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Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 7:44 pm
by Were_Fan
simontrinity wrote:Anyone know who the peasant girl was? I had to do a Google search to re-discover who Mother Wynn was.
Perhaps a question just as mysterious is who exactly is Mother Wynn? My first thought was Aiyese. Both Mother Wynn and the "peasant girl" are aware of Niami speaking with Tarrin and both have power to come and go in Crossroads. That implies power of at least a god and more likely, an Elder God. The "peasant girl" could be anyone from Spyder to another Elder God to a younger version of Mother Wynn. However, remember that Tarrin appears to have the support of the "God of Gods" so all bets are off. "Mother Wynn" could be a Solar and the girl a Deva.


Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:54 pm
by Stealth_Dragon
my bet on mother wynn

my bet on peasent girl

and points out this should be in the pyrosian chronicles

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:53 am
by Lochar
I'm more or less guessing that Mother Wynn is actually either a Solar acting under the GoG's orders, or the GoG's themself. Aiyse wouldn't know Tarrin's plan, I wouldn't think. Niami did, but that's because she's intricately involved with Tarrin.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:34 am
by Weresmilodon
Yes, that's closer, i think.

More specificly, i think they are both self-sufficient extensions of the GoG, working towards whatever purpose he might on might not have, in their own way.

It was made pretty certain that they were no regular people in the last part, where the memory of them having ever been in the Crosswords was removed from everyone except Tarrin. Everyone; Mortal, Demon, and God. Possibly the Deva as well. And that's not a thing even the more powerful Gods could easily do. You'd have to be pretty much the Administrator for that privilege, and very good for no one to notice it.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:21 am
by Lochar
And it's not like Tarrin's going to mention Mother Wynn to anyone.

And whoever the other person was/was pretending to be made sure that the book Tarrin was shown was taken back, and he doesn't remember who gave it to him.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:50 pm
by sOmeone
Wasn't she the bar girl from sargon in honor and blood chapter 2?

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:19 pm
by Shadowhawk
Hmmm... them Mother Wynn and flat chested girl (if she were bartender in Honor and Blood, the girl who gave visor/shawl to Tarrin, and got gold) they both were significant figures in shaping Tarrin character and destiny (in first case, after turned Were and being hunted; in second case after being collared).

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:10 pm
by Dash
Mother Wynn is in Book 1, Chapter 6.

She is on the farm which feeds Tarrin on his way to Suld.

I suppose the peasant girl will be one of the other people on the farm.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:07 am
by Shadowhawk
Fel on #sennadar wrote:omg, s0meone got it right. I figured everyone would remember Mother Wynn, but s0meone actually remembered the barmaid. Well, that's who she was: the barmaid in Sarrigon, who gave him the scarf.

and they're not just lookalikes, they're the REAL Mother Wynn and the REAL barmaid ;)
For those who weren't on IRC then.

To admins: could you move this thread where it belongs, namely to "Q&A About the Pyrosian Chronicles" section (forum)? And change the title to something more informative, like "Mother Wynn and flat chested girl (Demon 3 spoiler)". Thanks in advance.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:37 pm
by Lochar
Fel on #sennadar wrote:omg, s0meone got it right. I figured everyone would remember Mother Wynn, but s0meone actually remembered the barmaid. Well, that's who she was: the barmaid in Sarrigon, who gave him the scarf.

and they're not just lookalikes, they're the REAL Mother Wynn and the REAL barmaid ;)
Well, then Mother Wynn and the barmaid were either more than they seemed back on Sennadar, or they were called for higher duty once they passed on.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:00 pm
by Shadowhawk
Lochar wrote:Well, then Mother Wynn and the barmaid were either more than they seemed back on Sennadar, or they were called for higher duty once they passed on.
Mother Wynn passing I can imagine. But what might happened to flat chested barmaid?

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:06 pm
by Lochar
Shadowhawk wrote:
Lochar wrote:Well, then Mother Wynn and the barmaid were either more than they seemed back on Sennadar, or they were called for higher duty once they passed on.
Mother Wynn passing I can imagine. But what might happened to flat chested barmaid?
Considering the area? Troll attack as the Ki'ziduan were probablly VERY irked that Tarrin managed to make it past them, and might have went on a rampage back along the path Tarrin took.

Other than that? I can imagine a Solar or Planetar coming to her and asking her if she would like the ability to better her world and many others.

That's on the assumtion that the GoG's knows exactly who all the Mi'Sharas are, and he's been guiding some of this since the first book.