Mist and her Cat's Claws

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Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Shadowhawk »

Tarrin has copied the design of his Cat's Claws and make Mist her own (in "Axe of the Dwarven King"). Somewhat earlier (in "Weavespinner") he changed the material which the Claws were made from to the black no-name otherwordly metal, which his sword is made from. He did that to make his Cat's Claws lethal weapon to any Demon. Am I mistaken, or there is mentioned somewhere that Mist's Claws are made of adamantium? It it is true, how can it be killing weapon for Demons?
Last edited by Shadowhawk on Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Lochar »

I'd have to re-read over it, but for the moment, it's quite possible if adamantium isn't in Pyrosia.  That would make it a metal not native there.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Shadowhawk »

lochar wrote:I'd have to re-read over it, but for the moment, it's quite possible if adamantium isn't in Pyrosia.  That would make it a metal not native there.
First, have you found what metal Mist's Claws are made of? I think that somewhere it is mentioned that it are made of adamantium, but I am not sure. If Tarrin copied his Cat's Claws while making the one for Mist up to the current material it are made of (i.e. her Cat's Claws are made of this black unnamed metal), all this discussion is futile.

Second, even if adamantium is otherwordly metal in Pyrosia, how Tarrin knew that? He was very, very sure that Mist can handle quasit (the Demon the Priest who was met first summoned). I guess that adamantuim is not otherwordly on Sennadar. Otherwise Tarrin would not work on changing the material of his Claws. This was some hard work...
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Lochar »

       The new set of Cats Claws were considerably more difficult, and required the direct help of the Goddess.  They would be perfect replicas of his, which was necessary because the formula for creating them was already known, and trying to change it would cost him months of research time.  Once he began on them, he could not do anything else, and it required sixteen days of constant work to complete them.  Where it had taken Jenna over a month and the help of Ianelle, Tarrin did it in sixteen with the help of his charm.  The Goddess had to do some parts of it, mainly the layered behavior of the claws when they were extended, and she also had to provide the Adamantite bracers.  Tarrin couldnt Create Adamantite, as it was an other-worldly metal, and was as such beyond even Tarrins Druidic power to create.
Chapter 24 of Axe.  Adamantite was already an otherworldly metal.  I guess he either didn't think or was hoping that it didn't come from where they were traveling to.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Shadowhawk »

Thanks. So it seems that the Tarrin's Cat's Claws are made of the unnamed black metal (the metal his sword is made of), and Mist's Cat's Claws are made of adamantite. Both metals are otherwordly, so it can kill Demons.

The question is now, why they are made of different metals? Could not Tarrin do the same with Mist's Claws as with his own? Or he did that way to make it impossible to mistake them, e.g. to summon Mist's bracers instead of his own... this might be not possible with Druidic Summon (as the intent should be clear to distinguish his and her Claws) but with flaky Wizardry... ;)
Last edited by Shadowhawk on Sat Jan 31, 2004 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Lochar »

I"m not going to go digging through Axe again, but iirc, Tarrin thought that they were his, but he was just letting Mist use them.  It's probably in 24, right around where I found that if you want to go look.  That's probably why, so that he can distinguish between his first ones or that pair. Dunno.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Tylhandras »

To answer why Tarrin thought Mist could handle the quasit the first priest summoned is simple.  The entire party is from another plane such that Mists claws would hurt it without having to resort to using the Cats Claws.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Lochar »

tylhandras wrote:To answer why Tarrin thought Mist could handle the quasit the first priest summoned is simple.  The entire party is from another plane such that Mists claws would hurt it without having to resort to using the Cats Claws.
But that would leave her kinda hurting on defense if the Cat's Claws wern't otherworldly.  I think we just need to lay this one to rest and say Adamantite doesn't come from either world.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Shadowhawk »

lochar wrote:Chapter 24 of Axe.:
The Goddess had to do some parts of it, mainly the layered behavior of the claws when they were extended, and she also had to provide the Adamantite bracers.  Tarrin couldnt Create Adamantite, as it was an other-worldly metal, and was as such beyond even Tarrins Druidic power to create.
Adamantite was already an otherworldly metal.  I guess he either didn't think or was hoping that it didn't come from where they were traveling to.
I guess that Tarrin asked Goddes to provide other-wordly metal (that is adamantite) because he did want to make Cat's Claws for Mist fast. It would be more work to make them from ordinary metal (anyone remember what originnaly were the Tarrin's Claws made of?) and then Transmute it  to other-wordly metal, as Tarrin did with his Cat's Claws (the metal being this black, immune to heat, noname metal his sword is made of).
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Shadowhawk »

If I remember correctly Tarrin's Cat's Claws (in Weavespinner) were originally made of Adamantite, and he Transmuted them into black no-named alloy his sword was made of, to make them harmful to Demons (and lending it to Jesmind). If I remember correctly Tarrin does not checked beforehand if Adamantium was enough...

Then in Axe it is mentioned that Mist's Cat's Claws were made of Adamantite with the help of Goddes, because it is otherwordly metal (so Conjuring the material was out of the question, as it is nearly impossible to make something unnatural using Druidic magic). And that was enough to kill Demons on Pyrosia (in Sword of Fire).
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by RedManX »

its my understanding that tarrin origonaly did not know that adamantium was an otherworldly metal so when he origonaly needed it to dammage demons instead of asking "mother" weather it was otherworldly or not he just up and changed it  as we have seen she is not very forthcomeing with information along thouse lines unless its extremly vital to the situation. as to why they are diffrent metals why add more time to the prosses when adamantium will work. he is in a time crunch and if adamantium will work they way it is all the better. when he asked "mother" for otherworldly metal he didnt specify becouse any otherworldly metal will work at this point.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Xyron »

According to common Roleplaying knowledge : Adamantite/Adamantium IS a black metal

therefor we conclude that the black unnamed metal IS adamantite

and Jenna probably created the original claws out of steel or something

which would also explain why Tarrin changed the metal from steel to adamantite, since he needed them to hurt demons.

and that means that the sword is also made of Adamantite

and while we are at it, we can conclude that since they work on Pyrosia Adamantite isn't natural to that dimension either
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Shadowhawk »

xyron wrote:According to common Roleplaying knowledge : Adamantite/Adamantium IS a black metal
Thanks Xyron. That explains all. Well, almost all: it does not explain why at first this black metal is unnamed, and then it is adamantite.

So first pair of brcers was created from native Sennadar metal, like steel or mithrill, probably because otherwordly metal is very hard to find, and Tarrin has not expected to have many clashes with Demons. Then Tarrin Transmuted his Cat's Claw to adamantion (unnamed black metal his sword was made of). Second pair of Cat's Claw, those for Mist, were made in simpler way: created from adamantium, with help of Goddess (Jenna could/would not get help from Goddess earlier). Probably faster and less exhausting way.

The question is: Pyrosia being other world, how Tarrin was so sure that adamantium is not native on Pyrosia?
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Lochar »

Jenna did get help from the Goddess to create the Cat's Claws, but only in setting the layered abilities.  The Goddess probably wasn't/isn't allowed to suggest anything, so Jenna went with what she had on had, steel.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Xyron »

Tarrin probably had no idea about what material would work in Pyrosia, i doubt he even considered it.

He just knew that Adamantite worked good for him, so he made the other bracers out of adamantite aswell.

The fact that they work in Pyrosia could be based on two things

1. The bracers are enchanted with Sorcery (and since sorcery dosen't exist on Pyrosia, that would make the bracers foreign, to that dimension and therefore effective vs demons)

2. Adamantite dosent exist on Pyrosia (thus, the fact that they work is just pure luck)