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ID4 2 Movie.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:07 am
by Hearly
Ok the New spaceship from the trailers as I haven't seen it yet, is big enough to pull an entire city into the air and then make it fall back down as it passes..

Now if something like that came near Earth, wouldn't it just Either pull or push the Earth towards the Sun? Hope they explain why it doesn't seem to, or how just landing in the Atlantic (the whole Atlantic) doesn't just crack and destroy the Earth from just that..

Re: ID4 2 Movie.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 5:40 am
by dragn982
The trailer I saw showed the new mothership from orbit literally covering a quarter of the world. I'm not sure if that was just perspective or if it's really that stupid big. Emphasis on stupid.

Even if they do handwave its gravitational effects, that ship would have to displace a massive volume of atmosphere. I don't even want to think about the nasty consequences of that.

Re: ID4 2 Movie.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:01 pm
by hikuk
I think that attacking Earth with a ship this big is just stupid. Anyone who could build a ship this big and capable of traveling such a vast distance for such a brief period of time could do anything they need without our planet.

Re: ID4 2 Movie.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:01 pm
by MartinK
hikuk wrote:I think that attacking Earth with a ship this big is just stupid. Anyone who could build a ship this big and capable of traveling such a vast distance for such a brief period of time could do anything they need without our planet.
Aliens are by definition thinking differently than we do. Perhaps they might have been attacked in the past and since then been busy eliminating all other races that might one day threaten them. Or they are very territorial and see Earth as part of their territory. Perhaps their first visit was just the whims of a young child exploring the galaxy and their deaths have provoked a thirst for revenge. Heck, they might even want human pets. ;-) Even thinking in human terms alone I can come up with plenty of reasons why WE would not leave another world of aliens alone. Anyone here believing that humans would be capable of leaving alien life or alien worlds alone if we had the ability to go there?

Re: ID4 2 Movie.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:14 am
by Wicketklown001
If I remember correctly from the first movie, they want life sustaining planets for the resources. With ships that large they must have a huge population and consume resources like crazy so I can see why they need planets like ours.

They sent one of their normal ships and it got destroyed so now they send in the big guns to show the primitives (who must have gotten lucky last time) who's boss.

Re: ID4 2 Movie.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:40 am
by MartinK
Wicketklown001 wrote:If I remember correctly from the first movie, they want life sustaining planets for the resources. With ships that large they must have a huge population and consume resources like crazy so I can see why they need planets like ours.

They sent one of their normal ships and it got destroyed so now they send in the big guns to show the primitives (who must have gotten lucky last time) who's boss.
Realistically speaking, the resources on a living planet like Earth are split into two categories. One is the question of living things, you need to either eat plants or animals, perhaps even both. You also might use grown things like wood to build. Everything that grows can be grown again and is essentially unlimited given enough time and good plant management or animal husbandry.

On the other side of the coin, we have solid resources. We routinely dug up metal ores and other materials out of the ground. We use these to build stuff. And while they aren't endless, we can only scratch the surface of our world without grave or even fatal consequences for the growing type of resources.

With a high enough technology, any civilization is capable of building artificial environments to grow stuff. Of course, a planet is pretty much already there and there is no need to spend time and money to build it, just clean up the natives. ;)

But if you are already in space, as far as material resources goes, you get a lot more out of the countless numbers of rocks flying around out there. You can destroy them all you want without risking another source of resources. Heck, you might even find solar systems less stable than ours and get your hands on a planetary core without the trouble of digging it up. At the center of Earth there is supposedly a solid core of metal several orders of magnitude bigger than anything we poor little natives managed to scratch out of the ground since we started doing so. Well, looking at what the bad guy aliens in ID4 were using to get here, they probably did find one of those core thingies. Or had a whole lot of asteroids and plenty of time to work on them.

I wonder when we will ever get into space and actually mine our metals from out there.

Re: ID4 2 Movie.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:22 pm
by hikuk
Wicketklown001 wrote:If I remember correctly from the first movie, they want life sustaining planets for the resources. With ships that large they must have a huge population and consume resources like crazy so I can see why they need planets like ours.

They sent one of their normal ships and it got destroyed so now they send in the big guns to show the primitives (who must have gotten lucky last time) who's boss.

As I said if they could build such a massive and at the same time fast ship then they can build a Dyson sphere and energy to matter transfering device like Fel's replicators and as the one above me wrote its easier(if you have the technology shown in the movie ofc :) ) to gather solid resources from asteroids, comets and the like.