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Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:01 pm
by Hearly
Ok, Reading the chapter again, I really think Jason overreacted to Jyslin and Lorna..

Look at it from Lorna's Point of view for a moment, A Outlaw, contacts her telling her about slave trade, would you not at least be doubtfull? also Even if they did a quick scan of the area around the ship, they would not detect Jason, so he's no where near the ship, when he's saying he's near it..

It would be like a wanted criminal calling the Police today, them knowing who it is, and that he's wanted, telling them he just saw a kidnapping, they'd be slow to react as they won't trust him..

Now Jyslin should have believed him from the start, maybe thats why he's so pissed...

I don't think it's a House trilliane problem, I think it might be that Trilliane might be turning a blind eye to it, but I don't think they are doing it on purpose, there would be too much to lose if it ever got out.

Endgame of the story..  (IMO)

Jason will find out the gene to activate Telepathy in Humans and mass a large force of Human telepaths, and end up going to see the Emperess and end up with a Noble house to administer Earth


Will end up going to Kumi's place, and talk to the emperess himself (or that woman again, who IMO works for the emperess), and get trilliane replaced with a House Fox, leaving him incharge of Earth, with the Marines to back him up.

Either way I see Jason ending up Ruling Earth, for the betterment of Humans..

What do you think, what are your opinions?

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:03 am
by MechCraft
Ok, Reading the chapter again, I really think Jason overreacted to Jyslin and Lorna
yes jason overreacted, but it was justified because he was assulted by the emotions emminating from the terrified captives
When it got close enough, he started hearing sendings.  Idle chatter of a Faey flight crew and several passengers, nothing really that caught his attention.  But when it got closer, he started hearing other thoughts, thoughts that were terrified.  They were jumbled, chaotic, a great concentration of fear and uncertainty.  It took him a while to straighten things out, to separate single voices out of that cacophony of fear, which also required him to get closer to the dropship
when someone gets a shock like that it takes time for them to think straight.

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:46 am
by Hearly

True, Hopefully he calms down a bit, I still think him separating from the group at least somewhat as being a good thing, it gives him the ability to do more without worrying about other people getting hurt

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:48 am
by MechCraft
i dont think jason will end up ruleing earth, he might become a leasion to the fey who would help protect earth.

or he might be involved with the security of earth but he doesnt seem the type to be ruleing. jason might end up a governer until a leadership can be voted on from all the nations

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 6:20 pm
by Dash
So is Jason going to take all the skilled people with him? Or will the whole village insist on joining him?

He had several people help him build the shielding technology, and they know a few of his secrets. If he leaves, the chance of them being found and caught is quite high.

They'd only have to send troops listening telepathically to find large groups of humans. Or see where there is a large change to the landscape? They may have to move to a different country?

The Faey must suspect something now, with a signal that indicates he was in space and within range of that transport. They'd intensify the search?

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 6:49 pm
by Hearly
After reading it again.. (3rd time, nothing else new to read)

1. The mentioning of other races becoming telepathic, might be a hint as to what the community might do, they have a faey trained doctor..

2. He needs to work on a Plan on how to toss that house off of the Earth and allow Humans "self-determination" without breaking from the Emperess...

This I think is the basic problem as I see it right now

After he came back he did reflect a bit about snapping at Jyslin and Lorna, but I still think he is overreacting very very much, I mean look back at the slave trade in our own history, the britsh outlawed it in what the early 1800's but it still "happened" just like other crimes still happen I mean there is still a small slave trade going on in the world today (more so in the asian area of the world) WHY is Jason putting more "faith" on the Imperial system and them following the laws when even the people Running the United States Don't follow the laws of the land?

Considering all mountain area's are within the preserves, I'd assume they'd look at taking over a valley in either the rockies or appilation(sp?) mountains and using that as a base.. For one with a mountain you can hide it easier with holograms etc.. as you can mount them in the mountains..

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:51 pm
by MechCraft
another thing to think about is jason's telepathy, jyslin never finished training him in its application. if he gets caught will he be able to defend himself against a mindbender??.

and with the technical people the town will he develope his own skills in preventing fey from mind raping info out of others, like a password protect area of the brain? or a programming loop that only the owner of the brain and jason can retrieve? when nessary?

and what about telekenisis. isnt it just a formation of thought that produces a physical effect? eg.(a russian lady in the 50s could move things with her mind)

with jasons martial arts and his meditation could he not turn his telepathy on himself and teach himself to refine he abilitys? (meditaion teaches one to know his own mind)

just a few thoughts worth menitioning

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:09 am
by Phantom
I Had a Few Questions and some comments on 10 and Sub as a whole.  

First the questions that i keep wondering about  

Just how Strong of a Telepath is Jason?  

It's stated that he's strong but just how strong is he now he still getting stronger ?  

Is he more then a Match for most Faey now?

Second  Why hasn't he realized yet that he has the Knowledge and Weapons to take on even a Heavy cruiser or battleship by himself and take it out..

I mean Using his Stealth Tech and New MPAC Sheilding about the only things that could touch him are Telepathy and/or Missiles (if they can find something to lock on to)  and we know they don't have Missiles around earth
plus his Railgun is more then powerful enough to overwelm even a Large Ships Sheilds at close range.

As for Jyslin and Lorna   he overreacted but thats how he is when it concerns Humans and the Faey ocupation of Earth...

Jyslin Is in Love with Jason and his Overraction is going to cause her to do any thing to remedy the situation even if it costs her everything.  Look at what she has allready done for and indured for him because of Love.  
I just wonder if she will have to come clean with her Aunt on just what he is now.

But there are some other players we are overlooking here  also  there is a certian imperial marine company that is also in love or at the least very good friends with jason they respect him and see him as one of their own.   he did after all best them fair and squarely they respect him for that    

When they find out whats happening with the human slaves  they are going to be on Jasons side in this they are not Nobles and don't really like Nobles that much besides.  

I think Lorna is going to be hard pressed to resolve the Nobles alowing of slaving   And Jyslin is going to pressure her on it ( A Lot )..  

Jason hasn't relized yet just how powerful some of his friends are   ones he's meet and ones he hasn't   it seems to me  he has several Guardian angels watching his back for as yet unknown reasons.  

And Unless i miss my guess there is something else wrong in the Imperium   My guess the war is going badly for the Faey but it's not widely known  and
that's one reason they need people like jason to invent new tech.  

Which brings up another question  If Terras critical importance to the Faey Imperium as a farming colony that supplied nearly 20% of the Faey Imperiums food, and the second largest farming colony in the Faey Imperium,   then what happened to all the other Food production they must have had in the past ?    Was it destroyed ?   were they starving to death when they took over Earth ?
Also i think that exomech is going to become very important to jason surivival very soon.  

Also i'm wondering Who has enough power to be able to just lose a brand new (Newest Model) exomech's
We know how much it cost's and i'm sure they are not available to just anyone.  
Maybe not anyone who doesn't have imperial connections?  
I'm not so sure the Empress would like a lot of Nobel's running around with that Kind of tech when it's her marines that have to keep the Nobel house's inline and under control?

And has anyone noticed how much like a human Symone has been thinking and acting ? To me she see's Jasons quest against the Faey as being the right thing to do.  ( True they did try to kill her )  
Also interesting is how she seem to see Jason  I mean he's one of her best friend's.  but did you notice She also see's him as a Commanding officer also now.
When he leaves the community she will go with him. Tim will also

It is interesting that there are several Faey that don't see jason Telepath or not as a problem or a threat

I wonder what a Human/Faey child might be able to do ?

just my opions and rambling's  but maybe food for thought ....  
Waiting for chapter 11,12,13 ... Hoping Fel Takes some time from Demons Bane and gives us several more Sub first,  that way he can make Demons Bane even better  <G>



Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:15 pm
by alisyed
Waiting for chapter 11,12,13 ...
Just wondering if you knew if Fey was gonna post all three chapters together

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:15 pm
by alisyed
alisyed wrote:
Just wondering if you knew if Fey was gonna post all three chapters together

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:45 pm
by Phantom
>on Today at 11:15am, alisyed wrote:
>Quote:Waiting for chapter 11,12,13 ...  
>Just wondering if you knew if Fey was gonna post all
>three chapters together  

Actualy it's just wishful thinking on my part I saw in a Post from him about maybe doing Chapter 10 & 11  but beyond that your guess is as good as mine

We can try and ask him though ...

Fel if you read this..

Can you please tell us what your writing Plans are going to be for the next  4 or 5 chapters  and which Books they will be for ?  Please....

I'm Still hoping for a few More Sub chapters  but will still Enjoy Demon's Bane or Dragonstar


"If the primates that we came from had known that
someday politicians would come out of the...the gene pool,
They'd a stayed up in the trees and written Evolution off as a bad idea.
Hell, I always thought the opposable thumb was overrated."
       -- Sheridan, "Babylon 5 A Distant Star"


Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:10 pm
by codewarrior
Fel I think I can say this for everyone:

Can we please, please have some more of your writing? The story that you write the next chapterfor is of little importance. We just want more..........Please, with a cherry on top?

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:25 am
by jnormg
New member-first time post.  I doubt Jason will need large numbers of human telepaths.  With his cloaked skimmer and the fire power of his rail gun, he presents a serious threat to food shipments off-planet.  He may neet to up-scale the rail gun to a larger projectile. (think what damage would be done by a tennis ball-sized chunk of lead traveling at 14000 mph)  If he can safely demonstrate a threat to the transfer station in earth orbit or the the star gate outside the moon's orbit, he can hold food shipments hostage and thus has a strong negotiating position.

However, it is a two-edged sword.  Kumi is part of House Trillane, and Jyslin is still loyal to the Imperium.  Jason needs both.  Also, a serious threat to food shipments might trigger a massive retaliation against wilderness settlements everywhere.

I am extremely curious as to what role Temiko plays.  She has a serious reason for disliking the Fey.  She now has talent, although mostly untrained, but she has already shown her resourcefulness and her toughness.  My guess is she goes with Jason while Time and Symone remain with the settlement, where they are needed the most.  I also think Tim and Steve will be left to repair the exomech, since Jason now has very little use for it.  Anyway, these are just my guesses.  No matter which way it goes, it is a fantastic story.

Norm Gober

Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:34 pm
by MommyDoom
Personally, i think Jason is going to get himself one of those super-duper Shapechanger Spymaster thingys and get all the dope on the Fey.


Re: Subjugation Chapter 10 (spoilers)

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:16 am
by Phantom
Don't forget the Super Secret Faey Decoder Ring  :D
