderful plots and creative characters thank you for your herculean efforts!

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:05 am
by Fel
Yes, I do read this.

I just finished a week that included 3 tests.

My Everquest guild defeated Uqua and is in Qvic, so I've played more EQ than normal the last couple of weeks because of this push, but I'm feeling a bit burned out...I have 1 obligated weekend this weekend to camp signets with my friends, then I think I'm gonna take a breather and only log on for raids for a few weeks.

I'm up to page 12 on the next chapter, and just to tease you, Tarrin has engaged the Borg--er, the Deva. The writing's been a bit slow because the battle I'm currently writing is taking place in what is for me is unusual the treetops and branches of massive three hundred span tall trees, so the combat has been truly three dimensional. I've done quite a bit of backtracking and rewriting, trying to make it both creative and believeable.

Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:14 am
by J-Man5
Don't forget that in 300 foot tall tree there will be knot holes and hollowed out spots that would be equally gi-normous. Seems like a good place for a Were-Kitten-God to hide them play pounce on the Deva.

Frisky kitty that Tarrin is. Never irritate a cat!!!! I think Tarrin has some Siamese in him. They are the most vindictive of that breed.


Re: How long until the next chapter?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 8:51 am
Tarrin has never had the need to sharpen his claws, by climbing a tree.