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Island Invasion

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:15 am
SO the Chinese are coming with 400 ships, carrying 100,000 troops. THey have already sent reconnaissance planes to locate the island. A journey said to take about 10 days, while it will take around a month for magic to get fully restored and the cloaking spells replaced. If any soldier makes it to the island, he could potentially lead others back even with the magical protections.
The plan is to cripple the ships to ensure they don't reach the Island, the cargo ships will be targeted to be sank so to provide needed supplies. Military ships will also be taken out, not nuclear ones but the largest diesel engines there. They are helped by the fact the fleet is not moving all at the same speed, they are separate so easier to isolate specific ships.
Will they sink the ships near islands, so the crew has somewhere to go, or simply depend on the fleet picking up survivors? Those ships not sunk, will be stranded with no way to propel them in the water, dependent on the aircraft carrier to receive and distribute supplies from the mainland.
The three dragons best suited to disable the ships are air, water and earth. The air dragons mess with sailor senses, and hide dragon operation using weather magic. Their lightning can be used for open strikes to ship systems, as well as ensure no crew on deck. Water dragons can control the ocean against the fleet, use their abilities to destroy the propeller as well as their breath weapon to hole the ship. Earth dragon claws would rip the hull of a ship like paper. They have to make enough damage to sink a ship but give the crew a chance to get to safety.
While ships wont be destroyed by lightning strikes, are there any vulnerable points that if struck, would really mess with electrical or computer systems? If the fleet is trapped in heavy fog and mist, they would be dependent on their computer systems, so easy to mislead them.

There were 2 magic user groups in china, the emperors guards and that temple order. We know the guards were over thrown, but what about the monks. It makes me wonder about the stories of a city/valley hidden in the mountains, which would be a great place for magicians to hide. They would be the same region as the temples.

Re: Island Invasion

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:38 pm
by AgCOtter
As of chapter 21 the Chinese know the GPS coordinates of the island. In addition we now know that it will take them 16 days to reach the island, but the dragons will have the island cloaked in 14 days. If nothing else the lack of visual sighting will cause some confusion among the troops.
Crippling ships, sinking ships, and other such games are now a second tier concern. Which ever vessel is carrying the nukes will have to be sunk and/or destroyed. I would think that the nuke carrying vessel would be defended heavily, and that the convoy would be moving at such a speed so that all ships were together as happened during WWII in the Atlantic. Submarines would of necessity be out front scouting out the situation and sending back what intelligence they might come up with. I believe that the water dragons will be able to handle this portion of the fleet with few problems. The cans and the cruisers will be running escort in layers around the fleet, and the nuke ship will be in the center of that formation, along with the carriers, fleet colliers(Fleet Replenishment Oilers,) and supply vessels.
To the east of the Malay or Indonesia archipelago is a place called the Philippine Sea. This is the area where the Chinese will be doing the first refueling evolution. They will be ~600 km short of Guam, and so the closest land is straight down, about oh 6,000 m or so, give or take. They should be glad the refuel point is not on the other side of Guam because that's where the water get DEEP! Not that they are aware of the problem as yet.
I don't know but there must be a lot of water dragons because it's going to take a lot of paws to move the sunken ships to a place where those vessels will be safe and available when the salvage effort begins, in addition to taking out the ships initially.
Shangri-La. Interesting idea. In keeping with the idea of the place. Whomever lived there would be almost totally isolated to an even greater than the dragons on the island. Or they know what is going on in the world, and wouldn't want to have anything to do with anybody, including their island kinfolk.
So many ideas, so many ways for the story to go. It will be interesting to see what Fel will conjure up for our edification and enjoyment.

Re: Island Invasion

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:08 am
by hermit-bob
I just wish to point out that the use of thermonuclear devices and attacks on a civilian populace is strictly prohibited by Protocol I of the Geneva Convention. China is both a signatory and has ratified Protocol I, which "outlaw indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations, and destruction of food, water, and other materials needed for survival. Indiscriminate attacks include directly attacking civilian (non-military) targets, but also using technology such as biological weapons, nuclear weapons and land mines, whose scope of destruction cannot be limited."
At this point anything China does in the invasion, without a formal Declaration of War issued through the U.N., would be a war crime, as Draconia has no armed forces for the Chinese to target with attacks.

Re: Island Invasion

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:04 am
by chimeara18
true about the geneva convention but it may be that as dragons are all essentially living weapons of one sort or another, they may be deemed as military personnel by the UN even if china goes ahead with its plans.

Re: Island Invasion

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:38 pm
by hermit-bob
That would take a ruling from the U.N. Security Council, which won't happen, as the U.S.A. is one of the permanent members of, along with China. The only way China could pull off an invasion of Draconia without becoming a rogue nation would be to have a formal declaration of war and wait until after the dragons have a declared uniform for their armed forces. Anything else would be a state sponsored act of terrorism on a global scale. You would be looking at declarations of war from the U.S., Britain, France(I am laughing at this, France hasn't won a battle since Napoleon), Israel, Russia, and certain South American, African, and Middle Eastern States that don't want to become targets for a Global Anti-Terror War Campaign.

The ONLY hope China had was a polite fiction that the weren't invading anywhere, but that ended the instant they released nuclear launch authority. While China has a Massive army and solid Navy, it's Air Force is still one to three generations behind in modern airframes and weapons. That doesn't seem like much, but it is. It's the equivalent of fighting Desert Storm with Vietnam era fighters, the leaps in technology are non-linear and very drastic. While a counter invasion of China in retaliation wouldn't happen(land war, Asia), destruction of infrastructure and military supplies and support would be accomplished, not easily but it is an achievable goal.

Re: Island Invasion

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:50 pm
hermit-bob wrote:That would take a ruling from the U.N. Security Council, which won't happen, as the U.S.A. is one of the permanent members of, along with China. The only way China could pull off an invasion of Draconia without becoming a rogue nation would be to have a formal declaration of war and wait until after the dragons have a declared uniform for their armed forces. Anything else would be a state sponsored act of terrorism on a global scale. You would be looking at declarations of war from the U.S., Britain, France(I am laughing at this, France hasn't won a battle since Napoleon), Israel, Russia, and certain South American, African, and Middle Eastern States that don't want to become targets for a Global Anti-Terror War Campaign.

The ONLY hope China had was a polite fiction that the weren't invading anywhere, but that ended the instant they released nuclear launch authority. While China has a Massive army and solid Navy, it's Air Force is still one to three generations behind in modern airframes and weapons. That doesn't seem like much, but it is. It's the equivalent of fighting Desert Storm with Vietnam era fighters, the leaps in technology are non-linear and very drastic. While a counter invasion of China in retaliation wouldn't happen(land war, Asia), destruction of infrastructure and military supplies and support would be accomplished, not easily but it is an achievable goal.
That would depend on whether Dragons are recognized as sapient or not, because until they are, China can claim they are just dangerous animals.
And about their Air Force - you might want to check out:

Re: Island Invasion

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 3:05 pm
by hermit-bob
As the dragons meet the requirement's for being deemed sapient, I wouldn't imagine them being denied equal protection under the U.N., as the charter doesn't actually protect human's, only nations.

Yes, China has announced their INTENT to purchase 24 Su-35 multi-role jet fighter aircraft from Russia, this is down from the original attempt to purchase 48 back in early 2012. China is STILL in negotiation for the aircraft and Russia hasn't delivered any to them yet. All this comes after the craft was originally designed(back in '95) with the guaranteed sale of 120 airframes to China, which was later revoked because China refused to agree to protect the Russian License(to prevent reverse engineering of the fighter and it's hardware). China has had the INTENT to purchase these fighters since at least the late 90's, and still doesn't have any of them. As I said, the PLAAF and PLN AF are one to three generations behind modern airframes, the next likely "Next Generation" airframe in development by the PRC is still a nearly decade out and the prototype has yet to fly. Russia will have a working "Next Gen" fighter before China get's any "4.5th Gen" fighter(the Su-35). China's current complement of airframes were primarily designed to take down airframes that have been mostly retired from service at this point or have been updated beyond the capabilities of Chinese fighters to compete without prohibitive losses.