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In galaxies far far away..

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:03 am
by MartinK

Currently there is a ship on its way from the milky way to the other galaxy where the main thread comes from. It takes several years in hyperspace or a very risky unstable long-distance gate to throw a ship halfway there. There are also several billion galaxies in the universe. I seem to remember a comment somewhere that the Consortium isn't only based in that one galaxy. Am i remembering correctly or do i mix up other stories in this?

Anyway, around the milky way galaxy there are a couple small dwarf galaxies as well as lots of big galaxies. I am not sure which of those is the Consortium home galaxy, but it does not matter. We now know that danger can also come from other galaxies so... shouldn't the inhabitants of the milky way galaxy take steps?

Lets see, i would send one ship each to all galaxies, dwarfish and otherwise, around us that are less than.... say... 10 years hyperspace flight from us. Further away and one can expect them to first visit galaxies closer than ours to them. I would also think about a way to shorten the travel time after the first flight, which means some sort of gate. Of course the first ship flies into an unknown so it should be limited in technology that gets potentially stolen. And its people should be ready to self-destruct. Best to either make sure the average technology in the new galaxy is either too low to be of danger - or just steal one of those ships in that galaxy and send the Karinne ship into a sun. Better safe than sorry.

I remember a gate takes many years to calibrate over the distances that exist between two galaxies. To shorten that, one could place waypoints between them... or simply wait those years since the Syndicate/Consortium thread will keep us busy for years anyway.

One can assume that the Kimdori will be the first and main visitors to neighboring galaxies, so perhaps the first ship should go where few races would look for anything at all, into the high radiation belts common to all galaxies and look there for a suitable world similar to the kimdori homeworld and set up shop there. It would certainly be a secure place for a gate. And perhaps a long term home for new kimdori clans that watch over those galaxies.

Enough food for thoughts, what do others think? Perhaps it already is part of the background story and simply wasn't written in because it wouldn't matter for a long long time?

Re: In galaxies far far away..

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:53 pm
by The Thing
MartinK wrote:And its people should be ready to self-destruct. Best to either make sure the average technology in the new galaxy is either too low to be of danger - or just steal one of those ships in that galaxy and send the Karinne ship into a sun. Better safe than sorry.
Why play with the lives of other people. Why not just send automated ships ? I am pretty sure you dont need Karinne technology to do it. Faey technology is more than enough. Automate the ship, load it with as many probes as it can carry, send it to its destination, launch all the probes around and gather info. I am pretty sure there is some tech in which ONLY data transmission will not take as much time as travelling, whether its in real space or hyper space. Where ever you find data interesting like a living being found (with lower/equal/higher technological development), then based on the threat level decide whether to send living beings there or not.
MartinK wrote:One can assume that the Kimdori will be the first and main visitors to neighbouring galaxies, so perhaps the first ship should go where few races would look for anything at all, into the high radiation belts common to all galaxies and look there for a suitable world similar to the Kimdori home world and set up shop there. It would certainly be a secure place for a gate. And perhaps a long term home for new Kimdori clans that watch over those galaxies.
Interesting and really feasable idea. Will work as long as some other beings elsewhere have not overcome the same disposition.
MartinK wrote:Anyway, around the milky way galaxy there are a couple small dwarf galaxies as well as lots of big galaxies. I am not sure which of those is the Consortium home galaxy, but it does not matter. We now know that danger can also come from other galaxies so... shouldn't the inhabitants of the milky way galaxy take steps?
Assume you own a house :P and its infested with cockroaches. And the city you are living in has a lion population which is out of control. Which method do you think would be right to pursue ? Clean up your house first and then attend to the city's problems or try cleaning up the lions and in the mean time let the cockroaches run amok destroying your house ? In my opinion, I personally would choose to fix the house first. Build a good clean house on the simple logic of having a good defence will help in holding out against stronger offence which you can simply wear down and win against due to attrition. So, I would say, first secure the milky way so that things like what happened with the Imxi will not happen (our own galaxy taking side against us). And by secure I dont mean attack and takeover but rather explore and make allies. They still have not yet completely explored the milky way based on the new findings in the RK sector. So first make sure the whole map of the milky way is done and then take steps to secure your place in the universe.

Re: In galaxies far far away..

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:25 pm
by MartinK
The Thing wrote:Why play with the lives of other people. Why not just send automated ships ? I am pretty sure you dont need Karinne technology to do it. Faey technology is more than enough. Automate the ship, load it with as many probes as it can carry, send it to its destination, launch all the probes around and gather info. I am pretty sure there is some tech in which ONLY data transmission will not take as much time as travelling, whether its in real space or hyper space. Where ever you find data interesting like a living being found (with lower/equal/higher technological development), then based on the threat level decide whether to send living beings there or not.
Every race that achieves space flight is also potentially capable of detecting any type of probe you can think of. Kimdori however are unique. You may find other races which are radiation resistant, but capable of changing your whole being into the race you want to spy on and capable of literally reading your mind in depth at a touch of skin to skin? Highly doubtfull. Perhaps if you are unlucky you will find a race that can change its body, but never the same way as the kimdori do it.

Also, even Faey technology is enough to through any kind of balance anywhere but in their own sector over board if only a single race learns faey technology. Non-Karinne probes shouldn't be that hard to detect, since faey aren't using probes to spy on their neighbours. Much better to trust the Kimdori to do the spying part. They can also hibernate and they live much longer than most other races. I doubt a couple dozen kimdori will do much either way to influence the coming war.

Also, kimdori come with brains in their heads. No need to put huge amounts of people to work on using probes in their thousands and looking through the gathered information. One of the reasons i like the idea of kimdori clans making themselfes a home over there so much. They will naturally steer the races they find to a mostly peaceful balance. And that means you won't have any problems out there. Well, maybe House Karinne could use a few planets in the next galaxy. Their strength lies in diversity after all and who knows how many new races over there they could use.

That reminds me... i wonder how long it will take until the first of the races at home that get real time hyperspace jump technology starts thinking about not just winning against the enemy but conquering their territory. Or just going off to look at other galaxies where no one from back home would bother them. Hmm...
Assume you own a house :P and its infested with cockroaches. And the city you are living in has a lion population which is out of control. Which method do you think would be right to pursue ? Clean up your house first and then attend to the city's problems or try cleaning up the lions and in the mean time let the cockroaches run amok destroying your house ? In my opinion, I personally would choose to fix the house first. Build a good clean house on the simple logic of having a good defence will help in holding out against stronger offence which you can simply wear down and win against due to attrition. So, I would say, first secure the milky way so that things like what happened with the Imxi will not happen (our own galaxy taking side against us). And by secure I dont mean attack and takeover but rather explore and make allies. They still have not yet completely explored the milky way based on the new findings in the RK sector. So first make sure the whole map of the milky way is done and then take steps to secure your place in the universe.
Aaah... a very ... uh... creative way to compare it to. Lets say i much prefer to plan for the future long before it becomes a more pressing problem. After all, killing all lions in front of your house doesn't do anything if there are just going to come more from the sides again. A couple exploration ships as well as a couple dozen kimdori won't be missed and its certainly better to send them now and let them use hyperspace than send them later and have the Denmother use that instable makeshift gate of theirs again.

Also, you would need planetloads of people to spy on all other races in the milky way galaxy. And even that wouldn't stop other races from working with an enemy of yours. As long as you do not take over a race, they will have free will and are of course free to chose to work with an enemy of yours, wherever he might come from. Can't be helped. I would trust in the kimdori again. They want to stop wasteful war and create a balance. To do that, they have to know about every spacefaring race in the galaxy. Acording to the last few chapters they look every few hundred years at races that don't have space flight if something changed and otherwise don't even bother sending one spy there.

Of course, exploration would be my preference for a peaceful and interesting future as well. Even with the coming war, House Karinne has made major process there. But as long as you don't have a gate in other galaxies, exploration and friendmaking there is a bit limited. Again, better to plan for a bright and fascinating future. No need to limit yourself to one galaxy, there are much much larger ones out there. Even the nearest big galaxy, Andromeda, is much larger.

Oh, right, and you need to find all galaxies where those pesky Consortium/Syndicate people have begun their plans for takeover. As long as they are not stopped everywhere that war may become a nightmare which pops up again every decade at least once. Both the consortium as well as the syndicate would never stop fighting against the confederation if only that they would never feel safe anywhere as long as their enemy still exists.

Hm, well, there might be a chance of a peaceful solution with lots of conditions in it for the Consortium. After all, the common citizen likely doesn't know how their military acts when not at home and in plain view of their citizens. The Syndicate of course has to either be completely exterminated... or... hm.. can they even be taken over like the Imxi? Perhaps restricting them to their homeworld may do it. Wouldn't feel right to kill off a race completely.