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News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:17 pm
by Fel
Firstly, I'll be starting up writing again next week. I've decided to do a few chapters of Earth Bond, up through the Chinese invasion of the island.

Secondly, instead of picking up something else and continuing after I get through that, I'm working on the framework for a new story idea. It'll continue my forays into "modern fantasy," and will admittedly again expand on an idea I brought up in another story...again, Draconian Measures.

Rather than reboot the story from the point of view of the dragons, this one will instead examine the idea of two worlds separated by mystical boundaries, but inexorably tied together.

In this story, Earth and Arcadia exist within the same physical universe, but operate in separate "phases" of reality where time runs at a different a way, the reality of Arcadia vibrates at a different "frequency" and allows two distinct universes to occupy the same physical space without interacting with one another. Time moves faster in our world than it does in Arcadia, where a single year for us is ten years for them. The planet Arcadia orbits ten times slower than ours in relation to Earth's temporal frame, which brings Arcadia into direct contact with our planet once every year, when Earth "laps" Arcadia and passes through it.

Because of the time difference, Arcadians can't survive in our world, they age at an accelerated rate and often die within days from the physical stress this rapid aging places on their bodies. But where they can't survive in our frame, we can survive in theirs. Indeed, a human in Arcadia would live for centuries, because those born into a temporal frame are tied to it even if they're not in it anymore.

The only Arcadians that can survive in our world are called the Shifters. They're half human and half Arcadian, few barely even look human, creatures with ties to both temporal frames that can pass freely between our frame and the Arcadian frame...and they're not exactly friendly to the people of Earth. The governments of the world have been aware of clandestine attacks from the Shifters from Arcadia since the 1600s, and they're trying to put a stop to it.

The plot I'm developing revolves around a young hopeful professional athlete who discovers that his physical gifts aren't just being born with good genes. It turns out that he's the only Earth-born Shifter ever known to exist. He is a Jann, the mortal offspring of human and a Djinn (Djinn from Persian mythology, not Genies as most people think of them), and as such, he has tremendous value to both the governments of our world and to the Arcadians.

Thus far, most of the plot I've outlined is this character (yet to be named) trying to find out who he is, what he is, and why both frightning THINGS that can't possibly exist and jack-booted government commandos are fighting over who takes possession of him.

I think this story has some potential, and I hope to start work on it soon.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:19 pm
by casper2222
interesting storyline

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:44 pm
by sCRuLooSe
I'll miss reading your other stories, but look forward to anything you write. Both Sennadar and Spirit Walker had some self discovery in the wake of events out of the main characters complete control. It will be interesting to see a modern twist on this concept.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:02 pm
by boballab
Fel wrote:In this story, Earth and Arcadia exist within the same physical universe, but operate in separate "phases" of reality where time runs at a different a way, the reality of Arcadia vibrates at a different "frequency" and allows two distinct universes to occupy the same physical space without interacting with one another. Time moves faster in our world than it does in Arcadia, where a single year for us is ten years for them. The planet Arcadia orbits ten times faster than ours, which brings Arcadia into direct contact with our planet every 36 days or so. Because of the time difference, Arcadians can't survive in our world, they age at an accelerated rate and often die within days from the physical stress of it, but we can survive in theirs. Indeed, a human in Arcadia would live for centuries, because those born into a temporal frame are tied to it even if they're not in it anymore.

The only Arcadians that can survive in our world are called the Shifters. They're half human and half Arcadian, few barely even look human, creatures with ties to both temporal frames that can pass freely between our frame and the Arcadian frame...and they're not exactly friendly to the people of Earth. The governments of the world have been aware of clandestine attacks from the Shifters from Arcadia since the 1600s, and they're trying to put a stop to it.

The plot I'm developing revolves around a young hopeful professional athlete who discovers that his physical gifts aren't just being born with good genes. It turns out that he's the only Earth-born Shifter ever known to exist. He is a Jann, the mortal offspring of human and a Djinn (Djinn from Persian mythology, not Genies as most people think of them), and as such, he has tremendous value to both the governments of our world and to the Arcadians.

Thus far, most of the plot I've outlined is this character (yet to be named) trying to find out who he is, what he is, and why both frightning THINGS that can't possibly exist and jack-booted government commandos are fighting over who takes possession of him.

I think this story has some potential, and I hope to start work on it soon.
Fel sounds like a good concept but...

If the Arcadia and Earth occupy the same physical space in the Solar System but out of phase, that means they are both orbiting the Sun at the same distance, that in turn means that time runs faster on Arcadia. That is why 10 years pass in Arcadia for one Earth year because they circle the sun 10 times to our 1. So time can't be faster on Earth and orbit the Sun slower than Arcadia.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:21 pm
boballab wrote:
Fel wrote:In this story, Earth and Arcadia exist within the same physical universe, but operate in separate "phases" of reality where time runs at a different a way, the reality of Arcadia vibrates at a different "frequency" and allows two distinct universes to occupy the same physical space without interacting with one another. Time moves faster in our world than it does in Arcadia, where a single year for us is ten years for them. The planet Arcadia orbits ten times faster than ours, which brings Arcadia into direct contact with our planet every 36 days or so. Because of the time difference, Arcadians can't survive in our world, they age at an accelerated rate and often die within days from the physical stress of it, but we can survive in theirs. Indeed, a human in Arcadia would live for centuries, because those born into a temporal frame are tied to it even if they're not in it anymore.

The only Arcadians that can survive in our world are called the Shifters. They're half human and half Arcadian, few barely even look human, creatures with ties to both temporal frames that can pass freely between our frame and the Arcadian frame...and they're not exactly friendly to the people of Earth. The governments of the world have been aware of clandestine attacks from the Shifters from Arcadia since the 1600s, and they're trying to put a stop to it.

The plot I'm developing revolves around a young hopeful professional athlete who discovers that his physical gifts aren't just being born with good genes. It turns out that he's the only Earth-born Shifter ever known to exist. He is a Jann, the mortal offspring of human and a Djinn (Djinn from Persian mythology, not Genies as most people think of them), and as such, he has tremendous value to both the governments of our world and to the Arcadians.

Thus far, most of the plot I've outlined is this character (yet to be named) trying to find out who he is, what he is, and why both frightning THINGS that can't possibly exist and jack-booted government commandos are fighting over who takes possession of him.

I think this story has some potential, and I hope to start work on it soon.
Fel sounds like a good concept but...

If the Arcadia and Earth occupy the same physical space in the Solar System but out of phase, that means they are both orbiting the Sun at the same distance, that in turn means that time runs faster on Arcadia. That is why 10 years pass in Arcadia for one Earth year because they circle the sun 10 times to our 1. So time can't be faster on Earth and orbit the Sun slower than Arcadia.
Okay, Fel, first off - VERY neat idea! I LOVE IT, but . . . I just played with the math and physics on this for a few minutes and began to get quite confused - lol
(No wonder though, just working out a relative relationship that would allow two separate worlds to operate in an identical orbit yet co-exist and even interact is somewhat questionable. Then too, the actual period of total interaction would be extremely brief - in the order of microseconds if not milliseconds.
From what I was able to see, different physical constants would have to exist in your new worlds, both worlds, because using almost any of the physical constants that exist on earth as we know it today, I can only see one result - can you say VERY BIG BANG?)

Or, you could ignore all that crap and just have fun!

BEST of luck, have fun - looking forward to it!


Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:40 am
by gesit
Love the way you think and dream m8
Please do go on,


Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:11 am
by Fel
boballab wrote: If the Arcadia and Earth occupy the same physical space in the Solar System but out of phase, that means they are both orbiting the Sun at the same distance, that in turn means that time runs faster on Arcadia. That is why 10 years pass in Arcadia for one Earth year because they circle the sun 10 times to our 1. So time can't be faster on Earth and orbit the Sun slower than Arcadia.
I wrote down what I had in mind wrong, lol. I wrote it backwards.

I was trying to come up with a viable theory why the Shifters can't just move back and forth between the worlds at will, forcing them to only be able to move between worlds at set intervals and specific times that can be predicted, mainly to use it as a plot device. The idea that the two planets orbit at different speeds due to the time difference made sense, but I got twisted up because originally my idea was for Arcadia to be the "fast" frame and our world the "slow" frame. That won't work given the plot devices I have in mind for the story. Arcadia has to be the "slow" frame for it to work. If Arcadia is the "fast" frame, then yeah, the two planets intersecting every 36 days would work.

So, yes, to make it make actual sense, Arcadia orbits ten times SLOWER than Earth in relation to Earth's temporal frame, and the two planets only intersect once a year, when Earth "laps" Arcadia and passes through it. It's that one day that the Shifters can move back and forth between temporal frames, and when it's over, the Shifter is stuck on whichever world he happens to be on when this conjunction ends.

EDIT: and I'll edit the original post to fix this error, so more people don't point out my dorkinosity.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:55 am
by wyrmking
How about doing something on the equinoxes. Everyone else does something on the solstices. Since an equinox is equal in both day and night, you could do something like day allows passage to Earth while night allows passage to Arcadia.

You could even have it be on a different orbit, say one that is 90 degrees off of Earth's normal orbit and the only two points where the orbits intersect are on the equinoxes.

But reading your last post over again, here is a possibility. Twice a year, on the equinoxes, the two planets are in alignment for 24 hours. Day allows passage to Earth only. Night allows passage to Arcadia. Anywhere on the planet. However, every 36 days, certain points on each planet come close enough to allow transport back and forth. The alignment of the constellations, which ever ones you choose, could dictate which points are accessible on which dates. Since the two planets share the same sky, they could also share the same constellations even if they have different names.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:57 am
by Fawks
Wouldn't the worlds intersect every 401.5 days? (non leap yr)? I mean, if both world are traveling around the sun at a 1x and 10x interval, then the slower planet would have traveled around the sun for one tenth of a year before the faster planet catches up to it.

BTW, Fel. I REALLY appreciate your stories. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I actually traveled through West Virgina last fall just so I could tell myself that I saw places that were in Subjugation (Charleston & Huntington). Although, passing through towns on the Interstate in an RV was not the best of ways to see them. ;)

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:10 am
by expedient
wyrmking wrote:How about doing something on the equinoxes. Everyone else does something on the solstices. Since an equinox is equal in both day and night, you could do something like day allows passage to Earth while night allows passage to Arcadia.

You could even have it be on a different orbit, say one that is 90 degrees off of Earth's normal orbit and the only two points where the orbits intersect are on the equinoxes.

But reading your last post over again, here is a possibility. Twice a year, on the equinoxes, the two planets are in alignment for 24 hours. Day allows passage to Earth only. Night allows passage to Arcadia. Anywhere on the planet. However, every 36 days, certain points on each planet come close enough to allow transport back and forth. The alignment of the constellations, which ever ones you choose, could dictate which points are accessible on which dates. Since the two planets share the same sky, they could also share the same constellations even if they have different names.
I like this idea. You could tie in the idea of eternal youth and rebirth from mythology around the Spring Equinox (traveling to Arcadia) and death, ghosts and monsters from the Autumnal Equinox i.e. Hallowe'en/Samhain (mythological creatures coming from Arcadia). Then you would have an existing basis for the history of the link.

I would have the gate/phase-alignment open for only a few hours or even moments and tied to ancient neolithic sites such as cairns, raths, mounds and stone circles. The Earth government agencies not being sure which "gates" are being used, with some even being undiscovered/lost.

The idea of the orbits around the Sun seems too convoluted to me. I think keeping it simple and only partially understood but linked to predictable times if not locations would allow you to hand-wave all the technicalities without detracting from the story. The more you try to lock down the mechanism in this case the more you allow the reader to challenge the "science".

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 4:59 pm
by tardyboy
This is so exciting. Not only the fact that Fel is working on a new story but we get to see a new world built from the start. I love the concept of duel worlds coexisting in the same space. I look forward to seeing your thought process Fel and see how you work through the challenges of such an original idea. The concept is a bit reminiscent of the town of Brigadoon that appears once a century. I think story lines are almost limitless. Thank you Fel

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:57 pm
Fel wrote:
boballab wrote: If the Arcadia and Earth occupy the same physical space in the Solar System but out of phase, that means they are both orbiting the Sun at the same distance, that in turn means that time runs faster on Arcadia. That is why 10 years pass in Arcadia for one Earth year because they circle the sun 10 times to our 1. So time can't be faster on Earth and orbit the Sun slower than Arcadia.
I wrote down what I had in mind wrong, lol. I wrote it backwards.

I was trying to come up with a viable theory why the Shifters can't just move back and forth between the worlds at will, forcing them to only be able to move between worlds at set intervals and specific times that can be predicted, mainly to use it as a plot device. The idea that the two planets orbit at different speeds due to the time difference made sense, but I got twisted up because originally my idea was for Arcadia to be the "fast" frame and our world the "slow" frame. That won't work given the plot devices I have in mind for the story. Arcadia has to be the "slow" frame for it to work. If Arcadia is the "fast" frame, then yeah, the two planets intersecting every 36 days would work.

So, yes, to make it make actual sense, Arcadia orbits ten times SLOWER than Earth in relation to Earth's temporal frame, and the two planets only intersect once a year, when Earth "laps" Arcadia and passes through it. It's that one day that the Shifters can move back and forth between temporal frames, and when it's over, the Shifter is stuck on whichever world he happens to be on when this conjunction ends.

EDIT: and I'll edit the original post to fix this error, so more people don't point out my dorkinosity.
Thanks, and since it will be a relatively slow passage (for Earth), you can use math and physics that aren't TOO wild.

(Hmm, just one little tease of thousands, using a 24 hour (Earth based) clock to measure the 'crossover day,' your travelers from Arcadia would have to be East of their point of Earth entry to return to their home world, especially if they cut times thin on their return.)

LOVE THE CONCEPT! (And thanks, I was having a rough day, so having a neat mental problem to think over is GREAT!)


Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:18 pm
by ramouton
Like the new storyline, and it sounds like it had promise, although i freely admit that i would like to see Draconian Measures finished from where it was. Personally I am dying of curiousity as to what would happen next. Btw am ever so glad you intend to work on Earth Bond nuext, I am in my 4th re-read since I discovered your work in May. Keep up the awesome work. Oh GBLW, when you get the chance, more Thor's Child please, Thanks.

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:07 pm
by Fawks
ramouton wrote:... Btw am ever so glad you intend to work on Earth Bound next, I am in my 4th re-read since I discovered your work in May. . .

Re: News from the world of Fel.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:40 pm
by fortress
I'm looking forward to some more Earth Bond as well, I had just finished another reread of it this week.