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Magically Spoiled?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:48 pm
by The_Namer
Obviously Tarrin's faced plenty of challenges and difficulties, but, for once, couldn't he find a magical limitation not easily surmounted? I mean, he mastered Sorcery with little effort (the weaving process and knowledge of how to make the spells, not the process of becoming a Weavespinner), picked up Druidic magic fairly quickly, learned Priest spells the same way, and Wizardry flew by. When first in Pyrosia, he almost immediately overcame the problem of not having access to Druidic, Priest, or Sorcerous magic by having uber-wizardry and incredible godly abilities, which later included accessing Priestly spells and Sorcery. Now, in the Crossroads, he not only has abilities that are somehow completely alien to its inhabitants (Hard to believe that out of all the might beings coming and going and forming bodies with exotic powers, no one else would have tried similar tricks, especially the Demon-soul-snatching one), he also has the library of an archmage to call upon. Even more helpfully, he can create limitless amounts of currency with no effort. I understand that he bends the rules as a Mishara/Mi'Shara, but still, he's in a place where creatures from uncountable planes come and go; are his natural talents so far above everyone else's that no one can duplicate them, or at least expect something similar?

Re: Magically Spoiled?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:57 pm
by Fel
Everyone has access to the library in the Sage's Council. That's not unusual. At least anyone who can intimidate the receptionist. ;)

The krin? Any god can do fact, that's how gods make krin. Gods have limitless power. That particular spell simply draws on that aspect to create unlimited krin. Tarrin cast this as a god, and thus it reacted to him as a god, not as a mortal. But this in itself isn't really an issue, because gods don't really care about money. It really has no use for them, it's purely something that allows them to deal with the mortal beings in the outer planes. Among themselves, gods have no USE for krin. Tarrin is probably the only god in Crossroads for whom krin means something.

As to Tarrin's abilities as a god...yes, and no. Yes, other gods have used similar tricks in the past, but it's not very common, because they're not powerful. Gods don't have the same limitations that Tarrin does. If they wanted to kill a Demon, bang, it's dead. End of story. That's an innate power of any god of even meagre ability. Gods can kill Demons. They don't have to resort to the same tactics that Tarrin does. Other gods have used his other tricks, though, but again, they're not very common, because gods attack the problems that Tarrin's powers were set up to handle in different ways. A god really has no need to create wings to fly...he can do that by will. A god really has no need to create an ability to create perfect replicas of himself...if he wants to escape, shifting to another plane is just a thought away. Tarrin's abilities aren't unique in conception, but they ARE unique in execution. Yes, others have thought of his tricks, but no, they've never really had either the need or the desire to use them the way he does.

The only power he has that is different than any other, the power that is truly unique, is his power to take the soul amulets of Demons. This is something that no other god can do. But then again, no other god is quite like him. It's his condition as a mortal mind with a god's soul that allows him to pull this lets him bend a certain rule concerning the power of gods over Demons, because he is not completely a god, nor is he completely a mortal. He can do more in this area than a god can.

His powers as a Mi'Shara? Guess what: HE DOES NOT HAVE THEM. That's right. You heard me. He doesn't HAVE those powers right now. He is a god at the moment. The title of Mi'Shara only applies to MORTALS. There are no gods who are Mi'shara. A god absolutely cannot transcend the restrictions of the mortal world...because they are NOT mortal.

When Tarrin became a god, he traded his old power for a new power. He lost his powers as a Mi'Shara and became a god. Yes, he became more powerful, but only AS THE GODS RECKON SUCH POWER. The gods are so terrified of him because he could exert much more power in the mortal realm without destroying himself, as was the risk of it when he was mortal...remember, all that power had to channel through his mortal form, which was limited.

That power is still within him though. Were he to become mortal once again, he would again have that power.

And Tarrin's ability as a user of magic has a definite purpose. Yes, it is easy for him, up to a point, and there is a REASON for that which will be explained at the end of Demon's Bane.[/i]

Re: Magically Spoiled?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:43 pm
by Shadowhawk
So, the invoking of crisis of faith is probably for Tarrin to face Spyder as Mi'Shara (becoming a MORTAL) rather than God?

Re: Magically Spoiled?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:22 pm
by Lochar
Shadowhawk wrote:So, the invoking of crisis of faith is probably for Tarrin to face Spyder as Mi'Shara (becoming a MORTAL) rather than God?
Yes, but you have to remember. Tarrin wants to beat her without a)killing her and b)making either of them pull of Mi'Shara powers. The two of them fighting at that level would be another Val/Tarrin battle.

Re: Magically Spoiled?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:58 pm
by Shadowhawk
Lochar wrote:
Shadowhawk wrote:So, the invoking of crisis of faith is probably for Tarrin to face Spyder as Mi'Shara (becoming a MORTAL) rather than God?
Yes, but you have to remember. Tarrin wants to beat her without a)killing her and b)making either of them pull of Mi'Shara powers. The two of them fighting at that level would be another Val/Tarrin battle.
But that is what is Gate/Haven for? To fight intruders full-power without worrying about sunken continents and other changes to local geography?

Re: Magically Spoiled?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:17 am
by Hearly
Shadowhawk wrote:So, the invoking of crisis of faith is probably for Tarrin to face Spyder as Mi'Shara (becoming a MORTAL) rather than God?
No, what I got from when he was speaking to Niami, was that he wants the crisis in Faith to happen when he's going to confront the One.. that way he can use his Mi'Shara powers to reshape reality of the One's Realm in a way that removes the Demon Lord.

Re: Magically Spoiled?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:21 am
by Wildcat
There still has to be a limit to what it can contain.... the thing is set up to take care of any normal-sized bomb, but they're going to detonate nuclear weapons inside. Eventually, something's going to crack.