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Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:57 pm
by J-Man5
Does anyone have any idea why Eron is hiding from everyone at the end of Chapter 1 of Demon's Bane. He says that he's waiting till his father needs him. Could Eron be an Entropic and actually know it? What "powers" does he have? I don't think we have examined this little known Were-Cat in Tarrin's family. We know plenty about the many exploits of Jassana and the mixing of natures in Tara and Rina and that Eron was a strong little boy and was more calm than most Were-Cat children. But what are his likes and dislikes?

He specifically says he isn't a Sorcerer or a Druid? That still leaves Arcane and Priest. Is he a Priest of Tarrin? How does he know what is going on while the Goddess had to tell others what to do?

I think there is a hole here in the plot that will allow Fel to drive a Mac truck through and blindside us with a real surprise!


Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:15 pm
by Shadowhawk
J-Man5 wrote:Does anyone have any idea why Eron is hiding from everyone at the end of Chapter 1 of Demon's Bane?
The suggestion was that he is now bearer and warden of Firestaff. He is as Werecat quite immune to its suggestive powers, and as Eron avan more so. You do remember that Firestaff cannot leave Sennadar, and dropped from nowhere joined with Tarrin's amulet when he crossed the Gate to Pyrosia? And Eron I think has similar amulet (shaeram).

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:19 pm
by jrs772000
Fel doesnt need plotholes to blindside us wıth a surprise

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:59 am
by pin345
Does anyone have any idea why Eron is hiding from everyone at the end of Chapter 1 of Demon's Bane. He says that he's waiting till his father needs him. Could Eron be an Entropic and actually know it? What "powers" does he have? I don't think we have examined this little known Were-Cat in Tarrin's family. We know plenty about the many exploits of Jassana and the mixing of natures in Tara and Rina and that Eron was a strong little boy and was more calm than most Were-Cat children. But what are his likes and dislikes?
Well that was a bit messed up... 8)8)

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:20 am
by J-Man5
Before I take offence: How do you mean messed up?


Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:04 am
by zedd
and how did he hide from Triana?

Hiding from the sorcerers is no problem thanks to his medallion, but from Triana? (i know she's not in Sennadar at the moment, but i assume she would try to talk to him before going

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:24 am
by Shadowhawk
zedd wrote:and how did he hide from Triana?
He is born Were-Cat, not Turned. Triana doesn't have his bond.

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 10:02 am
by Lunchbox
triana only tracks her adopted children.

Eron couldnt be a Priest of Terrin because Terrin would know about it, and wouldnt have said Dolanna was his only preist and to protect her at all costs.

Guardian of the Firestaff is prolly the best bet

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:51 pm
by TheHighestJoker
i get the feeling that guarding the firestaff is along the right lines. but he also says thats he is waiting for when Tarrin needs him. part of Tarrins ultamite plan involves him returning to sennedar for something (we don't know what).
i think that Eron is going to play a role in that somehow.


Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:50 pm
by Solarstorm
I would bet even the natural born children have there bonds taken by there mothers. Given how protective they are of their children until they are of age. A were cat child could cover a lot of ground if it wanted. So holding your child's bond would only be smart. However Trina is not Elron's mother so probably never held his bond. With Mist gone he can probably hide pretty well.

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:51 am
by Lunchbox
that leave the question of how he is hiding from Triana's druidic powers tho

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:30 am
by Lochar
Niami managing to help Tarrin indirectly, by removing the sense of Eron by using Druidic magic?

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:26 am
by mbeau
One possibility is that Eron is going to be Tarrin's Ace in the hole when it comes to meeting Spider...

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:55 am
by Lunchbox
i dont think tarrin will need it

Re: Question about Eron in Chapter 1 of DB

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:18 pm
by Were_Fan
Lunchbox wrote:i dont think tarrin will need it
I agree. I see a way for Tarrin to win the fight with Spyder by not winning. That is not a paradox and no, it doesn't require intervention by Mother Wynn.
