Please don't hurt me

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Please don't hurt me

Post by Feanuonn »

As you can see, I'm new. Found the Firestaff saga via a link placed in the fan forum of anouther web-writer. I now can't decide if I love or despise the individual who placed that story recommendation. I had completely lost myself in "Firestaff" and moved onto the Pyrosian epic all the while dreaming at night of what Tarrin was going to do next. Now I find myself dangling from the cliff of chapter 8 and wondering when 9 will show up to save me.
So....on to my newbie question... is there a regular plan of posting to the chapters (ie: every 3rd tues or some such) or do they just show up as Fel creates them? I only ask so I know how far to let my junkie-like checking of this board go before it just gets silly.
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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by Greymist »

We're fine with the junkie-like checking, there is no silly. :p

The chapters just come out as Fel creates them, there is almost a schedule but its sometimes broken depending on what Fel has to do irl or if he feels the need to rewrite parts of a the chapter. :)
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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by Weresmilodon »

feanuonn wrote:I only ask so I know how far to let my junkie-like checking of this board go before it just gets silly.
greymist wrote:We're fine with the junkie-like checking, there is no silly. :P
Yeah, it just brings you a bit further into the comunity (if that is what it should be called...). At least some of us check several times per day. (I check some 20 times or so...)
"I'm a male. Males are supposed to act tough."
Tarrin, Chapter 29, The Questing Game.
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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by Tylhandras »

And I thought checking twice a day was bad.  I now stand corrected.

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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by MISER »

Howdy All

Speaking of numbers, the master board said there were 666 posts prior to this one. so I put this here just to change THAT number. Hope you are all having a good weekend. I am rereading the Riftwar series after we got to chatting about it recently. Good stuff....

As Spicoli or Wayne, or somebody woulda said it.... read on dudes........

Have a good day or night or something.
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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by Hallmist »

Also speaking of numbers, we've got 99 loyal Fel readers.  That's right, there are 99 members of this forum.

Who wants to be #100?  (or recruit member 100?)

Keep up the good work Fel!
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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by Spec8472 »

guardian_mike wrote: At least some of us check several times per day. (I check some 20 times or so...)
Ahh. so YOU'RE the one running up the bandwidth bill! ;) (j/k)

More stat's for ya...

January (to date)
Data received 103.70 MB (25 MB allowance)
Data sent 661.52 MB (75 MB allowance)
(it's a "soft" allowance, but yeah, I do need to get a host with a higher limit)

Oh, and uhm -- maybe a special something for member #100?  (I dunno what yet)
Last edited by Spec8472 on Mon Jan 26, 2004 6:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by Spec8472 »

feanuonn wrote:As you can see, I'm new. Found the Firestaff saga via a link placed in the fan forum of anouther web-writer. I now can't decide if I love or despise the individual who placed that story recommendation.
Mmmm, Fresh Meat! -- Wait, I mean, uhh... Welcome to the Fold!  
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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by breaker »

miser wrote:Howdy All
I am rereading the Riftwar series
me im rereading the dragon star novels by melanie rawn

read dark tower V: the wolf of calla where stephin king does a crossover with quite a few of his own books.....

Feist is awesome have you seen his new series set in the same world........long live Pug to bad Macros is dead
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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by Rockson »

This is in response to someone thinking tha Macros is dead in the Riftwar.... (it has been ages (more than a year  ;D) since I last read those books) but if my memory serves me right there was no confirmation that he was actually dead.  His servent (the name escapes me) just indicated that he could no longer "feel" Macros which either meant he was dead or "beyond time and space" (or something along those lines).  I for one (knowing how difficult Feist has made it to kill any of his "MAIN" characters) believe that Macros is out there, just in case Feist wants to write another saga.

Of course that is just my opinion  ;D

By the way, Miser, you say that you are reading Dark Tower V... WHERE did you find it?!?!?!  I have been dieing to read that!

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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by MISER »


Nope thats Breaker reading the King book, and I would suggest searching barnes and noble dot com or e-bay.

Have a good day or night or something.
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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by Uncle_Rand »

If you really want to know what happened to Macros, let me know here and I will tell you. Otherwise, read Shadow of a Dark Queen by Feist, if you would rather read it for yourself.

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Re: Please don't hurt me

Post by Texfire »

Another web-junkie here.  Someone posted the link to Uncle Rand's site on another yahoo group I'm part of.  Fortunately I am now finished with Firestaff as well as up to date on Pyrosia.  Now I can pull my other projects off the back burner.  :)

I have really enjoyed this series.  It is an epic tale in the same vein as the Wheel of Time or Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, but the teeth nashing and self-doubt of Tarrin didn't annoy me like those other protagonists, but instead endeared him to me.  A throughly enjoyable read.  Fel really should consider conventional publication, I think his writing is better than many authors I have paid to read.

Ps- I don't know who the 100th member was but I'm 106. :)