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Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:59 am
by tardyboy
Well I feel that the Oracle just by its name is a way to predict the possible future paths using present choices. This is how the Syndicate knew when to fight with great forces to win certain important battles or spend only a small force when it was not critical to winning the war. This is is going to make it very difficult to defeat them for Jason and I think the answer will come from the Parri.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:46 am
by Belgarion213
I agree there. The question is, is the Oracle some kind of technology that can predict the future, or some kind of being who just pings the device when they use their psi power's to find a problem. From what Fel mentioned in Part 4 (and the response thread), Id say it was the latter. Still percentage based optimisation is interesting. I didn't expect that kind of future reading but damn is it powerful.

Glad to see that Jason had the forethought of building in safeguards on his Bionic unit, because that had been bugging me.

An awesome chapter, and more Perri is always going to be fun. Also the talk of the prime beach property has me half thinking that the Perri are goign to claim it and Jason's going to have to listen to the cries of anguish which amuses me.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:53 am
by kyli
tardyboy wrote:Well I feel that the Oracle just by its name is a way to predict the possible future paths using present choices. This is how the Syndicate knew when to fight with great forces to win certain important battles or spend only a small force when it was not critical to winning the war. This is is going to make it very difficult to defeat them for Jason and I think the answer will come from the Parri.
It was basically confirmed in the chapter 4 spoiler thread that the Syndicate has access to precogs. But, one thing I don't know is how a precog could use his ability while in hyperspace, and presumably in stasis, unless the syndicate have some way to keep him conscious. Maybe the syndicate have something like the cyberjack on a small scale or something.
And 77% chance of syndicate "mission success" (whatever the "mission" might be) is a bit generous, I'd say. I guess if their mission is to get new tech or just a military probing action, I could see it, but if the mission is to secure the galaxy, then I say they don't stand a chance. But I think Fel might have a few more evil surprises cooking in his lab for us to digest and turn the tide of war.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:11 pm
When I saw it was refered to as a "system", and given that we know its a psionic ability, what came to mind was something like the cylon basestar hybrid, or Minority report interconected group of psionics. A new way of connecting talent to a machine. A psionic senses a change, and it can send the warning so the commanders react, through the computer. This would allow the ship, with its crew in stasis, or semistasis for the oracle boys, to cruise with some supervision.

And the 77% chance of success, well, there is only so long that they can see into the future, or if they do, their scope must be limited, so you basically plant something that can have an effect once it's too late to stop it, like a slow going poison, by the time you see it, it's too late to do anything about it.

We'll see what happens when they push out.

On another note, when the Syndicate wanted the diplomatic delgation to head to the planet they have surrounded with their monumental armada, I couldn't help but think "C'mon!". Who would agree to that if they didn't have bionoids? Do the andromedans think so little of the guys that wiped out the consortium?

I just hope they really stack explosives on top bombs in the ships they are sending.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:18 pm
by calista241
I wonder if they have their own form of Biogenics that they use in this Oracle system. I wonder if it'll let them detect KMS / Kimdori technology remotely.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:04 am
by kyli
TLGG wrote:On another note, when the Syndicate wanted the diplomatic delgation to head to the planet they have surrounded with their monumental armada, I couldn't help but think "C'mon!". Who would agree to that if they didn't have bionoids? Do the andromedans think so little of the guys that wiped out the consortium?
I agreed with you when I first read it ---- for about 2 seconds. Then I realized that the Syndicate would not hesitate to send puppy diplomats to the slaughter if they thought they could get more information and profit from it, and they might assume that that's all the Confederation is sending.

And about sending Imxi ships. I think we can safely assume that the syndicate suspects that the Confederation is more advanced then the syndicate. What else can they think, when their potential enemies open real time communication channels so quickly and from so far away. I would send a dozen military escort ships along with the scout ship and diplomats, armed to the teeth with Torsion weapons and only Torsion weapons. The syndicate won't see Torsion weapons as strange since they are very advanced weapons, but they will also dismiss them since they have the diffusers and will, by extension, underestimate the Confederation if they think they only use Torsion weapons. That's just the reaction I would want from them, I think.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:14 am
by expedient
I have a feeling that something unexpected is going to happen to Jason when his link to the bionoid body is disrupted.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:34 pm
by lapland
Could a Kimdori communicate to the host of a bionoid? If so one can act as the pet of Jason's bionoid. As a pet it could brush up against everyone they come across to access their minds and relay that info directly to Jason.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:15 pm
by kyli
expedient wrote:I have a feeling that something unexpected is going to happen to Jason when his link to the bionoid body is disrupted.
you aren't the only one with that feeling.
lapland wrote:Could a Kimdori communicate to the host of a bionoid? If so one can act as the pet of Jason's bionoid. As a pet it could brush up against everyone they come across to access their minds and relay that info directly to Jason.
Jason would not allow that since the bionoid will literally be a walking bomb. but i think there are already kimdori on the planet and i'm sure they will have a chance to infiltrate the syndicate before the meeting.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:51 pm
Is m hoping that one day earth will have Oye trees growing there, with Parri Parri living there. Oye is a firm confederation favorite, I can see the ambassAdors giving the Syndicate some fruit as a gift.

If they have some kind of precog tech, imagine what the Karrines could do with it. The only issue is that if it requires someone with an element of precog. We know it is very rare, but iwonder how many are descended from one or have a negligible talent for it. We always suspected how a race with a lower tech level defeated the consortium with their energy being leaders using their abilities against them. They were desperate for the secrets of generations after all. They must have believed it to be an advantage somehow.

The thing is if they wait before launching thier invasion, they can go on a major charm offensive. Potentially getting access to the academy, it is open to all sorts of races that are not even part of the confederation. Lot at the open tech membership offers, it would be very valuable asset to get.
If the war has not officially started, would his plans to strike at the andromeda galaxcy need to be held back?

Will stealth ships also get real space FTL? That way they can quickly reposition as needed. The third FTL system offers unique defensive abilities, so if it can be partially integrated into their translight drive, it might not increase speed but make ships safer. This third system is a kind of catapult, I wonder if a drive form could be made.
If there is a biogenic crystal in the robot body, can it use telepathy or not?

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:50 am
by MartinK
lapland wrote:Could a Kimdori communicate to the host of a bionoid? If so one can act as the pet of Jason's bionoid. As a pet it could brush up against everyone they come across to access their minds and relay that info directly to Jason.
Way too obvious, it's like saying something is going on. You send your diplomats team that is trained to notice all sorts of small, easily overlooked body language clues, actions and reactions. Nothing they'll do will be purely on a whim. And they happen to take a pet to the meeting, on a whim? That thought leads me to consider taking a real pet with them, one you won't miss when its gone. Play a few mind games and expect deep discussions on the enemies part on whyever you took a supposedly loved pet with you. Perhaps it happens to touch a body protection field and dies of at the beginning, giving you emotional capital for the inevitable haggling later on.

But a Kimdori as a pet is way too obvious, you want to keep them a deep, hidden secret. If it occurs to the bad guys even just once that there might be a form changing species to protect against, you suddenly start having a lot more problems.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:47 am
The kimdori have a collar version of the interface, so they could share the info directly.

I wonder if the shamans would travel to terraforming projects like Venus or Mars.

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:45 pm
by Belgarion213
I doubt it. They only went around the Imperium to stop the energy beings spying on the Imperium during the war effort. Otherwise they are ONLY on their home world and Karis, and people were stunned when they learned that Karis could support the Oyre tree's (or however they are spelled).

Re: Conviction, chapter 5 (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:48 am
I wonder if all command ships will get a central computer like COMA. While not Cybi, they are a huge advantage. They would not only run the ship, but fleets.

I thought that since the Parri Parri came to Karis to heal the spirit of the planet, so they might be willing to aid terraforming projects making them living planets. It could be seen as helping a world spirit be born or brought into the universe. And they might consider a tree on earth, as that is where the confederation is based. Since their fruit is highly prized by all vegetable consuming members, they might be willing to set up there. I could see a multi race commune being made around the trees on earth. I could see it being an epic addition to the academy as well.