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Languages Tarrin speaks. Diamonds for Phandebras

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:19 pm
by Shadowhawk
"Sword of Fire", Chapter 11
      How many are you up to now, Tarrin?  Twelve? Haley asked with a chuckle.

       Thirteen, he corrected absently.  Sulasian, Arakite, ShaKar, Sharadi, Selani, Ungardt, Wikuni, Amazon, Duthak, dragon, and the three languages from here.
Didn't Kimmie taught Tarrin her home language (I forgot it name for now)?
      I say, I have the spell, Madam Goddess, Phandebrass answered respectfully.  Ill need five perfectly cut diamonds and two hairs from an Efreeti to cast it, but I dont think that will be much of an issue, it wont.  I have the hairs already, and theyre the hard ones to get, they are.  I only need the diamonds, I do.
Haven't Tarrin group got diamonds first as a mean of currency, second as component of spells for Kimmie? Tarrin took some diamnonds with him to be able to do Wizard version of Summon for example.

Re: Languages Tarrin speaks. Diamonds for Phandebras

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:58 am
by sOmeone
Yes, he also speaks Torian
Youre fighting a losing battle, darling, Kimmie warned lightly in Torian.  Youve riled her protective side.  Now you have to live with it, she finished with a wink.

     Now it seemed to make a bit more sense.  Mist was extremely protective of himif this was just an aspect of that protectiveness, then it explained why she was going against her demure nature when regarding him.

     Dont do that in front of me, daughter, Mist warned darkly.  Mist didnt speak Torian.

     Im just telling Tarrin to give up, mother, she said with a sly smile.  He wont win this one.

Re: Languages Tarrin speaks. Diamonds for Phandebras

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:55 am
by rick
If Memory serves me Tarrin either used Druid creat or Summoned to gain the gold and gems .Which means he would of had uncut diamonds .If I`m wrong about how he got the gemd and gold it best answer is again that raw or un worked gens and unminted gold would be the best to take with them to an unfamilur place.Few trader will fear to take un cut gems .Cut ones could allways be claimed to be stolen ,it`s harder to prove where uncut gems game from.