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Ominous silence.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:18 pm
by Fel
Yes, I know I've been very quiet the last few weeks. If you don't follow me on twitter, then you might not know why.

Every summer, my mother comes up from Florida and spends a month or so up here in West Virginia. When she does so, I curtail most other activities so I can spend time with her. I didn't play much Warcraft, didn't write much, about the only thing I managed was the occasional tweet. I think I only turned on this brand new computer maybe like 10 times in the last 3 weeks or so.

Well, when the tree hit my house, it screwed up our vacation plans to visit my sister in Maine, since I was going to pay for most of that trip. However, once my vacation started and we finished all the other stuff, we realized that since the damage to the house wasn't as bad as we feared, we had just enough money to make the trip if we pooled our assets, and we still had some time to actually enjoy ourselves up there. So, the next day, we jump in the car, drive 18 hours, spend 4 days up there, and drive 16 back (had a much smoother return trip), and we do it all on a shoestring budget that just barely got us back home with a half a tank of gas.

For those curious, it's about 950 miles, or about 1520 kilometers, from my house here in WV to my sister's house in Maine.

This morning, my mom up and decides that she's tired and ready to go home, so after driving 16 hours the previous day, she got in her car today and started her 15 hour trip back to Florida. For a 70 year old, that woman has lots of energy, and is much crazier than I am.

So, everything around here will now get back to some semblance of normal. Now that I've gotten all the "just got home" chores done, like laundry and restocking the fridge and mowing since it rained like EVERY DAY here in WV while I was gone and that makes the grass grow like crazy, I'm ready for some good old domestic boredom.

On the writing landscape, I've decided that chapter 13 will be the last chapter of Inception. After I finish it, I'll write another chapter in Fox and the Hawk, then I'll begin the last book of the Walker series, Walker of the Path.

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:42 pm
by zedd
Welcome back :D And thank you for the updates.

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:06 am
by ilox
Hope you have enjoyed your time with your family, it is so important to have loved ones in your life.

Books can wait, we do understand that you have over-riding priorities.

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:00 am
by mjkj
Thanks for keeping us posted, Fel.

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:41 am
by Cougar2k2
Great to hear you enjoyed yourself and could go up to Maine. Your mother does sound crazy but aren't all mothers like that? I know mine surely is. Anywho, after seeing what coming up writing wise I was curious to know what is store for the Kit series? I haven't seen or heard much about it in quite some time. I did a quick search and didn't see anything so I thought I'd ask. Just curious and can't wait to finish reading Inception and the last book of the Walker series. Thanks for the update.

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:37 pm
by Mizriath
Thanks for the updates Fel.... :)

Awww inception is ending.. and well I cannot have it all and wants this series to finish when I can feel that it has a long way to go.

But fox and spirit is a good series too. Well, Jasana is also good well I do not have any issues with any series you write. Cheers.

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:03 am
by Fawks
What?!? A new story with Jasana???? Yippy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:12 am
by mjkj
Though I am looking forward to the Fox and Hawk and Walker updates I wonder what will be the sequel to Inception?

Retaliation? Reparation? Instigation? Incapacitation? Rejection? Repudiation? Annihilation? Disaccommodation? Negotiation? Vindication? Dispensation? Distribution? Allocation? Dissemination? Repartition? Dispersion? Diversification? Diversion? Division? Diffusion? Defension? Defenestration? Condensation? Insertion? Inflection? Inclusion? Deflection? Percolation? Depreciation? Disappreciation? Morcellation? Laceration? Recollection? Prehension? Apprehension? Misapprehension? Reprehension? Pretension? Comprehension? Incomprehension? Continuation? Conversion? Provision? Deprivation? Translation? Radiation? Protection? Partition? Segmentation? Fragmentation? Separation? Submission? Scission? Fractionation? Propagation? Proliferation? Prevarication? Preservation? Diffusion? Circulation? Pervasion? Divulgation? Rendition? Proportioning? Competition? Discrimination? Extradition? Extraction? Assignation? Absorption? Coercion? Compulsion? Prohibition? Necessitation? Dispossession? Expulsion? Eviction? Ejection? Emission? Revocation? Purification? Maybe even Crenellation?

Edit: Oops, sorry I got carried away there...

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:53 pm
Jasana? Guys, I think you're dreaming out loud there. As cool as that would be, I just don't see it reopening. Remember that the concept for the worker series was going to be set in Sennadar, but Fel pulled it.

Oh, thanks for the update Fel!

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:14 pm
by somni
Can't say I'm not disappointed that subjugation will be put on hold for so long. I was hoping that you were on a roll and were going to power through with another book or 2, but I can certainly understand the need for a break now and again. We certainly don't want you burnt out on any of the stories. Think you will ever go back for a bit of Kit again? That was some god stuff there.

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:22 pm
by Wolfee
I too will be sorry to see Subjugation put on hold. My question is when do we go back to Sennadar?

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:36 am
by ramouton
I think in and amongst the various absurd options (defenestration, Really !?!?) presented by mjkj I think mjkj missed a good one, Escalation.

I await all of Fels' works In anticipation.

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:17 am
by somni
I also hear it is bad luck to end a book with 13 chapters. I think you need to bump that to 15 because odds are better then evens. Yup!

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:47 am
by mjkj
ramouton wrote:I think in and amongst the various absurd options (defenestration, Really !?!?) presented by mjkj I think mjkj missed a good one, Escalation.

I await all of Fels' works In anticipation.
True, I missed those two - sorry. Well, I did not claim the list to be either exhaustive or complete. ;)

Re: Ominous silence.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:57 pm
by Orinks
Hi James/Fel,
What is your Twitter? I remember I followed you some years back, but you weren't very active at all so I'm not sure if I unfolowed you because of that or what, but I'd like to follow you again if you're more active, and even if you're not, well, I'llk keep up to date with what you post on there.
Off to catch up on a few stuff, finishing Shadow Walker and the Subjugation series up to Inception.
Then I'll be ready for the new Walker book. also, will you be doing more work on that paranormal series you started CH1 of? I read it recently and I'm interested to see what worlds and adventures this book takes us on.