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Question about Spyder

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 5:41 pm
by Addicted
How did Spyder survive the breaking?  I seem to recall Tarrin getting a memory from the Weave where someone was saying something about all the sui'kun's hearts bursting.  So why did Spyder not die along with all the other sui'kuns?

I did try to find the answer to this but it seems like it hasn't been asked before.  I'm really sorry if it has.

Re: Question about Spyder

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:01 pm
by J-Man5
It seems to me that she is somewhat outside of the "normal"
scope of things on Sennadar.  She has some powers "loaned" by the elder gods in order to protect the gateway.  Possibly she was busy with gateway issues when the breaking occured?  Or she is somehow outside of time.  Or the influence of the gateway and astral plane gave her strength to live?  

Any other ideas?


Re: Question about Spyder

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:20 pm
by Wildcat
She could've been inside her house, too. That sheild was pretty strong (don't remember exactly how it worked, though. Must look up). And I'd think the gods would protect her (especially Niami) because she's working for them.

Re: Question about Spyder

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:56 pm
by locolobo1999
If I recall correctly she was in the magical void with the shakar that were fleeing the breaking when one of them had a vision of the Breaking before they landed on the island of Shakari

Re: Question about Spyder

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 7:45 pm
by rick
It might also be in part that Spyder like Tarrin and his Daughter  are not a part of the web like the other Sorrciers are .Of Corse when fel replys we may learn it a combanation of all these things  or something none of us thought of

Re: Question about Spyder

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:32 am
by Lochar
It could easily be explained enough that with no weavespinners left, it could have completely killed off magic.  Spyder was spared because she was the oldest and knew the most, and all the Gods wanted to keep magic around. My idea.

Re: Question about Spyder

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 4:36 pm
by negativecow
locolobo1999 wrote:If I recall correctly she was in the magical void with the shakar that were fleeing the breaking when one of them had a vision of the Breaking before they landed on the island of Shakari
i seem to remeber that to

Re: Question about Spyder

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 4:20 pm
by Mark_Reed
If I recall correctly she was in the magical void with the shakar that were fleeing the breaking when one of them had a vision of the Breaking before they landed on the island of Shakari
Okay, I really shouldn't say anything without double checking with the story, but I don't have the time to look it up, so I'll risk being wrong.

As I recall, the Shakar were outside the barrier, trying to get in. Several of them tried, but died in the effort. Finally, Spyder came forward and opened it up. Everyone went through, but when they looked for their mysterious saviour upon reaching the other side, nobody could find her. Some Shakar began to speculate that the ward killed Spyder after all, as a kind of price for breeching it.

I don't think Spyder ever crossed the barrier. She probably just opened it and left.

My guess towards the "how did Spyder live" question echoes rick's answer. Spyder exists outside the normal bounds, just as Tarrin, his daughter, and Faalkan(?) do. Her connection to the weave may be unique or metaphorically different. Didn't Fel say in one of his chapters that a lot of stuff dealing with gods involves metaphor? Perhaps your relationship with the weave is partly metaphoric, since sorceres are all indirectly linked to Niami.

To further the 'Spyder is different' idea, think about this. Each Sui'kun (well, 7 of them anyway) is linked to, or a living symbol of, a different aspect of the weave's magic. Tarrin was told that his birth represented the resurfacing of high order magic. Everyone could use stronger spells again. Fel never mentions it, but doesn't it stand to reason that *Spyder's* 'symbol' of the weave's power is the weave's existance among mortals in the first place? Or something along that line that allows people to connect *to* the weave? Perhaps she didn't die because she was linked to such a vital part of the weave that the weave used some of it's power to save her, even while being ripped to pieces by the stresses of so much magic.

Just some food for thought.

Re: Question about Spyder

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 6:08 pm
by rick
don`t qoate me on this because I`m not sure but wasn`t Spyder Nimi`s first Sui`kun. If So she may respersent  Sorcery itself. Also do you think that "Faalkan" was and avatar or perhaphps the knightly version of a saint ( though st.Faalkan is a scarry thought....LOL)

Re: Question about Spyder

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 12:52 am
by Spec8472
mark_reed wrote:As I recall, the Shakar were outside the barrier, trying to get in. Several of them tried, but died in the effort. Finally, Spyder came forward and opened it up. Everyone went through, but when they looked for their mysterious saviour upon reaching the other side, nobody could find her. Some Shakar began to speculate that the ward killed Spyder after all, as a kind of price for breeching it.

I don't think Spyder ever crossed the barrier. She probably just opened it and left.

I've been re-reading the whole series recently, and this is more or less what's in the book (middle of Book 4 (Shadow Realm) i think).  The Sha'Kar didn't know who it was that opened the hole in the ward, but they believed that she was absorbed into the ward.

Interesting other points too...
rick wrote:Also do you think that "Faalkan" was and avatar or perhaphps the knightly version of a saint ( though st.Faalkan is a scarry thought....LOL)
I don't think so -- I think Faalken was just a friendly, funny guy who happened to be a master swordsman. The only thing out of the ordinary was that he showed up in the battle of suld, when he saved Tarrin's ass from the Maralith (sp?). Although I think that was more of a side-effect of Faalken's capture into the Soultrap... and getting a little revenge, along the lines of Jegojah's revenge on Kravon.