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Gating Question

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 2:36 pm
by Ashish Oliver
 there's one thing that's bugging me. If phandebrass can create a gate between worlds then why was Miranda necessary for this expedition

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 2:47 pm
by MommyDoom
HI!  Unless I'm wrong, wizards can create gates TO other worlds, but no one can create gates BACK to Sennadar.  All gates are closed and Spyder guards the only open gate.  However, as Miranda is a Avatar and thus a representation of her Goddess, she can call on powers to get them home.

Correct all?


Re: Gating Question

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 3:06 pm
by Weresmilodon
You know, that creates another question... What about Tarrin? He is a sorcerer, whom all are the priests of the Goddess, and has been proclaimed to be her priest officially, i think. It has also been said that all magic Sorcery can't do, Priestly can somewhere...

So why not Tarrin?

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 3:27 pm
by MommyDoom
Tarrin is a PRIEST, not an AVATAR.  I would have to go back in the chapters to figure it out, but there's a BIG BIG difference.  Kilkalli can manifest herself physically, without use of an icon, through Miranda.


Re: Gating Question

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:38 pm
by Weresmilodon
Right. I didn't think of that... But then, when i wrote that, i was so tired that i could baerly think straight...

But, Tarrin is a DemiGod, and with the swords help, he can bridge the distance to Sennadar, at least to talk. Wouldn't it be logical that he would also be able to do more?

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:57 pm
by Ashish Oliver
   This brings me back to the last chapter that fel wrote "here are Wizard spells that create gateways between worlds, Tarrin.  They?re extremely powerful spells, and only the greatest of Wizards are capable of casting them, so naturally, Phandebrass can do it.  Phandebrass has several versions of the spells in his spellbooks, but he can?t use them in Sennadar.  He?s collected them over the years, you know how he is.  You need to find him and tell him that he must cast one that has a sustained duration.  The instant a gate is opened to Sennadar, I can call my children home.  The One can?t stop it."
   reading from the above extract it seems that phandebrass can built a gate back to sennadar provided the elder gods agree

  The again my question why is miranda presence necessary ???

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:27 pm
by MommyDoom
ashish wrote:Hi
... reading from the above extract it seems that phandebrass can built a gate back to sennadar provided the elder gods agree

The again my question why is miranda presence necessary ???
Okay, going along those lines..

Originally when they planned the trip, Phandebrass and Kimmie weren't ON the other world... they were just traveling and going to meet everyone for the birth of Allia's child.  Thus, they needed Miranda.  Then, even once Tarin and everyone figured out what had happened to Phandebrass and Kimmie, they would STILL need Miranda if they never found Phandebrass or if he had been killed on the other world.

I'm still having a problem with the point that Mike brought up though, with Tarrin being a demi-god.  Maybe he CAN make the gate and it's just a manifestation of his demi-god powers that he's not yet aware of?


Re: Gating Question

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 9:15 pm
by canisd
I'm not sure about the idea of Tarrin opening a gate to the Astral using any demi-god power or not but as to using the priest spell that was explained in chap 24 of Axe ...
Well, before the Blood War, Priests could cast a spell that created a gateway into the Astral.  You have to get into the Astral to get home, and without me, you have no way to do that.
     He (Tarrin) gave her (Miranda) a long look, pondering her words.  I could do the same thing.
     No, you cant, she said.  Youre a Priest of an Elder God, and they cant use their power outside of Sennadar.  Kikkalli is a Younger God.  She doesnt have that restriction.  If I were a normal Priest, only my simplest spells would work outside of Sennadar, because Kikkalli has no presence in that other world.  But Im an Avatar, and that changes the rules a little bit.  I can use all my magic, anywhere.  Its one of the benefits of being special, she winked.  My Priest spells will work in that other world.  Yours wont.
     Thats the brunt of it, kitten, the Goddess said to his mind.  You need her to get home.  Shes the only being on Sennadar that can do it.

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:08 am
by Ric
One Reason might be that Miranda wouldn`t worry any body (like Gods who are afraid of Tarrin) As a Avatar of her goddes she presents no danger to them.Unlike Tarrin  who is a Demi-god and possable God who threatens the balance ( Yes I know he wouldn`t but the Gods aren`t as smart as I am).Besides some of the God may be Planing to Abboned Tarrin on that world.

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:51 am

Quite you'll spoil something. I love Miranda Shes absolutely my favorite character. I just got her back. Lets keep her awhile, what say you?

LOL :-*


Re: Gating Question

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 2:19 am
by Forbidder
Ok, someone said something that Pandlebrass and kimmie wasn't on the other world, but Pandlebrass was one of the first people that was part of the expidition, in fact he brought the slate that told Tarin that there was a dwarven evacuation.

So if the goddess of sorcery knew he was able to make gates from the other world, then she was sorta fibbing when she said Miranda was the only one able to get them back.

But she could have done that because of a few reasons,
the portal pandlebrass can open is only meant for spirits, they wouldn't be able to return that way themselves, or it's always nice to have a backup, and use the astral to get back that way the gods don't have to be on the watch for a small blip of portals trying to open.  And the spirit thing changes matters which allows the portal to have such a high priority that Pandlebrass is now allowed to open one.

Or another possibility is that I'm crazy and spouting plasmic helium.

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 4:59 am
by Anir
They may also need a fast way out of there. Any spell that Pandlebrass use could take a long time to cast and may need many rare and hard to get components for his spell. Were as Miranda could do it easily. besides they dont know what is on the othe side of the gate. they might need to return to there world to restock and get better equipment. with spell components being rare, Pandlebrass might only have enough for one spell.

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 4:21 pm
by Lochar
I'm short on time and can't quote it exactly, but didn't the goddess say something about she'd handle the fact that there would be an open gate to Sennadar?  Phandabrass can create gates to Sennadar, but if he did without the Goddess's permission, I can bet anything that Spyder would be on him in a moment.  The Astral is already open and that's what she's guarding.  She's allowed to let native residents back in probably, just has to kick out non-natives.  Miranda's spell is to go into the Astral, and they will go to the Senadar portal from there.  That way Phandabrass wouldn't be killed for creating an open portal INTO Sennadar.

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 1:58 am
by Ric
One . When the Goddess said that only Miranda could open a gate back .What she probably meant is Miranda would be the only one who would be allowed to open a gate into Sennadar.There are several  gates out of Sennadar mentioned in the Books but only one into Sennadar mention .The astral plain gate Guarded by spydar.  Two knowing the Mindset of the Gods of Sennadar if Phandebass opened one they cound a would arange for the gate to take the travilers to another place and depending on the God It might be the Abyss.

Re: Gating Question

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 4:20 am
by canisd
Here's something that just poped into my head...  Miranda is there because she is the only one who can cast the spell to get everyone to the Astral but that was assuming that they party would be able to get to the Astral.  The One of the other world seems that he could block there access to the Astral by the spell in the same manner that the god is doing possibly to the souls of the missing sorcerors.

Therefore if that is true then the only way for the party to get back is via a portal.

Which leaves me thinking that when the party started out the only way for them to return was using the spell that [glow=red,0,0]only Miranda[/glow] could cast on the other world to get them to the Astral and thus to the only open gate to Sennadar but now with the possibility of the Astral cut off the only way would be by Wizard magic to open a gate to Sennadar which requires the goddess to get the permission, or do something else, to allow the gate.