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Subjugation: telepathy (slight spoiler)

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:08 pm
by Shadowhawk
Would human telepathy be such a great threat to Faey Imperium*)? I remember that humans were thought unique because of no signs of telepathy at all. This means that there are telepaths, more or less rare, on other worlds. Do Faey rule those worlds? Have those worlds limited authonomy? Or maybe they are bound to Faey by treaties and pacts? The Faey telepathy is main, but not only, their hold on Earth.

I would worry more about Noble House ruling Earth, which may lost its power over humans... but on the other hand I don't think that they can (are not able or the consequences of destroying rare habitable world are too severe) destroy Earth or kill all the humans.

BTW. I wonder why humans didn't show telepathic abilities earlier... I also wonder if human are capable of other psi powers (telekinesis, clairvoyance, teleportation, pyrokinesis, accessing computer networks, "you don't see me" Jedi/Larry Niven's "A Gift from Earth" 'invisibility').

And what about hypnosis?

*) Or is it Empire ;) ?