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Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 1:59 am
by Wolfee
Excellent Job as always Fel! Is chapter 9 the last chapter in Secession?

Was the explosion of the Moon-based wormhole generator simply the result of playing with unstable tech, of pushing the limits of what one had the skill to do and in the end getting egg on ones face, and while it worked for a while it was bound to go BOOM! Or was there another reason we haven't learned of as yet?

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 6:52 am
by artreus
the kimdori resue fleet would not sit well with me,
proves that they are not really part of the 'alliance', and still play there own game.

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 1:00 pm
Of course the kimdori would do something like that. It's something the karinnes have done too, when they retook the PR sector. If the defense would have been of a different planet, they would have held something back as well.

On a side note, is Justin going to be the first real wolf pilot with an implant?

I can't wait!

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:18 pm
by Wolfee
TLGG wrote:...On a side note, is Justin going to be the first real wolf pilot with an implant?...
Why would you say that? Justin is a telepath, Why would he need a implant? From what we know at the moment it sounds like he just got knocked out cold.

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:23 pm
by ettoren
Quoting the applicable section
"He was in a sickbay on the Aegis at that moment, and initial reports were not good. He had severe brain hemorrhaging
from massive trauma, so heavy a hit he took that it managed to get through his armor and injure his brain.
Taggart may never fly a fighter again, Jason realized grimly. He may not even talk again. An injury like
that, it could leave him a vegetable, the brain destroyed and killing everything that made him who he was.
Faey science could regenerate his brain, but it couldn’t recover whatever memories he’d had that were lost,
and it couldn’t exactly replicate the neural pathways that helped form Taggart’s basic personality, not
unless they had a highly detailed brain scan of Taggart on file. If they had that, they could possibly restore
his basic personality, but all his memories, experiences, his motor skills, they’d all be gone. He’d be like
Rahne had been, a blank slate."
I think it's entirely possible for him to be an implant pilot if his telepathy was damaged but the rest of his memories and pathways were intact

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:36 pm
by Wolfee
Guess I'll have to go back and read it... just not enough hours in the evening.

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:36 pm
Yeah, because of that paragraph. I think Fel is opening the door there so Taggart can have his 15 minutes of reader attention.

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 1:55 am
by TheFanatics
I agree, the Kimdori should be expected to have a reserve fleet. I also would love to know what Wolfee asked.

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 2:55 pm
by mjkj
I just hope those energy beings got destroyed either with the moon or with the fleet...

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 3:35 pm
by Mizriath
Wolfee wrote:Excellent Job as always Fel! Is chapter 9 the last chapter in Secession?
Not the way I see it. Not the typical Fel's end of book with the italic ending words.

I actually half expected at least one big names to be offed. Too nice. :)

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:54 pm
by Wolfee
Mizriath wrote:Not the way I see it. Not the typical Fel's end of book with the italic ending words.

I actually half expected at least one big names to be offed. Too nice. :)
I agree while the loss of ships was heavy...loss of lives lost was better than anyone else experienced. Don't forget that several important admirals are missing, namely the capital ship admirals. So we'll have to see what Fel pulls out of his pocket for the next chapter!

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 5:21 pm
by Fel
Wolfee wrote:Excellent Job as always Fel! Is chapter 9 the last chapter in Secession?

Was the explosion of the Moon-based wormhole generator simply the result of playing with unstable tech, of pushing the limits of what one had the skill to do and in the end getting egg on ones face, and while it worked for a while it was bound to go BOOM! Or was there another reason we haven't learned of as yet?
You're going to be disappointed about the wormhole generator.

I knew it was going to eventually explode, so in the true tradition of untested and unstable tech, I let random chance decide WHEN it blew up. I basically flipped a coin at certain points while writing the battle, and when I got heads three times in a row, it exploded. It was random bad luck that the Consortium had not yet committed those reserves they had behind the gate, or the battle could have been a lot messier.

But more often than not, it's luck that decides a battle, and that luck happened to save the lives of a few major characters that were scripted to die if the battle reached those stages. I let luck be the deciding factor in THIS battle, as it has been in so many others.

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 5:20 am
by J-Man5
Very nice. Almost like rolling a D20 die to see what was going to happen. Thank you Oh Great Wordsmith/Dungeon/Battle Master!

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 6:57 pm
by Wolfee
Yes, Thank you Felmeister!
Mizriath wrote:Not the way I see it. Not the typical Fel's end of book with the italic ending words.

I actually half expected at least one big names to be offed. Too nice. :)
Good call Mizriath... Chapter 10 will be the aftermath... paying the Ferryman.

Re: Secession, Chapter 9 [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 6:45 am
by commandert

I am curious if you had a point in mind where it was going to explode and damn the luck (i.e. if the coins refused to give you the 3 head result)? Would this point have been after all of the consortium ships were blown up anyways? I am just thinking that if you really wanted to provide a nasty result, you could have it explode hours after the battle was over and when the clean-up was underway and some confederation ships were a little too close to the wormhole. (I apologize if this post makes the errant assumption that the good-guys were winning the fight in any situation).

I really do wonder how close to failure the good-guys could have come if that worm-hole didn't explode.