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Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 2:10 am
by MommyDoom
Hey, I logged on to MIRC tonight... but I don't think I'm doing something right.  I got into the Sennadar channel and GreyMist and Spec were there... but nobody was talking and I couldn't get anyone to talk to me.  Am I missing some key information or does everybody on there just despise me?   :P  I was just trying to find out if anyone could post a good link to chapter 6.



Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:17 am
by Greymist
Hehe, I got on about 3 minutes after you left, infact so did CanisD sorry you missed us ;)

Oh, btw, I've posted doc and rtf versions of the chapter in the other thread


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 5:02 am
by canisd
You will find that most of us who tend to be on the irc channel dont talk much until a topic pops up, then its hard to keep them quiet, thus it could be hours before some people actually respond


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 8:18 am
by Weresmilodon
The best thing is to just minimize mIRC, and wait for some lifesigns. It helps if you have sounds enabled.


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 10:49 am
by Spec8472
mommydoom wrote:I got into the Sennadar channel and GreyMist and Spec were there... but nobody was talking and I couldn't get anyone to talk to me. Am I missing some key information or does everybody on there just despise me? :P

Yes. ;)

But seriously...
I've got a 24x7 connection to the 'net. So I dont bother shutting any of my PCs down, thus I stay logged into IRC whilever the PCs are online.

So, it's nothing personal -- but you'll just have to excuse me if you don't get a response to a message sent to me at lunchtime, whilst i'm at work :) (australian eastern daylight savings time -- GMT+11)  


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:20 pm
by MommyDoom
spec8472 wrote:
So, it's nothing personal -- but you'll just have to excuse me if you don't get a response to a message sent to me at lunchtime, whilst i'm at work :) (australian eastern daylight savings time -- GMT+11)
Ok, but you actually got the message I sent?  I'm just trying to make sure I'm doin it right.  he he he.



Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:34 pm
by Spec8472
mommydoom wrote: Ok, but you actually got the message I sent?
You mean these ones?

(Private Message)
[13:06] <MommyDoom> hello?
[13:33] -MommyDoom- hello?

(Channel #sennadar)
[13:05] * Joins: MommyDoom (
[13:06] <MommyDoom> hello?
[13:06] <MommyDoom> am I doing this right?
[13:08] * MommyDoom slaps Spec8472 around a bit with a large trout
[13:08] <MommyDoom> Well, I give up.  
[13:08] <MommyDoom> I guess I'll post a message on the board
[13:09] * Parts: MommyDoom (
[13:23] * Joins: MommyDoom (
[13:59] * Quits: MommyDoom ( (Quit: )

I guess so :)

But yeah, you're doing the right thing...  tis just us Aussies and Kiwis arn't around at "sane" hours there, unless we stay up late, and vice-versa...


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 2:54 pm
by MommyDoom
Hilarious.  Well I guess I was making contact after all!  I've had my FelFix now anyway... just had to wait till this morning for a good link to the chapter.  

What a hoot.



Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 7:31 pm
by Wildcat
Ah, it's nice to know the reason why the channel is so quiet. I've gone in a few times but it's just been dead.  I HAD known some of you were in different time zones, but I didn't realize how far off they were.


Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:20 am
by Lochar
OK, how do I set it up to be able to recieve files?  i wanna be able to post the new stories!!!


Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 8:40 pm
by Xel
You'll have to change your DCC settings. I don't know exactly how Fel sends it, but in most cases I believe you would have to change your DCC On-Send settings to auto-get. You can change the settings by clicking DCC on the toolbar then settings and it should be right there.

Thanks for doing all this by the way Lochar. If you ever need help working on the site or anything just message me and I'll help if I can.

Merry Chistmas Everyone,



Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 9:14 pm
by Lochar
OK, I'm set to get Fel's updates now.   Update soon then Fel. :-)