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Christmas story update.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:10 pm
by Fel
It's fairly clear to me now that I'm not going to finish by Christmas. This planned 30 page story just sorta exploded on me, I guess because I just can't seem to write "short" stories.

So, here's the plan:

--I'm going to find a good place to break the story and release what I have as chapter 1 either very late on Christmas Eve or early Christmas morning MY TIME.

--I will then finish the rest of the story before going back to what I was doing, which I hope won't take too long. I'm coming close to finishing this, it's just not going to happen by Friday.

I've actually had fun writing this, more than I expected. I got to show some of the things Tarrin deals with now that he's in the Universe Defense Special Forces (joke), how he's changed in the ten years since the end of Demon's Bane (though for him it's been MUCH longer), and I even paid a little homage to Christmas tales like A Christmas Carol with this story (you'll see when you read it).

When I finish this story, I'll go back to regularly scheduled programming.

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:45 pm
by Nate
I'm glad you had fun writing it. I look forward to a return to the Sennadar universe even if it's brief.


Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:26 pm
by MartinK
Fel wrote:I guess because I just can't seem to write "short" stories.
That is certainly one of the best characteristics an author can have in my opinion. :-)

Love serials, endure singles, dislike novella, hate and detest short stories and books of short stories. Bah!

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:29 pm
by Eurasier
Now I am look forward to Christmas!
To hear how it goes with Jasana, Jesmind, Kimmie,,,,. I'm sure Triana still runs everything. To see if Dolanna has got children - and how they look! And what has happened with Keritamina, Miranda and especially Allia. And hear about the latest pranks from Sarraya and Phandebrass and and and
No wonder the 30 pages limit doesn't fit - it's OK to stretch the limit to 300 pages (for the first chapter:-))
Merry Christmas, everyone, when its allowed to be said according to your tradition and time-zone:-)

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:55 am
by MartinK
Eurasier wrote:And what has happened with Keritamina, Miranda and ...
You seem to have missed a return to Sennadar! I seem to remember a way-too-short story that happened quite a few years after the books in which a wolfgirl, the granddaughter of Dolanna incidently, visited the king of wikuna, and was send to look up Keritamina. Be careful, it's quite a sad story, so perhaps go find and read it after christmas. Don't worry, it was still quite nice and in line with the books, just... sad.

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:20 am
by Fel
Eurasier wrote:Now I am look forward to Christmas!
To hear how it goes with Jasana, Jesmind, Kimmie,,,,. I'm sure Triana still runs everything. To see if Dolanna has got children - and how they look! And what has happened with Keritamina, Miranda and especially Allia. And hear about the latest pranks from Sarraya and Phandebrass and and and
No wonder the 30 pages limit doesn't fit - it's OK to stretch the limit to 300 pages (for the first chapter:-))
Merry Christmas, everyone, when its allowed to be said according to your tradition and time-zone:-)
Hate to tell you this, but the story doesn't take place on Sennadar. It follows Tarrin on one of his missions out in the multiverse for HIM. You do see some old faces, but given it takes place in another plane of existence, only the very few he calls in to help him with his task.

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:28 am
by kyli
MartinK wrote:
Eurasier wrote:And what has happened with Keritamina, Miranda and ...
You seem to have missed a return to Sennadar! I seem to remember a way-too-short story that happened quite a few years after the books in which a wolfgirl, the granddaughter of Dolanna incidently, visited the king of wikuna, and was send to look up Keritamina. Be careful, it's quite a sad story, so perhaps go find and read it after christmas. Don't worry, it was still quite nice and in line with the books, just... sad.
You are talking about Legacy. I read up on it a bit a while back on forums and I got the impression that Fel had no intention of writing more about it and that the story was sad and incomplete. So I decided to not bother reading it and just think of Demon's bane being the end. I hate reading something that's incomplete and never find out what happenes almost as much as I don't like reading sad stories.

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 8:53 am
by MartinK
kyli wrote:
MartinK wrote:You are talking about Legacy. I read up on it a bit a while back on forums and I got the impression that Fel had no intention of writing more about it and that the story was sad and incomplete. So I decided to not bother reading it and just think of Demon's bane being the end. I hate reading something that's incomplete and never find out what happenes almost as much as I don't like reading sad stories.
I don't remember the feeling of incompletion. It wasn't like there was a villain that had to be defeated. On the other hand, by my definition ALL short stories are essentially incomplete. There really needs to be a book to follow up on Legacy. Indeed! *nod* *nod* ;-)

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:51 pm
by kyli
MartinK wrote: I don't remember the feeling of incompletion. It wasn't like there was a villain that had to be defeated. On the other hand, by my definition ALL short stories are essentially incomplete. There really needs to be a book to follow up on Legacy. Indeed! *nod* *nod* ;-)
Like I said, I never actually read it. I may have gotten the wrong impression. I think I'm going to have to reread all the Tarrin Keal books again. 8) It's been awhile.

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:31 am
I kinda wanted to have that story about a super Druid expanded. They could heal the Selani desert, that waste land between those warring countries, and that location where the god tarrin died. Repairing the wear and tear on a whole planet, and help build upgrades and improvements is a huge job.
From the last book, we know there was some allowed planar travel, so we might see wizards and priests as their magic can work off world.

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 2:49 pm
by boballab
To me the Sennadar story that could be told is the one where Jasana tries to destroy the planet. The GoG was to easily able to get Tarrin's mind off that with a imho very sketchy excuse. Yeah we can all figure out how she was stopped (Eron) but Jasana now knows about his ability to block her magic and she isn't exactly stupid and is very cunning so she wouldn't just let her brother near her to stop her plans.

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:09 am
by Fawks
Shouldn't Task be in the Sennadar section (even though its not 'ON' Sennadar just like Pyrosian Chronicles was not 'on' Sennadar(mostly))?

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:06 am
by Phantom
Fawks wrote:Shouldn't Task be in the Sennadar section (even though its not 'ON' Sennadar just like Pyrosian Chronicles was not 'on' Sennadar(mostly))?
I agree .............As Tarrin is Sennadar. :D

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:49 pm
by bjeane
Any idea about when the second half will be out?

Re: Christmas story update.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:58 pm
by Greymist
bjeane wrote:Any idea about when the second half will be out?
Never, Fel just wrote the first half to make us start craving after Tarrin and the Sennadar universe again, now he's going to stop writing in that Universe forever. Muhahaha :(