Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!


Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by riduan »

Chapter 10......

oh man....I got nothing to read right now...I just finished the last of Terry Goodkind downloadable SoT books...

Day 1: without anything to read...and counting up!
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by Lochar »

Give him some time man.
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by riduan »

I just finished the Naked Empire - latest book from SOT series.

I got nothing more to read.....I need you

I need chapter 10.....helpppppppppppppppppppppppp!
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by Lochar »

OK, now I'm starting to agree.
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by Weresmilodon »

Yeah,  it's been 18 days, but it feels much longer than that...

Fel, if you are reading this, do you have any idea of when 10 is finished?
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by Shadowhawk »

There is still the matter with how Mist's shaeram protected her from Demoness inner magic (I think Niami designed it this way, worrying that somebody might want to strike Tarrin thru Mist and Erin). Fel wrote it would be explained soon... no trace of explanation in Chapter 9 (no wondering either, but it could be explained by worring about Tarrin health).
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by Blyker »

Hmm i thought that magic items were magic because they had the possability to tap into the weave. So either she made an item has  a part of the weaves power inside it or we see here how the power from an elder god might get to this world even though i thought thqt wasnt possible without a gate.

Or ofcourse the shaeram in this world is the sign of Tarrin and it was his power that was given to protect her.
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by Shadowhawk »

blyker wrote:Hmm i thought that magic items were magic because they had the possability to tap into the weave. So either she made an item has  a part of the weaves power inside it or we see here how the power from an elder god might get to this world even though i thought thqt wasnt possible without a gate.
I don't think that properly created magic items need contact with the weave. Remember that Tarrtn's shaerem functioned even without the contact with the Weave (in Weave depleted regions, with Weave blocked by Druidic magic, with Weave removed and with Weave tightened to not allow transfer of energy).
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by rick »

If I may offer a few ideas ,1.Niami made the shaerams for tarrins family member just like his which included weaves against mind magic.And conseriting that his children and mates are among the few people that Tarrin couldn`t fight at his best against .I`m sure that the Wise Goddest that Niami is she included weaves that protected against Mind control. 2. way back  in Book two niami told Tarrin that the Shaerams that his family and close Friends(aka the ones that she gave people)where different and indepent of the weave that worked by the power of the wearer .and Sence all werecats has a touch of Druid magic they will work away from the weave .But you ask What about the socerers who are`nt werecats .Remember it is the Sorcerers who create the weave not the otherway they can power the Shaerams without the web.                                  Beside Niami is an Elder Goddess don`t you think she can create something that will work anywhere and any when.
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by Hearly »

I'm wondering if Mist will be able to use Priest Magic? That seems to be where it's heading as she is a Follower of Tarrin.. :P what other reason could there be for Miranda's Look/comment when Mist told her about what the sword did to heal him, and why it took her to Tarrin when it healed him..
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by Lochar »

hearly wrote:and why it took her to Tarrin when it healed him..
Because if Mist and Kimmie wern't there when Tarrin woke up, it'd take all of 10 seconds before he was searching for them, regardless of his condition.  The only reason he hadn't already gone after them most likely is that the sword was able to tell him that at least Mist was OK.
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by Hearly »

"Mist nodded. It was hard not to, since it wouldnt let go of me, she replied. I felt it flood him with power, probably what the One injured. His wings will heal themselves, he just needs time, thats all. It wanted me there to let him know that Im alright.
It did? You are certain of that?
She nodded. It did what it was supposed to do. When Tarrin sensed me, he started actively trying to heal himself.
Miranda gave Mist an oddly curious look, then her eyes widened. Then she turned halfway away from them, crossed her arms beneath her breasts, and looked back towards Mist with a narrow-eyed, very slight, clever little smile. But that faded the instant she looked at Kimmie. She rushed over to the Were-cat, who was laying partially on top of Zyri, and rolled her over. Then she pushed her sleeves up and immediately started chanting in the language of the gods, the medium through which Priest magic operated. "

Now This is a quote from chapter 9, I'm taking it that it sensed her near him because she is a "follower" of him, aka Niami and his relationship type follower..

Also if you look back in Chapter 8, Mists Comments come across almost like a Follower of a god, she will not fail him etc..etc..

Granted it could be different but then why did Miranda give her that reaction?

Just my 2 cents
Last edited by Hearly on Sat Feb 28, 2004 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by riduan »

wait a wait a minute...I thought this topic is about when we can get the chapter 10...I don't care about past chapters...go post them somewhere else...

down here...we either chant "CHAPTER 10...CHAPTER 10..." and so on..or we say "here chapter 10! there you go"
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by negativecow »

well even if i to whant to see and read chapter 10 i furmley belive that to not give it the time it needs will not make it eny beter nor faster coming

(this sead by some one who has to much skool work to have time to have with drawal simtomes )
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Re: Chapter 10: Post it here Fel!

Post by riduan »

negativecow wrote:well even if i to whant to see and read chapter 10 i furmley belive that to not give it the time it needs will not make it eny beter nor faster coming

(this sead by some one who has to much skool work to have time to have with drawal simtomes )

HUH? Other than your words "..chapter 10..", the rest i don't understand. Wat talking you?