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Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:23 pm
by Shadowhawk
I wonder why Tarrin in his fight with Val, after being changed by Firestaff, have chosen sword and not staff as his weapon? I thought he prefers staff to sword, and he is more proficient with staff...

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:57 pm
by Hearly
shadowhawk wrote:I wonder why Tarrin in his fight with Val, after being changed by Firestaff, have chosen sword and not staff as his weapon? I thought he prefers staff to sword, and he is more proficient with staff...
Excuse spelling here...

But for a "godly" weapon wouldn't you want something looking fearsome for the psycological impact? Staff vs Sword... Swords always look "better" IMO

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:06 am
by knightowl
I tend to agree with Shadowhawk, after all properly useed, a staff will destroy a sword  :P

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:31 am
by Shadowhawk
Well, if both are indestructible... (as artifacts).

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:37 am
by Lochar
Besides, when you think of an avenging figure from myth, they normally carry a huge flaming sword.  *grin*

Not some pansy staff.  LOL

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:53 am
by Were_Fan
Shadowhawk wrote:I wonder why Tarrin in his fight with Val, after being changed by Firestaff, have chosen sword and not staff as his weapon? I thought he prefers staff to sword, and he is more proficient with staff...
Want to bet that Tarrin shows up with a staff when he faces Spyder?

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:03 am
by Journeywoman
Want to bet that Tarrin shows up with a staff when he faces Spyder?
Easy bet for you since his sword IS currently in two pieces on a different planet :wink:.

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:27 pm
by Lochar
Makes you wonder if he could buy a weapon while in the Crossroads? Go to the merchant, say I want your best weapon. Merchant looks over him. "Ya ain't got the cash for me best."

Tarrin pulls out ruby, casts spell, waits five minutes then nullifies it again.

"Is that enough?"

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:50 pm
by Were_Fan
Lochar wrote:Makes you wonder if he could buy a weapon while in the Crossroads? Go to the merchant, say I want your best weapon. Merchant looks over him. "Ya ain't got the cash for me best."

Tarrin pulls out ruby, casts spell, waits five minutes then nullifies it again.

"Is that enough?"
Yup! Tarrin the rule breaker strikes again. Tarrin didn't even feel a power drain when his room became a bank vault. He didn't forget other spells. "Poor" Tarrin still thinks his power is limited in Crossroads. <grin>


Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:52 pm
by Were_Fan
Journeywoman wrote:
Want to bet that Tarrin shows up with a staff when he faces Spyder?
Easy bet for you since his sword IS currently in two pieces on a different planet :wink:.
Tarrin already has the demon's glaive. He could get other weapons also. However, Tarrin will use the staff since that weapon does not need to kill.

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:10 pm
by mbeau
Shadowhawk wrote:I wonder why Tarrin in his fight with Val, after being changed by Firestaff, have chosen sword and not staff as his weapon? I thought he prefers staff to sword, and he is more proficient with staff...
It was somewhere in the early books where he mentions the difference between a staff and a sword.

A staff gives you the option to decide whether to kill or simply incapacitate. A sword does not give you that option. In the battle with Val, he used the Firestaff in a battle to the death. Thus, the sword is the best option.

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:16 am
by canilash
I think that like a staff, a sword can be used in such a way that it doesn't kill the adversary. Just cut the muscles here and there to incapacitate, for exemple. Also, if one uses a shield with the sword, one can use it as a blunt weapon, and stun the enemy.

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:36 am
by walther
That is true a sword can be used to incapacitate your opponent without having to kill him. The pommel for instance can be used to knock him out. In medieval times it was normal to try and take your enemy hostage if he was o rich noble man. You could ask a nice large ransom for him, which you would not get if he were death. Try to find some medieval and later manuals about sword fighting. You can find a number of them on the net.

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:03 pm
by 2p1k3
The same could be said for a pistol but a pistol is used to 'kill' and not incapacitate. It takes more skill to incapacitate with a pistol than it does with a staff. Furthermore, if someone pulls a pistol their 'intent' should be to kill only. If you want to 'incapacitate' then choose a different weapon. There is an old adage "use the right tool for the right job"; that is what is being referred too imho.

Re: Tarrin chosing sword, not staff

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:15 am
by dadrago
I think one reason that Tarrin chose to use a sword instead of a his staff was because:
(from weavespinner ch 15)
(just after Tarrin uses the firestaff)
In that moment of blinding brilliance, Tarrin Kael ceased to be. In his place was born a new god, a new power within the universe. He was Tarrin, god of fire, god of duty, god of protection, defender of Sennadar itself, and his was the burning light of retribution which would strike down the god of darkness and forever spare the world of Sennadar from his scourged presence.

Pushing his complete awareness into his icon, feeling much as he had when he was mortal when he pushed himself into a projection, Tarrin became again aware of the material world around him, restricted himself to an awareness grounded almost completely within the material world. A mind expanded by his transformation took all in at once, understood, planned, realized. Jesmind and Jasana had not left, and he saw in their minds, minds that seemed as open books to him, that Jasana had tore free of Jesmind and ran back to protect her father when Val had attacked him. The Demons were all aghast with shock and furious with chagrin, understanding that they had just allowed the opportunity of an eon to slip through their fingers. And across from him, his mind a whirling chaos of disbelief and fury, floated the entity whose existence the new god had been created to destroy. He existed solely for the need to eradicate an ancient mistake, and he would not be denied.

Curious, he noted, that the amulet about the neck of his material form was still bound to Niami, and it still functioned. It had survived the transformation of self. He used it quickly and wisely, sending the Firestaff into the bounds of its elsewhere and recalling the black-bladed sword, bending his power to it, transforming it in an instant into an instrument of godly might, whose power existed on so many levels of existence that the mortal mind could not comprehend its depths. It was the instrument of justice, the executioner's sword, and it would fulfill the task for which it had been created.
he chose to use the sword because he needed to execute the god Val. so to me a staff wouldn't be enough of a weapon for an executioner or of justice.

just my 2c.
