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In what format do you read FelBooks (poll)?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:50 pm
by Shadowhawk
In what format do you read, or in what format would you like to read works by Fel? If there is some format you want to read in, or some format you do convert the stories to, add a comment (reply).

Re: In what format do you read FelBooks (poll)?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:02 pm
by J-Man5
I also then convert the file fromn HTML to Isilo format to read on the go with my PocketPC ( and I currently have all of the Books up to Demons Bane in a 7 MB file that has hyperlinks in it to take with me on the road when traveling or waiting somewhere.

Re: In what format do you read FelBooks (poll)?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:15 am
by Wildcat
I read them in .doc format if I'm at my own computer, or the HTML online if I'm on someone else's computer. It's nice to be able to have both.

Re: In what format do you read FelBooks (poll)?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:51 pm
by Were_Fan
Wildcat wrote:I read them in .doc format if I'm at my own computer, or the HTML online if I'm on someone else's computer. It's nice to be able to have both.
Kind of do the same thing here but like to use doc so I can enlarege the typeface. When eyestrain from too much screen reading starts to bother me, I convert the doc file to Times New Roman 14, reformat to two columns and print on the laser.

Re: In what format do you read FelBooks (poll)?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:10 pm
by Shadowhawk
Were_Fan wrote:Kind of do the same thing here but like to use doc so I can enlarege the typeface.
With any decent web browser (Mozilla/Firefox, Opera, probably Konqueror; I don't know about IE and derivatives) you can enlarge the font size and/or enlarge the page. Besides, I think that at least for newer converted chapters the default size is quite sane.

And I don't mean changing base font size globally, but change it per webpage (View/Text Zoom in Mozilla/Firefox, or Ctrl-+/-; -/+ in Opera if I am not mistaken).

Re: In what format do you read FelBooks (poll)?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:37 pm
by Were_Fan
Shadowhawk wrote:
Were_Fan wrote:Kind of do the same thing here but like to use doc so I can enlarege the typeface.
With any decent web browser (Mozilla/Firefox, Opera, probably Konqueror; I don't know about IE and derivatives) you can enlarge the font size and/or enlarge the page. Besides, I think that at least for newer converted chapters the default size is quite sane.
I don't usually have a problem with default fonts. However, when I do extended reading such as reading all the Tarrin stories over a month or so, eyestrain becomes a problem. If I screw with browser font sizes, some web sites become unreadable. It is SO much easier on my 50 year old eyes to read from a printed page under an old fashioned incandescent lamp. :-)


Re: In what format do you read FelBooks (poll)?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:22 pm
by zedd
HTML on a PC and Isilo in my mobile

Re: In what format do you read FelBooks (poll)?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:47 pm
by soyboy78
I use the HTML and have a great reader called uBook that reads HTML Richtext, even if they are zipped! I can't seem to get confortable when I read on the PC so the Pocket PC is the best choice for me. 8)

Re: In what format do you read FelBooks (poll)?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:09 am
by thisandthat
I use HTML.
I also use Note Tab to strip the old HTML out re post to my own server with my own HTML with the nice backgrounds and working links to each page.
Using Firefox I can zoom the text to as big or little as I want.