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Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:45 pm
by Ric
A couple of questions about the Shaeram.Where do they come from? Are they created by the Goddest or her sorceriers? Are They magical items? and can any Sorcerier create one or can only the weavespinners and if so how did they get shaerams befor Tarrin was passed over? ?Are they personalised to each sorcericer and what happens to them when a sorcerier dies?  I know that some of them are left after the death of a soecerier but do they all remain . I know that they can be made from different materials ( we know of the black steel?? of Tarrin`s,the Silver one Alie Wears as well as the ivory one that kirria wears and I seem to recall mention of a gold one in passing)But I`m curious about what the majority of them are made of .And are there materials that you can`t make one of.

Re: Shaerams????

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 4:53 am
by Journeywoman
At a guess, I would say the sorcerers make them because if you think about it, what are sorcerers? There the priest's of Niami. And what can all priests do? Create the symbol of their Godess.