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If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 11:24 am
by MommyDoom
Who would you like to see play the main characters?  I've really been struggling with this lately, but let's all put our heads together and come up with the perfect cast (main characters only or we'll be here for a year doing this).  It'll keep us busy till Fel has time to rewrite the next chapter...

Tarrin - David Boreanaz? Wish he was blonde... but he's a pretty big guy...
Triana - to me, this will be the hardest character to cast

Allia - ?? (Sure wish Halle Berry was taller, her as Storm really made me think of Allia)
(no WAY we can cast Binter and Sisska)

Dar - Tom Welling (Smallville, Judging Amy)
Azakar - Michael Clarke Duncan (Green Mile, Armageddon - I know he's a little old for the part)
Camara Tal

Did I leave anybody out?  What say ye, Sennadar fans?  Can you fill in the blanks?  I wish I had more time to fill out all the blanks, but work calls.  


Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 9:52 pm
by Wildcat
Actually, if it were made into a movie, I'd rather see it as an anime or computer-generated. All the special effects would have to be done on the comp anyway, especially the werecats and such. Having had several experiences with bad mixes of live and computer, I'd just prefer to see it come out looking good. *grins*

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:28 am
by Forbidder
Man, Pixar would do the perfect job, and they only accept good stories before they even consider animating it.  The Firestaff book would be a great story.  Fel, you should contact Pixar and see if they would be willing to make this into a movie.  I would love to see it as a movie, man I would even pay to see it in a theater instead of waiting for the video to come out.

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:29 am
by Forbidder
Oh and if we were animating it, we would need a voice cast, any ideas?  I'm bad with names and famous people.  Lol.

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:35 am
by Ric
how about Robin Williams for Phandebrass

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 5:32 am
by goblin214
When I think of Tarrins voice I always get a picture of Ron Perlman the actor who played Vincent (the beast) on the 80's tv show Beauty and the Beast

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 12:46 pm
by MommyDoom
Okay, so we've changed it to anime... which makes it all that much easier for me...  FILL IN THE BLANKS, PEOPLE!   ;D

Tarrin - Ron Perlman, George Clooney,
Jesmind - Shirley McLaine (just bitchy enough to do it)
Kimmie -
Mist -
Triana - Olympia Dukakis?
Jasana -

Allia - Halle Berry
Kerri -
Miranda -
Binter - James Earl Jones
Sisska -
Saphire - That chick that played Ursula the Seawitch in The Little Mermaid... what was her name... Pat Carroll

Dar - Tom Welling (Smallville, Judging Amy)
Azakar - Michael Clarke Duncan (Green Mile, Armageddon)
Dolanna - Susan Sarandon
Faalken - Robin Williams
Ulger -
Camara Tal - Grace Jones (even physically, she would have been GREAT)
Sarraya - Julie Roberts (never quite got over her Tinkerbell, I think)
Phandebrass - Robin Williams


Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 4:02 pm
by riduan
George Clooney! no way!
I think i made a better Tarrin than him.... about Learnado Di Caprio or David Beckham (if ever he consider of switching to acting)

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 6:49 pm
by MommyDoom
riduan wrote:George Clooney! no way!
I think i made a better Tarrin than him.... about Learnado Di Caprio or David Beckham (if ever he consider of switching to acting)
Not George Clooney the MAN you dope... his VOICE. We're talking anime' now.  Easier this way, anyway...


Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 4:41 am
by Journeywoman
How about John Rhys-Davies, he'd be good for a knight, maybe Ulger.

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 5:23 am
by Forbidder
How about Patrick Stewart?  He has a good voice, but I don't know what role he would fit in.

Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 7:41 am

I have more adult oriented characters in mind here than the youngsters. Keeping in mind that many of the characters keep their youth.

Patrick Stewart would make a good Lord Night General. Voice or action.

I fully approve of Robin Williams for Phandebrass. And yes it's fully understandable to reunite Julia Roberts With Robin Williams to again be a sassy sprite as Sarraya. But to be honest I see Robin Williams doing Haley. And Tom Hanks doing Panderbrass. Those two playing off each other could be good stuff.

I vote for Amy Yasbeck, The former Mrs John Ritter for Jesmind. She's a fabulous redhead and accomplished actress who could pull it off. Or Julianne Moore.

Jassana how about Alicia Witt.

Tarrin is my problem, I have a very distinct non actor voice in my head. And I dont know who could play the part to my acceptance level and satisfaction.

Kimmie how about Rene Zelwegger

Mist Emily Proctor, compact curvaceous power..

Kimmie's Twins the Olsen twins.

Triana, Sheesh who knows I could see Dukakis in as Saphire not Triana. I will try and come back to this. If only we had a Maureen O'Hara today. ok  I came back, as much as I dislike her an actress that could probably do it is Susan Sarandon.

George clooney is more the Eron Kael, Elke should be Elizabeth Mitchell.

Catherine Zeta-Jones would be a good Tiika.

Allia, not Halle Berry, She might make one of Tiika's daughters though, along with Susan Ward and Allison Hannigan. I think more a sleek and blonder Shannon Elizabeth for Allia.

Kerri, Kate Beckinsale.

James Earl Jones as Binter works for me as a voice, and Sisska's voice could be Debra Mooney the actress who plays the ex army nurse and grandmother on Everwood.

As long as we are on occasion reprising a role then Mira Sorvino should play the Goddess.

Michael Clarke Duncan as either a Binter or Azakar is a good idea.

It may seem strange but Dar has always been a Matthew Broderick type to me.

Dolanna is Gail O'Grady to me.

Faalken Should be a younger Clint Eastwood could still be voice.

Ulger is a mystery.

Camara Tal is not Grace Jones but Shannon Doherty. And her queenly Mother is Catherine Bell.

My other Choices for Azakar are all in the NFL.

I always pictured Tarrins little sister as a Michelle Tractenberg as a girl and a Jennifer Connelly as an adult.

There are lots of other actresses as were cat supporting cast. From Geena Davis, Wynnona Rider, Tara Reid, to Jessica Beil and Jennifer Love Hewitt.

I guess the girls are easier as I pay more attention to them.

But there's a few more for your all star cast MD. Put away your spoon I'm bigger than you are!...LOL


Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 11:37 am
by MommyDoom
journeywoman wrote:How about John Rhys-Davies, he'd be good for a knight, maybe Ulger.
Ooooooo!  I like!  I like!  I'll put him down for Ulger for now, but he'd have to really stretch to play that kind of fool..


Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 12:35 am
by MommyDoom
To Miser:

OH MY GOD.  I don't even know half of those people... though I'm kinda confused.  Are you casting voices or the actual PEOPLE?


Re: If Sennadar were made into a movie...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:27 am
by Wildcat
Both, looks like. *grins* I don't know most of them either, but I'd object to the Olsen twins in general, because I don't think they'd make good voice actors, and I hate their acting in movies. *shrugs* But that's just me.