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Sorcerous Potential

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 11:26 pm
by The_Namer
If a human Sorcerer breeds with an Aeradalla, can the child inherit the gift of Sorcery? If so, could a Tower be built on Conduit that runs through the Cloud Spire? Likewise, is it possible for a Goblinoid to possess Sorcery, whether through some specific breeding or other means?

Re: Sorcerous Potential

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 11:31 pm
by Lochar
As the Areadella are originally human, I think they would already have the ability to use Sorcery, but it's probably been muted.

Goblinoids could never use Sorcery, as the goblins were not one of the first races with the ability to use Sorcery.

Re: Sorcerous Potential

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:20 pm
by Shadowhawk
We have Sorcerers from Humans and Sha'Kar (I think the most), Selani (descendants of Sha'Kar I think), Wikuni (descendants of Humans I think), Werecats (only through Tarrin, who was Sorcerer before turning).

Re: Sorcerous Potential

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:56 pm
by Lochar
shadowhawk wrote:We have Sorcerers from Humans and Sha'Kar (I think the most), Selani (descendants of Sha'Kar I think), Wikuni (descendants of Humans I think), Werecats (only through Tarrin, who was Sorcerer before turning).
Wikuni are descendants of the Sha'Kar, changed by their gods.  They're the ones that sailed West and weren't heard from again.

And any Werecat that proves to be able to use Sorcery is going to be a direct descendant of Tarrin or Jula.  Both are turned Sorcerers.

Re: Sorcerous Potential

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:22 pm
by The_Namer
On a somewhat related note, are there any Wikuni, Selani, Sha'Kar, Vendari, or Aeradalla Druids? The power seems universal, but I only remember Fae-da'Nar and human Druids being mentioned.

Re: Sorcerous Potential

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:35 pm
by J-Man5
I'm doubting that any of the Vendari would every handle any magical service (Sorcery, Wizardry, Druidry, or Priestly)  due to the fact that (1) they were created beings, (2) they were created with a resistance to magic.  But who knows? It's Fel's world and he can do what he likes with it.


Re: Sorcerous Potential

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:38 pm
by J-Man5
I also think that the other races mentioned might produce a druid if that individual was closely tied to the way the world worked and lived.  Then the AllMother Goddess Aeiese (sp?) would bring them into her worship (which is really what being a druid is).  Druids are like her version of priests.


Re: Sorcerous Potential

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 3:31 am
by Shadowhawk
"Honor and Blood" Chapter 19 (Goddess tells Tarrin the story about races)
"Now you may understand why Keritanima and Allia can use Sorcery. The ability has been suppressed in the other two branches of the Urzani line, but in Allia and Keritanima that ability has been reborn. In the beginning, only the Humans and that nameless parent race had the spark to be Sorcerers. All of their children retain that spark. And now that you are Were, the spark of Sorcery has been introduced into the Were-cat line. All of your children have the potential to be Sorcerers, just like their father."
"The Aeradalla are also magical beings, but they evolved from humans, not animals."
So the races which can use Sorcery for certain are: humans, Selani, Sha'Kar, Wikuni, Urzani (i.e. Spyder), Werecats (descendants of Tarrin and Jula). Races which can probably use Sorcery are: Aerdalla.