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Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:28 am
by Fel
If you follow me on twitter, this shouldn't be a surprise. I do tend to put little mini-updates there when not flirting with movie stars, harassing Spec, or talking about colorful talking ponies with tattoos on their butts.

Deal with it.

Oh, and enjoy.

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:30 am
by woody900
Awesome, thanks Fel.

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:35 am
by Anakha
Thanks for the great story Fel.

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:46 am
by hikuk
Thank you.

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:20 am
by Mizriath
Woot Fel, thanks.
Thank you so much.

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:31 am
by fridgey
Excellent, thanks fel!

Updated EPUB

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:39 am
by TheFanatics
Thanks Fel!!!!

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:58 am
by ramouton
Awesome. Thanks Fel.

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:58 am
by konman
Thanks Fel!!!

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:19 am
by RobJ
Thanks Fel,
after a long day's work this is a very pleasant and unexpected surprise.

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:55 am
by Fawks

Ok, MS.doc and ePub versions of each chapter are up on Weavespinner/Worlds of Fel.

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:57 am
by nicolai
WAHOO!!! Much, much earlier than expected.

Thanks Fel!

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:06 am
by AgCOtter
Thank you very very much. I guess that I will be staying up a little later than I expected. Too bad, so sad. YES!

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:26 am
by ViceMan
Wow I did not expect this for at least another month. thanks very much fel

Re: Inception, chapter 5.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:27 am
by Robin42069
holy crap wasn't looking for something so soon after the 400kb chapter i was just going through my bookmarks looking for new stuff. great job and as always i love your work