Real motivation of Naimi

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Real motivation of Naimi

Post by schloaty »

I near about fell out of my chair when I read about the rumor that Naimi's feelings for Tarin went, perhaps, beyond the normal bounds of God & diciple.

I wonder how Jesmind would react....L

I'll be waiting to see what develops from this....if anything.

Oh, and Fel.... I'll be watching this Haley-Dolana thing REAL closely.  That's going to be a fun sub plot.
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Re: Real motivation of Naimi

Post by thisandthat »

schloaty wrote:I wonder how Jesmind would react....L
Forget Jesmind, think about crossing Mist!   >:(
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Re: Real motivation of Naimi

Post by Were_Fan »

schloaty wrote:I near about fell out of my chair when I read about the rumor that Naimi's feelings for Tarin went, perhaps, beyond the normal bounds of God & diciple.
It's not just Niami that seems to have special affection for Tarrin although her feelings obviously run deeper.  Kikkalli,  Fara'Nae and Neme care about Tarrin also.

   Although the gods fear Tarrin, they also seem to care about and/or respect him.  Dallstad, Karas, and Ahiriya favor Tarrin also.  Perhaps Dakkii, Dakkuu and Solari can be added to Tarrin's fans.

 But, the latecommer to Tarrin's fan club is the most important.  It appears in a passge from Bane chapter 1 that the God of Gods supports Tarrin.  Remember: the Deva do NOTHING without the God of Gods knowledge and permission or orders.  What did the Solar Deva Sh'Keel tell the Deva underling Ch'Belle?
Return to Crossroads, the figure ordered telepathically. I want you to locate the two the Prime Goddess has sent to locate the Mortal God. Find them but do not make contact with them. Observe them. If the Demons or others attempt to block them or attack them, render unto them that aid which you think is appropriate. I will make it known among the Deva that those two are under special protection, that they are not to be killed if they violate the One Law, only chastised. You are responsible for their well being, ChBelle.
   The drastic nature of the passage didn't register at first.  I read past it, then backed up and read it again.  Not only are Tarrin's followers allowed to violate the One Law, they are to be protected.  Due to the nature of the Deva, this can only be with the God of Gods knowledge/permission/orders.  Perhaps the elder god of Pyrosia deserting his post and Tarrin's Weave creation has something to do with this.

  Ah, well!  Now it will be sleepless nights waiting for the next chapter of this epic adventure.  Buy stock in coffee companys since it is sure to go up.  I'll be sitting by the screen sipping coffee and refreshing the screen until I no longer get a "404" for chapter 3, 4, 5, etc of Bane. <grin>
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Re: Real motivation of Naimi

Post by Shadowhawk »

were_fan wrote:  But, the latecommer to Tarrin's fan club is the most important.  It appears in a passge from Bane chapter 1 that the God of Gods supports Tarrin. (...)
This remind me of the speculations here about nature of Firestaff, that perhaps God of Gods had something to do with the creation of this artifact, perhaps as some kind of test for Elder Prime Gods... And Tarrin is now the child of Firestaff.
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Re: Real motivation of Naimi

Post by J-Man5 »

Does anyone ge the feeling that possibly the God of Gods might want/need a Child of the Firestaff god as a Champion against the Demons or Entropy? Someone with the power, determination and aptitude to take the fight to them?  

We have all speculated that the Firestaff is some sort of test: What if it was like the Excalibur test?  Only the one that is worthy could do what Tarrin has done and not become corrupted by his power like Val did.  Only Tarrin has been a mortal that could challenge a God and survive.  Only Tarrin has been raised as a Firestaff god.  Only Tarrin has been a god who had died but been raised back with a Mortal shell.  Only Tarrin single handedly created a new weave after thrashing a God and a Demon Lord.  

And why has he done all of these things all along:  Because of the love for his (1) family, (2) goddess, (3) weak and powerless (those on Pyrosia, children everywhere, etc.) These seem like good qualities in a Champion.  

Now back to the original question of what is Naimi's motivation.   What female can resist a strong, powerful, caring male? Tarrin is surrounded by these and they ALL dote on him.  
