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Deva's Underpowered?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:51 pm
by The_Namer
Didn't Tarrin get away from the Devas a little too easily? If they can maintain order among gods and Demons, why could one Were-Cat with a few magical gifts so effortlessly evade them? Can no one else mask/disguise their aura, or create duplicates? If any god can imbue a body with powers, why hasn't this been tried before? It's hard to accept that Tarrin is so uniquely innovative, and if he can do this, others would have previously. Is he pulling the no-rules-Mishara card, or am I missing something?

Re: Deva's Underpowered?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:48 pm
by Shadowhawk
Perhaps noone thought about challenging The One Rule.

Re: Deva's Underpowered?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:36 pm
by Fel
ok...the Deva don't have any innate power or ability to seek him out. Their powers to find things only really applies in Crossroads, and only applies to Violence. Doing violence in crossroads disrupts the "fabric" of the plane, and this is something the Deva can sense, both direction and distance. Outside of that, they have no special magical power to hunt down anyone. I've made several mentions of others dealing with the Deva in Crossroads, and one common element is escaping from the Deva. It CAN be done, usually by fleeing the scene of the violence before the Deva can get there.

The only Deva that could theoretically use magic or powers to find him would be a Solar, and he hasn't done anything of such magnitude that would require a Solar to come and deal with him personally...yet.

The instant he breaks eye contact with any Deva but a Solar, they have to find him the way anyone else tries to find him...hunt for him. And under those rules, Tarrin is one exceptionally difficult person to track down.

And...they weren't trying very hard when they caught him outside of the Sage's Council. For certain unnamed reasons that were probably made clear in the first chapter. ;)

Tarrin can't be found via magic, because he's obviously not stupid enough to leave himself that open. This isn't something I've made note of in the books, because I don't really need to. You can be assured that the first thing he did after showing up in Crossroads was cast certain spells upon himself that makes him immune to being tracked down with magic.[/i]

Re: Deva's Underpowered?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:27 pm
by Were_Fan
Fel wrote: <snip>

And...they weren't trying very hard when they caught him outside of the Sage's Council. For certain unnamed reasons that were probably made clear in the first chapter. ;)
I think a few people have missed the implications of the first chapter of Bane.

From Bane chapter 1:
“The Mortal God is a wild card, Prime Goddess,” Ch’Belle told her. “He is unique, and his powers are outside the bounds of the rules of others. The Deva have kept careful track of him since the day he left Prime Sennadar and entered the other material plane. As to the Demons, well, we always keep tabs on their activities. Anything that so incites the Demons to action as the Mortal God would quickly draw our eye.”
More from chapter 1:
Return to Crossroads, the figure ordered telepathically. I want you to locate the two the Prime Goddess has sent to locate the Mortal God. Find them but do not make contact with them. Observe them. If the Demons or others attempt to block them or attack them, render unto them that aid which you think is appropriate. I will make it known among the Deva that those two are under special protection, that they are not to be killed if they violate the One Law, only chastised. You are responsible for their well being, Ch’Belle.

“I will protect them, Commander,” she said with another bow. “To whom do I report in Crossroads?”

Report the movements of the pair and other unimportant information to Planetar To’Par. Any important communication or news of any attack on the pair or unusual Demon activity near them should be brought directly to me.
1-The Deva have been watching Tarrin for a LONG time ... since he left Sennadar.

2-A Solar is apparently in charge of Deva intelligence where Tarrin is concerned.

3-A Planetar is in charge of intelligence on Tarrin's friends (Jula and Tsukatta).

4-Tarrin's friends can break the One Rule that nobody, including gods, is allowed to break. Does this also apply to Tarrin? In addition, the Deva will even assist and protect Tarrin's friends. By doing that, the Deva are covertly helping Tarrin. This kind of explains why the Deva didn't try too hard to get Tarin but they did put on a show for spectators (Demons).

Like I've said, Tarrin has "friends" in high places.