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Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:26 pm
by postal
Is A-SPACE going to do any more writing on this story??????????? Nothing since July 2014! :( & :?


Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:53 pm
by wetnomad
A-SPACE? The author is GBLW. His own site is at where any news, if there is some, will be found. Nothing's been posted in a while, as you say and he's not posted much else either. Hope this helps.


Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:57 pm
by gnume
news is more likely to be posted on his yahoo group :


Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:47 pm
Thor's Child has been on break for a while - first I was establishing a website - then I ran into a health problem - next a series of deaths amongst my friends and family - after that there was a period of time when the building I was in had the windows and other essentials revamped, that required a full shuffle of all my belongings away from all outside walls - then the hot weather arrived. I can't seem to concentrate when I'm hot and sweaty - I don't know why?

I do have a version of the next chapter partially complete as a first draft, but I'm not happy with it and when my editor read it, she said: "Holy crap - are you sure you want to take it THERE???" I didn't know what to say, so I've temporarily set it aside - I'll reread it . . . again, but I just might have to toss that chapter and start over.

So all I can ask is that you be patient - eventually I'll come up with something that will put across the feelings I want to convey without offending as many people as the present wording of the chapter might do.

K Pelle aka GBLW

PS: Just so you know, I'm involved 'behind the scenes' with Canadian Politics and as of this morning a Federal election was officially announced - that will be taking some of my time from now until Oct 19 - 78 days from now.