Relationships issues

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Relationships issues

Post by Ishen_Wolf »

For starters, this is my first post in this forums, though I have been reading it for around a year. So a 'Hi all' for all of you.

In Sennadar we have lots of marriages or mated pairs. But some of them present a long term problem, if you ask me. This are marriages between inmortals(better called ageless maybe?) and mortals. The first example that comes to my mind is Keritanima-Rallix. I guess we all see the problem here: Rallix will die in lets say 60 years at the most. Will Kerry be a widow for the rest of eternity or will she have a line of husbands or lovers through time? This is not a question really, but more like an observation I make. Anyone have anything to add to this, or something I may not be getting?
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Weresmilodon »

That kind of mortality could likely be worked around by magic. It has been established (I think) that Were-kin don't grow old because of their healing. (Age = Detoriation of the body) So with the right kind of healing-spells it should be possible to heal that damage. Not immortality, or a cure for aging, but close enough that it should work.

Of course, I don't think that death is going to be on anyones mind for a while. Not their own, at least. And don't forget that there are a number of rule-breakers around! Nothing is for sure.
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Lochar »

Rallix is also a Wizard, and since the Weave regained full power, I can bet there's a spell somewhere to retard ageing.

Hmm, makes me wonder.  I remember reading the Kimmie was thinking about switching over to worship of the Goddess.  She's already pretty much immortal, bu if Rallix did so, in ten years if he took the Vows of the Goddess could the Goddess suspend his aging as well?
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Hallmist »

Somewhere (i think in tower of sorcery) tarrin finds out that sorcerers age very slowly.  This allows Niami to break the rules concerning mortals and types of magic; specifically, it allows her to grant priest magic to sorcerers.  

So i think that Niami would only be able to grant slowed aging to a sorcerer, meaining that Ralix, even if he took an oath, would not be eligible.
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Xyron »

Sorcerers do not age at all.

They serve the goddess in 10 year periods, and every 10 years they take the vows, and when they take those vows, the Godess suspends their aging for 10 years.

That way a sorcerer could live forever if they just keep taking the vows
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Lochar »

xyron wrote:Sorcerers do not age at all.

They serve the goddess in 10 year periods, and every 10 years they take the vows, and when they take those vows, the Godess suspends their aging for 10 years.

That way a sorcerer could live forever if they just keep taking the vows
They only take the vows once as far as I know, and their aging is stopped indefinately.

Care to quote where you read that they have to take them multiple times?
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by rick »

a few points you guys missed:
 !. You have to be born with the gift  to be a sorcerer.Keri was the first of her race to be born with the gift .So there is no way Rallix can become a sorcerer ,he dosent have the gift .Also once you use one kind of magic you are sealed to it ( Tarren beibg the exception of corse) As A wizard Rallix has a second strike so to speak against his becoming a Sorcerer,hence the  sorcerers and priests going out in" Ax "  to seal and block the furture followers from becoming comtamated by other froms of magic.
  Besides Fel has never mentioned the normal life span of a wakkian .For all we know it could be a verry long one,if you rule out death by political or gread based back stabbing .
 As for the non-ageing of the Sorcerers, that is part of their priest-package so to speak . Because they act as priest to the Goddess their ageing is  stoped.
 It`s a moot point anyway Kerri wont alow her beloved to die .She`s far too sneeky and use to getting her own way not to have this thought out and planed for.
What I find mort intresting is wondering if Kerri`s son will be allowed to take the throne as he is a sorcerer .
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Hearly »

rick wrote:   Besides Fel has never mentioned the normal life span of a wakkian .For all we know it could be a verry long one,if you rule out death by political or gread based back stabbing .

Actually he did, in a round about type of way, when Keri was quoting Laws, at one point she was giving the Year it was Decreed, and whom it was decreed by, from that you can assume they have a "normal" lifespan.
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Lochar »

rick wrote:  As for the non-ageing of the Sorcerers, that is part of their priest-package so to speak . Because they act as priest to the Goddess their ageing is  stoped.
What I find mort intresting is wondering if Kerri`s son will be allowed to take the throne as he is a sorcerer .
No, they take the vows so that they can use priest magic and get around the one order per person rule.  If Rallix takes the vows for the same reason, the Goddess might be able to

The Wikuni always had the ability to use Sorcery, it was just suppressed.  Same as the Selani, they are an off shoot of the Sha'Kar who can use magic.

I remember some where that Kerri's son, as a sui'kun, most likely wouldn't be next in line for the throne.  Unless of course, the Goddess allows a tower to be built in Wikuna.
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Hallmist »

Well, what you've gotta remember is that Kerri instituted a new government, and that after her, the president would be elected.  So there's no guarantee that her son would even be first in line for that position.  Though from what Fel's described, he seems so popular (remember the stuffed dolls of him?) that he'd almost be a shoe-in.

Ok.  now i want everyone to get back to sennadar so Fel can write about what's gone on there in Tarrin's absence.
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by avitchel »

Ok.  now i want everyone to get back to sennadar so Fel can write about what's gone on there in Tarrin's absence.
Wish you hadn't said that! I was just sitting here, wishing that Fel would resolve the current issue in Pyrosia. Now, I also want to know what has been happenning in Sennadar while they've been gone!

Back to the relationship issues, we have Tarrin seemingly committed to a permanent polyamory relationship. None of his three "wives" seem interested in committing to any other werecat, however there are indications that the women wouldn't mind a dalliance when it was not their turn with the husband.

Dolana and Haley (and Faalken?) seem to have drawn the shortest straw in the love life lottery. She can't even admit to herself her feelings without causing pain to herself and her "loved" one. She is the strong one, the one which all turn when times are troubled. What will be her reward for her loyalty and grace? What can Niami do to indicate her favor? Some sort of permanent prophalytic to prevent her from becoming were?

The timeline hasn't caught up with them in Pyrosia, but what happens when Mist and Tarrin exceed their together time? Their relationship already seems to exceed the normal were model. She is incredibly close to Tarrin, and now to Kimmie also. Please Fel, expose more of these wonderful growing relationships also. The Pyrosia storyline is terrific, but we love the standard characters also.
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Lochar »

hallmist wrote:Well, what you've gotta remember is that Kerri instituted a new government, and that after her, the president would be elected.  So there's no guarantee that her son would even be first in line for that position.  Though from what Fel's described, he seems so popular (remember the stuffed dolls of him?) that he'd almost be a shoe-in.

Ok.  now i want everyone to get back to sennadar so Fel can write about what's gone on there in Tarrin's absence.
Questing Game Ch. 16

There will be much less confusion. Oh, and to let everyone know right here and now, this constitution states that if I die before the full enactment of this constition, it immediately becomes permanent law. It also states that there will be no more monarchs after me. All claims to the throne of Wikuna will be nullified except for my own. And if I die, a commoner will be elected to my position, and he will be called Prime Minister, with all the same powers as my own except for the ability to change the legal system. So, if all of you would like to prevent utter chaos, you'll keep me nice and safely alive," she said bluntly. "You can have a republic, or you can have anarchy. The choice is yours."

Axe Ch. 18
   Its weird, she answered.  Its strange to think that I brought him into the world, but at the same time, it seems totally natural.  And I fell in love with him the first time I saw him, she said with a dreamy kind of contentment that only a parent could display.

       And think, youre responsible for making him a king, Tarrin told her.

       No, I dont think he ever will be, she said seriously.  Hes a suikun, Tarrin.  Im a little shocked about that, but I think it means that he might not have the time to sit on my throne and play king.  That might end up being the job of the next one.

       Next one? Tarrin chuckled.  Already thinking of expanding the nursery?

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Re: Relationships issues

Post by rick »

I belives it also mentiones in the same chapter (ax 18) that the people want  king or qween and not a president.They want Kerri or one of her children on the throne . It surpirsed her but she agreed to bow to her people wishes.Aka them seem to want a consutional monarciy
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by Ishen_Wolf »

After thinking about it for a while, I know how Rallix will get to be inmortal. He can become a priest of Kikkalli, quite easily I can say. He was a sailor and a succesful merchant, two things Kikkalli will surely appreciate. Miranda can put in a favorable word(which will a good thng, considering she is the favourite of Kikkalli) and he is Kerry's husband, who is Queen and another favorite. I mean, recomendations and aptitude he doesnt lack.

On the Dolana and Haley front, she will need more a force field than permanent prophalytic . I remember Miranda wondering how good Haley would be in bed, and Tarrin telling her he would harm her with his strenght.(I dont remember if the exac wording was harm her, but I dont want to be to graphical of the consequences of that intercourse). But I want this relationship to work, as a matter of fact, I say we create the ''Pro happy ending of Dolana-Haley relation lobby'' to convinve Fel to give it a happy ending. Who is with me?
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Re: Relationships issues

Post by The_Namer »

After thinking about it for a while, I know how Rallix will get to be inmortal. He can become a priest of Kikkalli, quite easily I can say. He was a sailor and a succesful merchant, two things Kikkalli will surely appreciate. Miranda can put in a favorable word(which will a good thng, considering she is the favourite of Kikkalli) and he is Kerry's husband, who is Queen and another favorite. I mean, recomendations and aptitude he doesnt lack.
Rallix is a mortal and a Wizard. Since mortals can only use one type of magic, that rules him out.
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