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Kidnapping of Jasana

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:15 pm
by Shadowhawk
Couldn't Tarrin Summon the Doomwalker sword out of Marlith hands, so she would not be able to as easily kill Jasana? Maybe he would not be able to stop her, but maybe others...

Re: Kidnapping of Jasana

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:51 pm
by The_Namer
As I recall, he had already exhausted himself using magic and was about to pass out. Since Druidic magic takes a second to cast anyway, I doubt he would have risked Jasana by trying. The Marilith might have been able to tell he was casting a spell (Druidic magic is silent, but if the Sha'Kar could feel it, maybe a Demon Wizard could too) and reacted too quickly, or the effort could have killed him.

Re: Kidnapping of Jasana

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:21 pm
by schloaty
Also, remember he's kinda new to druidic magic....Maybe it just didn't occur to him.

Re: Kidnapping of Jasana

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 11:11 pm
by Phantom
shadowhawk wrote:Couldn't Tarrin Summon the Doomwalker sword out of Marlith hands, so she would not be able to as easily kill Jasana? Maybe he would not be able to stop her, but maybe others...
He could have but as the others pointed out he was already wiped out. he didn't even have the strength to heal Eron after Marlith cut him
Though it killed him, he made no move towards the marilith as she slithered out onto
the balcony and then somehow went over the side. His lunge was instead to Eron, rolling
him over and putting desperate hands on his neck, trying to stem the horrific flow of
blood pouring out of the grisly wound. He was spent, utterly spent, and even as he
desperately reached out to try to command his power of Sorcery, he knew that it was
going to fail.
Even as his son's skin turned chalky and the flow of blood pouring from the
dreadful wound began to wane. Never before had he felt so powerless, not known what
to do, not had someone to help him. He gave a strangling cry as he redoubled his efforts,
terror and panic starting to overwhelm his rational attempts to exert his spent will against
the Weave.

Calm down! the voice of the Goddess touched him, though her own voice was frantic.
I can't do anything unless you calm down, kitten! Open yourself to me, quickly! There's
no time!

Trying to calm down, trying to reign in the firestorm of emotion roaring through his
mind, he put his paws on Eron's shoulders and tried to center himself. He knew he had to
reach out to the Goddess as she reached out to him, and in their meeting he would
become her instrument, but his eyes could only look at the deadly wound in his son's
neck and the blood that was saturating the knees of his trousers.
It seemed an eternity, but then he finally felt her searching for him, reaching out for
him. He rushed out to meet her, and in their touch he was again shunted off the the side
as the awesome power of the Goddess reached directly into him, through him sweeping
him up with it and joining his mind to hers. He could feel her near-panic, her fear and
fury at what had happened, but she did not let it her affect her judgement. With her swift
and sure manner, she wove the spell that Tarrin had improvised to defeat the killing
magic of Jegojah's sword, wove it through him and into Eron, Mist, and Jesmind
simultaneously, something he would not have been able to do.
That was all she needed to
do, all that needed to be done, and all that Tarrin's weary body could withstand as the
regenerative powers of the Were-cats would kick in now that the magic defeating them
had been neutralized.
Besides I'm not sure Tarrin could have done it.

After all it wasn't his sword, I'm not sure he had enough of a bond to summon it quickly enough... even if he had the power to do it

Good idea though

The only thing about the Druid magic thing is even though he is new to it. He is A very powerful druid

As we see in just the next chapter as Spyder confronts Tarrin
"Go ahead," he told her without emotion. "Let's just get it all out of the way now,
woman. It doesn't matter to me anymore. Nothing matters to me anymore except my
daughter," he said in a dead tone. "Strike at me, Spyder, and I'll tear the Weave. I know
how it's done. Try to stop me, and I'll cause another Breaking. You won't have to worry
about Val destroying the world.
" He turned on her, and there was awful burning
fanaticism in his eyes that took her aback. "If you deny me the chance to save my
daughter, I'll destroy the world myself!"
There was a shocked silence from Spyder, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.
"Mother!" she gasped in consternation. "This cannot be!"
I cannot interfere, the voice of the Goddess touched them both, a very subdued,
serious voice, nothing like the voice he was so accustomed to hearing. You understand
the rules, daughter. I cannot directly interfere. I cannot demand. I can only ask. If
Tarrin decides to defy me, I can do nothing but deny him his powers. And he does not
need Sorcery to tear the Weave, daughter. He's a strong enough Druid to do it. It will
kill him, but he can do it
So me thinks he knows enough about Druid Magic to at least do major dammage   ;)
Also remember because his was turned the second time his powers were increased because it was his own Blood that turned him.... and Niami allowed it to remain so
