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A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 12:27 am
by Lochar
Sometime a while back in IRC, Fel you mentioned the fact that a firestaff god would normally be able to overwhelm the Elders of a normal plane, it's just that being so close to the Core powered up the Elders to the point where they were even with a Firestaff empowered God.

Question is, how would a person empowered with the Firestaff, mind and powers of a God that is, stack up against the One, who has the worship of 90% of that plane?

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 11:11 pm
by Were_Fan
Lochar wrote:Sometime a while back in IRC, Fel you mentioned the fact that a firestaff god would normally be able to overwhelm the Elders of a normal plane, it's just that being so close to the Core powered up the Elders to the point where they were even with a Firestaff empowered God.

Question is, how would a person empowered with the Firestaff, mind and powers of a God that is, stack up against the One, who has the worship of 90% of that plane?
Well, the One would surely find himself in a lot of trouble. The whole area around One's icon would probably be reduced to a smoking ruin. The very earth would be split open from the power unleashed. The One would probably try to get help, maybe even from a Demon. But, in the end, the One will still get his icon destroyed and be banished to his home plane ... Wait a minute! That has already happened!!!! :-)

edited for spelling

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:07 am
by afrigeek
Considering that Pyrosia is a normal plane and that even the One would have been subject to the elder God of Pyrosia if he hadn't absconded from duty, there is no question about the fact that a firestaff God would beat the One cleanly. Afterall the One is a younger God even with 90% worship.

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:52 pm
by Lochar
Were_Fan wrote:
Lochar wrote:Sometime a while back in IRC, Fel you mentioned the fact that a firestaff god would normally be able to overwhelm the Elders of a normal plane, it's just that being so close to the Core powered up the Elders to the point where they were even with a Firestaff empowered God.

Question is, how would a person empowered with the Firestaff, mind and powers of a God that is, stack up against the One, who has the worship of 90% of that plane?
Well, the One would surely find himself in a lot of trouble. The whole area around One's icon would probably be reduced to a smoking ruin. The very earth would be split open from the power unleashed. The One would probably try to get help, maybe even from a Demon. But, in the end, the One will still get his icon destroyed and be banished to his home plane ... Wait a minute! That has already happened!!!! :-)

edited for spelling
oh funny. Funny man are we.

But seriously, I wasn't thinking how much of the earth would be scorched and whatnot. I was more of thinking along the lines of the actual battle. Things would have flowed a lot differently.

I also don't mean just Tarrin if he'd been mind and not just body of a Firestaff God. I meant anyone empowered by it. I guess the battle would be kinda like the one between Val and Tarrin, but more one sided. Oh well, it was just an idle question to try to drum up some conversation.

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:30 pm
by Bodak
It might be a flip between the two but if the firestaff god actually had the firestaff with him he might be able to draw even more power from it seeing as he is part of it and yet another thing firestaff gods do not have a limit on the power they weld in the physical world. Where they to battle the one would find his followers dieing losing his power where as a firestaff god would not the one would lose :twisted: .

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:19 pm
by Were_Fan
Lochar wrote:
Were_Fan wrote:
Lochar wrote:Sometime a while back in IRC, Fel you mentioned the fact that a firestaff god would normally be able to overwhelm the Elders of a normal plane, it's just that being so close to the Core powered up the Elders to the point where they were even with a Firestaff empowered God.

Question is, how would a person empowered with the Firestaff, mind and powers of a God that is, stack up against the One, who has the worship of 90% of that plane?
Well, the One would surely find himself in a lot of trouble. The whole area around One's icon would probably be reduced to a smoking ruin. The very earth would be split open from the power unleashed. The One would probably try to get help, maybe even from a Demon. But, in the end, the One will still get his icon destroyed and be banished to his home plane ... Wait a minute! That has already happened!!!! :-)

edited for spelling
oh funny. Funny man are we.

But seriously, I wasn't thinking how much of the earth would be scorched and whatnot. I was more of thinking along the lines of the actual battle. Things would have flowed a lot differently.

I also don't mean just Tarrin if he'd been mind and not just body of a Firestaff God. I meant anyone empowered by it. I guess the battle would be kinda like the one between Val and Tarrin, but more one sided. Oh well, it was just an idle question to try to drum up some conversation.
OK, apparently my attempt at a humorous reply wasn't sufficient to let you know the question was already answered. Here is a serious reply. Tarrin defeated One without the powers of a god after Tarrin put his power into his sword then broke it. So, someone with the powers of a Firestaff god would have defeated One quicker. The Demon Lord might have been banished or destroyed also.


Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:31 pm
by Hearly
Were_Fan wrote: OK, apparently my attempt at a humorous reply wasn't sufficient to let you know the question was already answered. Here is a serious reply. Tarrin defeated One without the powers of a god after Tarrin put his power into his sword then broke it. So, someone with the powers of a Firestaff god would have defeated One quicker. The Demon Lord might have been banished or destroyed also.
I'm not sure about the Demon Lord, Tarrin said even with his powers he couldn't defeat the Demon Lord in his present condition.. Now if he still were a Full Firestaff god, he would never have been able to leave Sennadar would of he? I mean He would be tied to his Icon, and I'm not sure about a god travelling to another Plane with it...

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:37 pm
by Bodak
I want to find out why Tarrin has to fight the one but not win only not die during the encounter, and who will find the pieces of the sword and what item he said he would get something form the deva as well as the solar.

Tarrin Makes his own Rules He may not be bound to one Plane as he is a firestaff god, he can tapdance all over the rules. :lol:

And he might be able to make new ones....

Question can tarrin pick up where the elder god of the world left of?, take the power from the All of the world and use it if he comes to full power?

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:47 pm
by Lochar
Bodak wrote:Question can tarrin pick up where the elder god of the world left of?, take the power from the All of the world and use it if he comes to full power?
I think it's techinically possible, since the All of Pyrosia did accept his mind when he used it to change the world.

But that would cause problems of it's own. 1) He would be tied down to a Plane then, as he is the Elder of it.

And the biggie, 2) He's Yin. He needs a Yang, which he'd have to create/GoG would have to create. Even as an Elder God, he'd probably still have the Werecat mindset, and what do you think would happen when his wife started wearing on him? You think it's dangerous having a Mi'Shara with a temper, think of someone with access to the full power of a universe.


Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:56 pm
by J-Man5
Lochar wrote:And the biggie, 2) He's Yin. He needs a Yang, which he'd have to create/GoG would have to create. Even as an Elder God, he'd probably still have the Werecat mindset, and what do you think would happen when his wife started wearing on him? You think it's dangerous having a Mi'Shara with a temper, think of someone with access to the full power of a universe.
At least it wouldn't be Jesmind as the Yang. OMG!!! Could you imagine the fights!!! Then they'd take on other planes just for the fun of a fight. Probably attack the lower realms (Hell, Abyss, Hades, etc.) just for the principal of the matter. And then take on the upper realms too!!! Can you imagine the first time an Archon visits their plane or a Deva "looks down" on them. No I don't think Tarrin or any Werecat is ready for that type of mentality. Though a turning by the Firestaff could open their mind to other things and may cause them to not be so destruction prone. HRMMM.

Hey Fel,

If you are following this thread: Would a fully FireStaff powered (ie. mind, power, divinity, etc.) Werecat act with the same insanity the rest of the race displays?


Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:42 am
by Bodak
Now if you read really carefully in demons bane you would have picked up at the end of this Tarrin is going to end up where he does not want to be he could fully accept just what he is and come to full power and you forget that when he gets a gods mind he understands all, ultimate wisdom would be his yang even for a werecat.

But then again old habbits die hard :twisted:.

And he has a plan never forget that his plans are a bit crazy but crazy seems to work.

Do you not think that is would drive the demon lord up the walls for tarrin to take the power of the all get back his sword and then play a bit off pin the sword into the demon lord with the help of the shadow you never now he might be able to work using the shadow or combining with it never hurts gaining immunity from demons happins all the time you know. :twisted:

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:16 am
by Lochar
Bodak wrote:Now if you read really carefully in demons bane you would have picked up at the end of this Tarrin is going to end up where he does not want to be he could fully accept just what he is and come to full power and you forget that when he gets a gods mind he understands all, ultimate wisdom would be his yang even for a werecat.
Yang being a female, Bodak. The GoG has a balance of male and female for each of the planes.

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:11 pm
by bbobb
Lochar wrote:The GoG has a balance of male and female for each of the planes.
Does this have to be the case? Did Ayise have to create Shellar? The Pyrosian GoG doesn't seem to have to a female counterpart.


Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:03 pm
by Lochar
Aiyse created Shellar, but it was later stated that all the universes had a male and female spirit. The GoG may have created Aiyse, but she may just have given form to the male part of the universe.

Also, we don't know when the Pyrosian Elder god fled his duties. He may have just created the land, and then fled. All the races of Pyrosia may actually be people that have come from different planes. We haven't seen anything actually unique to Pyrosia yet. Even Elemental magic is a coping mechanism for Sorcery.

Re: A true Firestaff god versus The One

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:19 pm
by Halcyon
Good point. It does seem like everything found on Pyrosia is borrowed. I do have a question though. If The One is a Younger God, how do you think he came to power if all the inhabitants of Pyrosia are not natives?